Anima and Animus
Applied Aesthetics
Artist’s Edition.
Association: ACID/A©ID
Finish: Patina
Finish: Verdigris
Hyper Link
Hyper Link
Kinetic sculpture
Medium: Alabaster
Medium: Arabescato marble
Medium: Bateig sandstone
Medium: Bath Stone
Medium: Borriol marble
Medium: Brass
Medium: Bronze
Medium: Carrara marble
Medium: Cement (Winerstone)
Medium: Clipsham limestone
Medium: Clunch
Medium: Cold Cast Marble / Bronze Resin
Medium: Colorado Yule marble
Medium: Crystacal plaster
Medium: GRP
Medium: Hydrocal
Medium: Kilkenny limestone
Medium: Labrador
Medium: Lepine limestone
Medium: Moleanos stone
Medium: Monks Park Limestone
Medium: Petit Granit
Medium: Phosphor bronze
Medium: Plaster (Gypsum Crystacal R)
Medium: Polyphant Stone
Medium: Richemont Stone
Medium: Statuario marble
Medium: Steel (Weathering / Corten)
Medium: Travertin Romano
Medium: Winterstone
Post-nominal: AAEA
Post-nominal: AFAS
Post-nominal: AFC (WNAG)
Post-nominal: AMNS
Post-nominal: ARBS
Post-nominal: ARBSA
Post-nominal: ARCA
Post-nominal: ARIBA
Post-nominal: ARSA
Post-nominal: ARSMA
Post-nominal: Artists Association in Smaland
Post-nominal: ASAF
Post-nominal: ASEA
Post-nominal: ASWA
Post-nominal: ATC
Post-nominal: AWCB
Post-nominal: BA
Post-nominal: BAMM
Post-nominal: BDWCA
Post-nominal: BFA
Post-nominal: BWA
Post-nominal: CAA
Post-nominal: CAAI
Post-nominal: CARCC
Post-nominal: CARFAC
Post-nominal: CPA
Post-nominal: CVO
Post-nominal: DA
Post-nominal: DBS
Post-nominal: DFA
Post-nominal: Dip AD
Post-nominal: DocFA
Post-nominal: FBA
Post-nominal: FCSD
Post-nominal: FLS
Post-nominal: FRBS
Post-nominal: FRIBA
Post-nominal: FRSA
Post-nominal: FSDC
Post-nominal: FWCB
Post-nominal: GradDipFA
Post-nominal: HDFA
Post-nominal: HRSA
Post-nominal: HuVAC
Post-nominal: IGFA
Post-nominal: IPAA
Post-nominal: ISC
Post-nominal: LCSS
Post-nominal: LSDC
Post-nominal: M.Phil
Post-nominal: MA
Post-nominal: MAOE
Post-nominal: MBBS
Post-nominal: MBE
Post-nominal: MCA
Post-nominal: MCSD
Post-nominal: MEd
Post-nominal: MFA
Post-nominal: MFAD
Post-nominal: MIWAS
Post-nominal: MMCA
Post-nominal: MRBS
Post-nominal: MSDC
Post-nominal: MSIAD
Post-nominal: NDD
Post-nominal: NEAC
Post-nominal: NESA
Post-nominal: NSG
Post-nominal: NSS
Post-nominal: PGCE
Post-nominal: PGDipFA
Post-nominal: PhD
Post-nominal: PPRBA
Post-nominal: PPRBS
Post-nominal: PPRIBA
Post-nominal: PPRP
Post-nominal: PPRSMA
Post-nominal: PPRWA
Post-nominal: PRBS
Post-nominal: PSWA
Post-nominal: PVPSWA
Post-nominal: RA
Post-nominal: RAAV
Post-nominal: RBA
Post-nominal: RGI
Post-nominal: RI
Post-nominal: RIBA
Post-nominal: RMS
Post-nominal: ROI
Post-nominal: RP
Post-nominal: RSA
Post-nominal: RSMA
Post-nominal: RSW
Post-nominal: RWA
Post-nominal: RWRHS
Post-nominal: SAA
Post-nominal: SAC
Post-nominal: SBA
Post-nominal: SCA
Post-nominal: SEA
Post-nominal: SEA-Friend
Post-nominal: SFP
Post-nominal: SÍM
Post-nominal: SPS
Post-nominal: SSA
Post-nominal: SSC
Post-nominal: SSS
Post-nominal: Swedish Sculptors` Association
Post-nominal: SWLA
Post-nominal: SWSA
Post-nominal: UA
Post-nominal: UBA
Post-nominal: USWA
Post-nominal: VAS
Post-nominal: VPRBS
Post-nominal: VPRP
Post-nominal: VPRSMA
Post-nominal: VPSWA
This is another way of saying that the piece is only going to have one cast made , as in the case of some comissions, or sometimes in the case of a portrait. More usually it is with a sculpture that is fabricated rather than cast. Simply it is one of one ,a one off, or unique and no more will ever be made.
Anima and Animus
The Anima and Animus, are in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology, the unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality. In the unconscious of the male, it finds expression as a feminine inner personality: anima; equivalently, in the unconscious of the female, it is expressed as a masculine inner personality: animus.
Applied Aesthetics
This refers in technical terms where a sculpture can be used for something useful like somewhere to sit, use as a gate, a door or as a table etc.
Conversley some thing that has a very high design, artistic or architectural element whilst still retaining its usefulness.
An armature is an internal frame or skeleton which supports a modelled sculpture. A typical armature for a small sculpture is made of heavy gauge wire, bent and twisted to form the basic shape. Often the armature is designed to leave one or more pins protruding from the base of the finished sculpture to facilitate attaching it to the plinth.
Artist’s Edition.
This is a term that refers to the extra casting an artist is allowed to make after the stated edition has been sold. It is theoretically for the artists collection, but more generally to be sold because it has been a popular piece.
Traditionally editions are in nines in the Uk and America; France goes to twelve,but the artist has to state what number he is aiming for at the first casting.Unlimited ones don’t have to state this but are sometimes marked in a catalogue or on the piece as unlimited.
An assemblage is a sculpture constructed from found objects. Typically an assemblage does not disguise the original objects used, rather it either tries to show them in a new light, or forms a figurative sculpture from the collection of shapes.
Association: ACID/A©ID
Anti Copying In Design. (http://www.acid.uk.com/)
Carving is one of the oldest sculptural techniques. It is a reductive process; starting with a solid block, the sculptor removes material using chisels and other tools to ‘reveal’ the finished form. Traditional carving materials include stone, especially marble, and fine grained woods.
Casting is a method of producing one or more copies of a sculpture. Typically, the original sculpture is modelled as usual and covered with a moulding material which sets hard when dry. The mould is then separated to release the original sculpture. Once the mould is reassembled, the casting material is poured in to the void and left to set. Traditionally, molten bronze is used as the casting material, but modern alternatives include resin. When the cast sculpture has cooled, or cured, the mould is again separated to release it, and reassembled ready to cast the next copy.
The cast sculpture may then require some finishing work to remove mould lines and other imperfections. The sculptor may also wish to patinate the work to produce the final piece….
Contrapposto is an Italian term meaning ‘counterpoise’ used in the visual arts to describe a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off-axis from the hips and legs. This gives the figure a more dynamic, or alternatively relaxed appearance. It can also encompass the tension as a figure changes from resting on a given leg to walking or running upon it (so-called ponderation).
a sculpted decoration at the top of a gable, spire, or arched structure.
Finish: Patina
Patina is a film on the surface of the sculpture. It can be from weathering or applied by the artist.
Finish: Verdigris
A common name for the colour green. It can be in relation to a patina colour (from brass, copper bronze when exposed ti air for a time) or the colour of the sculptures constituent resin.
Hyper Link
A Hyperlink is a swift connection between 2 or more websites…www.sausmarezmanor.co.uk
Hyper Link
A Hyperlink is a swift connection between 2 or more websites…www.sausmarezmanor.co.uk
Kinetic sculpture
Kinetic sculpture is sculpture which is designed to move. The movement can be driven by interaction with the viewer, or automatically using motors or air currents, as in the case of a mobile.
A maquette is a small scale model for a finished sculpture. It is used to visualise and test shapes and ideas without incurring the cost and effort of producing a full scale sculpture. It is the analogue of the painter’s cartoon or sketch.
For commissioned sculptures, especially monumental public sculptures, a maquette may be used to show the client how the finished work will fit in the proposed site.
Medium: Alabaster
Usually a type of gypsum and usually white in colour. A very soft stone.
Medium: Arabescato marble
Arabescato is a predominately or mainly white Marble from Italy.
Medium: Bateig sandstone
A sandstone from the Bateig region in Spain.
Medium: Bath Stone
Bath Stone is a freestone, one that can be sawn or `squared up` in any direction. Sources mainly from the southwest of England. Warm and honey coloured.
Medium: Borriol marble
A red marble from Borriol (Castellon), Spain.
Medium: Brass
Brass is any alloy of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties. In comparison, bronze is principally an alloy of copper and tin. Despite this distinction, some types of brasses are called bronzes. Brass has a muted yellow color, somewhat similar to gold. It is relatively resistant to tarnishing.
Medium: Bronze
Bronze is a metal alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with tin as the main additive, but sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, or silicon.
Medium: Carrara marble
Carrara is a city in the province of Massa-Carrara (Tuscany, Italy), famous for the white or blue-gray marble quarried there. It is on the Carrione river, some 100 km west-northwest of Florence.
Medium: Cement (Winerstone)
Winterstone is a sculpting medium developed by Sculptor, Lorne P. Winters, for direct modeling of finished sculpture.
Medium: Clipsham limestone
Clipsham is a village well-known for its limestone quarries, located in the county of Rutland in the East Midlands of England. This stone is from the Lincolnshire limestone formation.
Medium: Clunch
Clunch is a traditional building material of chalky limestone rock used mainly in eastern England and Normandy.
Medium: Cold Cast Marble / Bronze Resin
A modern method of casting sculptures in which the casting material is a resin mixed with powdered Bronze, Marble, Limestone, Copper, Iron Aluminium, and any other material mentioned . The finished sculpture has a surface which looks very similar to a traditionally cast bronze or stone etc. Although it tends to be much lighter, it weathers in much the same way as its parent. the price is often considerably different. It depends on the cost of the non resin element. for instance stone and stone resin is about half to a 3rd, while Bronze with its high Copper content can be a difference of 4 times.
There is a wide variety of terms for this mix in different countries, however ‘Cold Cast Bronze’ and ‘Bronze Resin’ are the generally accepted synonyms. If you have any doubt email me on peter@artparks.co.uk
Medium: Colorado Yule marble
Yule Marble is found in the West Elk Mountains of Colorado near the town of Marble, Colorado, USA. It is famous for its uniform pure white consistency.
Medium: Crystacal plaster
A type of medium that is cast, that has high strength and a hard surface. Its main constituent is high purity gypsum mineral.
Medium: GRP
Composite plastic fiberglass-reinforced polyester.
Medium: Hydrocal
Hydrocal is a brandname plaster. A white gypsum cement.
Medium: Kilkenny limestone
A deep blue black to subtle blue grey material.
Suitable for indorrs and outside use. From Kilkenny, Ireland.
Medium: Labrador
Labrador is a type of granite, brown in colour.
Medium: Lepine limestone
Lépine limestone (also known as Lavoux à grain) is a limestone with some shells. It is extracted at the Lépine quarry at Lavoux, 14 km east of Poitiers (Vienne), France. It has a uniform off-white appearance and a fine rounded texture.
Medium: Moleanos stone
A hard natural limestone from central Portugal. Extracted from the region around the town of Moleanos – Aljubarrota.
Medium: Monks Park Limestone
The Monks Park mine is in Wiltshire, UK.
Less durable than stones such as Portland Whit Bed. It is a fine-grained, buff coloured stone.
Medium: Petit Granit
Petit Granit is a black Limestone from Belgium. Also known as Nero Belga or Granit de Flandre. Can be blue or black in colour.
Medium: Phosphor bronze
Phosphor bronze is an alloy of copper with 3.5 to 10% of tin and a significant phosphorus content of up to 1%. The phosphorus is added as deoxidizing agent during melting.
These alloys are notable for their toughness, strength, low coefficient of friction, and fine grain. The phosphorus also improves the fluidity of the molten metal and thereby improves the castability
Medium: Plaster (Gypsum Crystacal R)
Crystacal R used for Displayware, giftware, chess pieces etc, reusable moulds; slower drying in slip moulds and slightly better definition than Herculite No 2, and much-favoured for life-casting work.
Medium: Polyphant Stone
Polyphant is a village situated 5 miles west of the town of Launceston in Cornwall, England, UK. It lies near the convergence of the River Inny and Penpont Water. A variety of Talc, it is a greyish-green potstone flecked with white and brown.
Medium: Richemont Stone
A type of limestone.
Medium: Statuario marble
A statuary marble, white typically polished marble with rare veins. From Carrara, Italy. Also known as White Statuaro, Bianco Statuario, Statuario Carrara and Statuario Extra.
Medium: Steel (Weathering / Corten)
Weathering steel, (best-known under the trademark Corten steel) is a group of steel alloys which were developed to obviate the need for painting, and form a stable rust-like appearance if exposed to the weather for several years. The primary alloying addition in weathering steel is 2% copper.
Medium: Travertin Romano
A beige Travertine from Italy.
Medium: Winterstone
This is a superb new material sculptors are using to make their art. It is a powder to which water is added and which gradually hardens during which time it can be sculpted and maniputlated into any shape and which can have colour added to it at any time during the process.
Once it has hardened it can be carved like any other stone. It can be smoothed, polished and waxed and or coloured. Very versatile.
It can also be soaked into fabric like burlap or hessian to give an interesting and strong weather proof finish. See work by Roger Golden.
Post-nominal: AAEA
The American Academy of Equine Art (http://www.aaea.net/)
Post-nominal: AFAS
Post-nominal: AFC (WNAG)
Post-nominal: AMNS
Archives de la Manufacture Nationale de Sevres (http://manufacturedesevres.culture.gouv.fr/)
Post-nominal: ARBS
Associate of the Royal British Society of Sculptors (http://www.rbs.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: ARBSA
Associate, The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. (http://rbsa.org.uk)
Post-nominal: ARCA
Alumni of the Royal College of Art (http://www.rca.ac.uk/)
Post-nominal: ARIBA
Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (http://www.architecture.com/)
Post-nominal: ARSA
Associate of the Royal Scottish Academician (http://www.royalscottishacademy.org/)
Post-nominal: ARSMA
Associate of the Royal Society of Marine Artists (http://www.rsma-web.co.uk)
Post-nominal: Artists Association in Smaland
Smålands Konstnärsförbund, (Artists association in Småland) Sweden (http://www.smkf.org)
Post-nominal: ASAF
Post-nominal: ASEA
Associate, Society of Equestrian Artists. (http://www.equestrianartists.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: ASWA
Associate of the Society of Women Artists (http://www.society-women-artists.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: ATC
Art Teachers Certificate
Post-nominal: AWCB
Associate, The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths (http://blacksmithscompany.org)
Post-nominal: BA
Bachelor of Arts
Post-nominal: BAMM
British Association for Modern Mosaic (http://bamm.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: BDWCA
Post-nominal: BFA
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Post-nominal: BWA
British Woodcarvers Association (http://www.britishwoodcarversassociation.co.uk)
Post-nominal: CAA
Cambridge Art Association (http://www.cambridgeart.org)
Post-nominal: CAAI
Ceramics Artists Association of Israel (http://www.israel-ceramics.org)
Post-nominal: CARCC
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective (http://www.carcc.ca)
Post-nominal: CARFAC
Canadian Artists’ Representation (Le Front des artistes Canadiens) (http://www.carfac.ca)
Post-nominal: CPA
Professional Member of the Craft Potters Association. (http://www.cpaceramics.co.uk)
Post-nominal: CVO
Commanders of the Royal Victorian Order
Post-nominal: DA
Diploma of Art
Post-nominal: DBS
Dansk Billedhuggersamfundet – The Royal Danish Society of Sculptors. (http://www.skulptur.dk/)
Post-nominal: DFA
Doctor of Fine Arts
Post-nominal: Dip AD
Diploma in Art and Design
Post-nominal: DocFA
Doctor of Fine Arts
Post-nominal: FBA
Federation of British Artists (http://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/fba.html)
Post-nominal: FCSD
Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers. (http://www.csd.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: FLS
Fellow of the Linnean Society of London (http://www.linnean.org/)
Post-nominal: FRBS
Fellow of the Royal British Society of Sculptors (http://www.rbs.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: FRIBA
Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (http://www.architecture.com/)
Post-nominal: FRSA
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (http://www.thersa.org/)
Post-nominal: FSDC
Fellow of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (http://societyofdesignercraftsmen.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: FWCB
Fellow, The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths (http://blacksmithscompany.org)
Post-nominal: GradDipFA
Graduate Diploma in Fine Arts.
Post-nominal: HDFA
Higher Diploma in Fine Art
Post-nominal: HRSA
Honorary Royal Scottish Academician (http://www.royalscottishacademy.org/)
Post-nominal: HuVAC
Hungarian Visual Artists of Canada (http://www.huvac.ca)
Post-nominal: IGFA
International Guild of Figurative Artists (http://www.figureguild.com)
Post-nominal: IPAA
Israeli Professional Artists Association.
Post-nominal: ISC
International Sculpture Center Professional member. (http://www.sculpture.org/)
Post-nominal: LCSS
The Low Countries Sculpture Society, Brussels, Belgium (http://lcsculpture.org)
Post-nominal: LSDC
Licentiate of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (http://societyofdesignercraftsmen.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: M.Phil
Post-nominal: MA
Master of Arts
Post-nominal: MAOE
Post-nominal: MBBS
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Post-nominal: MBE
Member of the Order of the British Empire
Post-nominal: MCA
Post-nominal: MCSD
Member of the Chartered Society of Designers (http://www.csd.org.uk)
Post-nominal: MEd
Master of Education
Post-nominal: MFA
A Master of Fine Arts, sometimes attained after achiving a BFA along with a DipFA
Post-nominal: MFAD
Master of Fine Art & Design
Post-nominal: MIWAS
Marwell International Wildlife Art Society (http://www.miwas.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: MMCA
Member of the Master Carvers Association. (http://www.mastercarvers.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: MRBS
Member of the Royal British Society of Sculptors. (http://rbs.org.uk)
Post-nominal: MSDC
Member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (http://societyofdesignercraftsmen.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: MSIAD
Member of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers
Post-nominal: NDD
National Design Diploma
Post-nominal: NEAC
New English Art Club (http://www.newenglishartclub.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: NESA
The New England Sculptors Association (http://www.nesculptors.com/)
Post-nominal: NSG
National Sculptors’ Guild (http://www.nationalsculptorsguild.com/)
Post-nominal: NSS
Post-nominal: PGCE
Professional Certificate in Education (Teaching qualification)
Post-nominal: PGDipFA
Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts
Post-nominal: PhD
Doctor of Philosophy
Post-nominal: PPRBA
Past President Royal Society of British Artists (http://www.the-rba.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: PPRBS
Past President Royal British Society of Sculptors (http://www.rbs.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: PPRIBA
Past President Royal Institute of British Architects (http://www.architecture.com/)
Post-nominal: PPRP
Past President Royal Society of Portrait Painters (http://www.therp.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: PPRSMA
Past President of the Royal Society of Marine Artists (http://www.rsma-web.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: PPRWA
Past President of the Royal West of England Academy (http://www.rwa.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: PRBS
President Royal British Society of Sculptors (http://www.rbs.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: PSWA
President of the Society of Women Artists (http://www.society-women-artists.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: PVPSWA
Past Vice President, Society of Women Artists (http://www.society-women-artists.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RA
Royal Academicians (http://www.royalacademy.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RAAV
Post-nominal: RBA
Royal Society of British Artists (http://www.the-rba.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RGI
The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts (http://www.rgiscotland.co.uk)
Post-nominal: RI
The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours (http://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/fba.html)
Post-nominal: RIBA
Chartered member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (http://www.architecture.com/)
Post-nominal: RMS
Post-nominal: ROI
Royal Institute of Oil Painters (http://www.theroi.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RP
Royal Society of Portrait Painters (http://www.therp.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: RSA
Royal Scottish Academician (http://www.royalscottishacademy.org/)
Post-nominal: RSMA
Royal Society of Marine Artists (http://www.rsma-web.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: RSW
Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolours (http://www.rsw.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RWA
The Royal West of England Academy (http://www.rwa.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: RWRHS
Post-nominal: SAA
Society of Animal Artists (http://www.societyofanimalartists.com/)
Post-nominal: SAC
Konstnärscentrum – The Swedish Artists’ Centre (http://www.konstnarscentrum.org)
Post-nominal: SBA
Society of Botanical Artists (http://www.soc-botanical-artists.org/)
Post-nominal: SCA
Society of Canadian Artists (http://www.societyofcanadianartists.com)
Post-nominal: SEA
Society of Equestrian Artists (http://www.equestrianartists.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: SEA-Friend
Friend, Society of Equestrian Artists. (http://www.equestrianartists.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: SFP
Society of Floral Painters (http://www.socfp.net/)
Post-nominal: SÍM
Post-nominal: SPS
Society of Portrait Sculptors (http://www.portrait-sculpture.org/)
Post-nominal: SSA
Professional Member of the Society of Scottish Artists. (http://www.s-s-a.org)
Post-nominal: SSC
Sculptors Society of Canada (http://www.cansculpt.org/)
Post-nominal: SSS
Surrey Sculpture Society. (http://www.surreysculpture.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: Swedish Sculptors` Association
Skulptörförbundet – Swedish Sculptors` Association. (http://www.skulptorforbundet.se)
Post-nominal: SWLA
Society of Wildlife Artists (http://www.swla.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: SWSA
South-west Sculptors Association (http://www.swsculptors.co.uk)
Post-nominal: UA
The United Society of Artists (http://www.united-artists.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: UBA
Union of Bulgarian Artists (http://www.sbhart.com/)
Post-nominal: USWA
Ulster Society of Women Artists (http://www.uswa.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: VAS
Visual Arts Scotland (http://www.visualartsscotland.org/)
Post-nominal: VPRBS
Vice President Royal British Society of Sculptors (http://www.rbs.org.uk/)
Post-nominal: VPRP
Vice President Royal Society of Portrait Painters (http://www.therp.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: VPRSMA
Vice President Royal Society of Marine Artists (http://www.rsma-web.co.uk/)
Post-nominal: VPSWA
Vice President, Society of Women Artists (http://www.society-women-artists.org.uk/)
Metalwork hammered into relief from the reverse side.