Balance movement and rhythm in the underlying forms is paramount; heart and soul expressed in subtle form.

Thomas has been producing sculptural work to the highest standard for over a decade. He has won the prestigious “Carver of the Year” awards from both the Master Carvers’ Association and the Worshipful Company of Masons. As well as being a highly respected craftsmen, Thomas is also known for his ability to design and create sculptures that are uniquely his own whilst remaining true to his clients’ vision. Creating work to suit any site or context, Thomas has completed various high profile architectural and ornamental sculpture commissions.

Thomas J. Nicholls`s Personal Statement
Whether sculpting clay, carving stone or drawing, Thomas seeks to convey a sense of energy and dynamism in his work.

Sculptures by thomas j nicholls



Thomas first trained at Weymouth College in the traditional techniques of Stonemasonry, Carving and Lettering. This provided him with a solid foundation in the craft. Thomas then went on to gain a Post graduate diploma in Historic Stone Carving at the City and Guilds of London Art school. Based on a very strong portfolio of work, Thomas receives commissions for private clients that vary from ornately carved stone sculptures, Bronze statues and high profile Architectural Carving work. Recent projects include being chosen to form part of a core team of seven talented sculptors who sculpted the Queen`s Diamond Jubillee Royal barge prow sculpture for the Royal Pageant in June 2012. Tom also carved 6 large Victorian style ornate relief panels on Draycott Avenue, Chelsea in 2014 and has recently won a nationwide competition to design and carve an original limestone gargoyle for Ripon Cathedral in North Yorkshire.With over 12 years of experience Thomas has a wealth of experience in designing and producing site specific sculptures and carvings as well as creating a large body of sculptural work in his own distinct style. In 2013 Thomas was awarded the "Carver of the Year" by The Master Carvers Association. A keen artist, Thomas always aims to expand upon his traditional skill base to create highly expressionistic and energetic work for both speculative and commissioned pieces.


Thomas J. Nicholls`s Influences
Renaissance Sculpture and Art
The Futurists
Russian Constructivism

Public Works

March 2015
Ripon Gargoyle competition winner 2015. Carving of an original, functioning Gargoyle to own design on the North Elevation of Ripon Cathedral, North Yorkshire.
Clents: Caroe Architecture

January 2015
Modelled and Carved six large Victorian style brick panels on a new Victorian style Mansion block on Draycott Avenue, Chelsea.
Clents: Bulmers Brick and Tile Company

February 2014
Selected by the Windsor Sculpture Group to design and carve a Grotesque sculpture to be installed at St. Geaorges Chapel Windsor.

Teaching Experience
2013-present Life Drawing Tutor at the Bethnal Green Life drawing group Carving Displays for the Worshipful Company of Masons at the Weald and Downlands Museum


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Foliage Leaves Carvings Sculpture Statues Good Luck sculpture Green Man (and Green Woman)Faces, Busts, Heads, Torsos Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Wall Panel Carved Engraved Cast Moulded Sculpture Statue plaque Carved or Carving sculpture Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Gargoyle Carvings sculptures statues Grotesque sculptures/statues /figurines to order Commission Custom Bespoke sculptures Mask, Wall Hung Faces and Part Heads Sculptures, carvings panels Statues Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Architectural Sculptures Friendship Friends chummyness Amicability Camaraderie Cordility Kindred Spirit Sculpture Human Figurative Sculptures Abstract Plants Fruits Trees Leaves Flowers statues sculptures Floral, Fruit and Plantlife Sculpture Symmetric sculptures/statues/statuettes/ statuary Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Bronze Little or Small sculpture Busts and Heads Sculptures Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Portrait sculptures/Commission or Bespoke or Customised sculptures Contemplative, Restful, Thougtful Sculptures Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Fun Amusing Comic Animals sculptures Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Animal Busts or Heads or Masks or Trophies For Sale or Commission Horse Head or Bust or Mask or Portrait sculpture statuettes statue figurines Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Mounted Heads, Masks, Wall Mounted Busts of Animals African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Beautifully Useful Functional Sculpture Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Athletes Athletics Runners Cyclists Hurdlers Sprinters High Jumpers, Throwers Putters Bicycle Bicyclist Skateboard sculpture statue statuette Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Sculptures of Sport in General Sport sculpture High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Plant Outdoor Outside Garden or Yard sculpture Caricature Sculptures Statues statuettes


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Abstract Face sculpture Carved Face Sculpture Carved Green man Sculptures Carved Green man Statue Face statue Figurative sculpture Figurative statue Floral Green man Statue Floral sculpture Green Man sculpture Green Man statue Mounted Face Sculptures Carved Bespoke Gargoyle sculpture Carved Commission Demon Boss Carved Demon Gargoyle statue Carved Grotesque Gargoyle sculpture Carved Stone Devil Boss Carved Stone Gargoyle sculpture Commission Gargoyle Stone statues Grotesque Gargoyle Stone Carving Bespoke Carved Stone Hands sculptures Bespoke Carved Stone Hands statues Carved Stone Hands Sculpture Carved Stone Hands statue Commission Art Commission Carved Anatomical carving Custom Stone Hands Carving sculpture Custom Stone Hands Carving statue Carved Stone Leaf Art sculpture Carved Stone Traditional Foliage sculpture Contemporary Stone Symmetric Leaves statue Decorative Carved Stone Leaves sculptures Heraldic Leaf Carving Wall statue Stylised Stone Leaf statue Wall Mounted Carved sculpture Bespoke Commission Head statue Bronze Bespoke Woman`s Head statue Bronze Female Portrait Bust statue Commission Bronze Bust sculpture Commission Custom Portrait sculpture Commission Girl`s Head Portrait sculpture Custom Bronze Portrait Bust sculpture Bespoke Portrait Bust sculpture Bespoke Portrait Heads statue Commission Portrait Bust sculpture Commission Portrait Head sculpture Custom Bust Heads Custom Commemorative Custom Commemorative Head sculpture Custom Portrait Bust statue Portrait statue Bespoke Carved Stone Gargoyle carving Carved limestone Gargoyle sculpture carving of Gargoyle Commission Stone Gargoyle carvings Custom Gargoyle Carved statue Gargoyle statue Imaginative Gargoyle Commission carving Replacement Gargoyle stone statues Carved Horse Head Statue Horse Head Portrait statues Little Horse Bust sculpture pet Portrait sculpture small Horse bust statue Stone Horse Bust sculptures Stone Horse Head Carving Wall Mounted Horse Bust statues Wall Mounted Horse Portrait sculpture Bespoke Sculpture for Inside Carved Marble Hippo Sculpture Carved Stone Hippo statues Commission Hippo statues Functional sculptures Kitchen sculpture Little Hippo Stone statuettes Happy Hippo Carving Marble Hippo statues Small Marble Hippo statuette Contemporary Abstract Bicyclists sculpture little Abstract Velodrome sculpture Little Racing Bicyclist statue Little Velodrome Bicyclists statue Small Bicyclists abstract statue Small Modern Racing Cyclist sculpture Small Velodrome Cyclists sculpture Carved Floral Sculpture Carved Oak Leaves Sculpture Carved Stone Leaves sculpture Decorative Leaves sculpture Decorative Leaves Statue Decorative Oak Leaves Sculpture Decorative Oak Leaves Statue Foliage Relief Statues Leaves Statue Oak Leaves statue Carved Garden Peeping Giant Statues Carved Giant`s Face Sculpture Garden Peeping Giant Sculpture Garden Stone Carved Face Statue Peeping Giant Grotesque Sculpture Peeping Giant Grotesque Statue Stone Carved Gargoyle Sculpture Stone Grotesque Gargoyle