sandra borges

Mediums Used

Sandra later work is a result form her reflection about human relations. Sometimes looking through the stereotypes and sometimes through the eyes of a individual, it is always about how one personality is form and how one relates to the other and in society.
Working only with Portuguese stone (marbles, limestone and breccia), she also mix it with other media if the idea demands it, mostly materials used in Portugal traditional crafts, like red clay, ceramic, wicker, reed and brass. The result is very personal way to make art objects that link the tradition more contemporary plastic languages.
Work is the way the Brain helps the Body to survive. But Art is the way the Body brings comfort to the Brain.
Sculptures by sandra borges
Degree in Sculpture, by the College of Beaux Arts, Lisbon University.
Professional training period with the International Center of Sculpture, under the supervision of sculptor Mois`s Preto Paulo.,Degree in Sculpture, by the College of Beaux Arts, Lisbon University.
Professional training period with the International Center of Sculpture, under the supervision of sculptor Mois`s Preto Paulo.Exhibitions
2024 - "Eye to Eye", individual exhibition, Bom Sucesso Cultural Center, Alverca do Ribatejo; "Stories and Memories", collective exhibition, Casino do Estoril gallery, Estoril;
2023 - "Encontros e Reencontros", collective exhibition, Casa dos Patudos Museum, Alpiarça, Portugal; "Terra Mater", Casa dos Patudos Museum, Alpiarça, Portugal; "Convergências M", atmosfera m gallery, Montepio Bank, Lisboa, Portugal; "Visível In Visível", Oficina de Cultura, Almada; "Diálogos", collective exhibition, Marquês de Pombal Foundation, Aciprestes Palace, Linda-a-Velha; Biale - International Bienal of Alentejo, Estremoz, Portugal;
2022 - "Convergências Almada - Earth and Air", Oficina de Cultura, Almada, Portugal; "Sítios da Água", collective exhibition, Levada Cultural Center, Tomar, Portugal;
2021 - 4ª Gaia Bienal Art Contest and Exhibition, Gaia, Portugal; "Sítios do Barro II / Places of the Clay II", collective exhibition, Levada Cultural Center, Tomar, Portugal; "Ouve-me, Vê-me, Pensa-me", individual exhibition, Elvino Pereira Cultural Complex, Mação, Portugal; "Convergências Almada - Water and Fire", Oficina de Cultura, Almada, Portugal; 4th Salerno Bienal Contemporary Art, Pallacio Frusccioni, Salerno, Italy;
2020 -"Sítios da Pedra / Places of the Stone", collective exhibition, Levada Cultural Center, Tomar, Portugal; "Convergências IV", collective online exhibition; "Sem Limites / No Limits", collective exhibition, Fórum Maia, Portugal;
2019 -" Artexpo Autumn Rome 2019", collective exhibition, Art Gallery Rome, Rome, Italy; " Os sítios do Barro I / Places of the Clay I", collective exhibition, Levada Cultural Center, Tomar; "Human Nature", individual exhibition, Pirescoxe Castle gallery, Loures; "Retrospective exhibition of 2018" - Orlando Morais gallery, Ericeira;
2018 - " Plastic Arts Exhibition", collective exhibition, Santa Catarina gallery, Lisboa; "Convergências", collective exhibition, Orlando Morais gallery, Ericeira;
2017 - exhibition with Manuela Martinho and Diogo Rosa in the "Convergências" cycle, ArteGraça Gallery, Lisboa; "Pássaro de Fogo e outras estórias / The fire bird and other stories", collective exhibition, Oficina de Cultura, Almada; "Convergências", collective exhibition, MU.SA, Sintra;
2015 - "Discooperio", collective exhibition, Prológica, Carnaxide;
2014 - "Artesanias", individual exhibition, Entroncamento; "State of the Art - Estoril Art Exhibition", Estoril
2013 - "Artesanias", individual exhibition, Malaposta Cultural Center, Odivelas, Portugal;
2012 -"Artesanias", individual exhibition, Turismo gallery, Sintra, Portugal; "Pássaro de Fogo / The Fire Bird" with COR.SETE group, Groupama, Lisbon;
2011 -Atlantic Room, Sta Marta Garden, Ericeira; Le Pas Sage Galery, Saintes, France; "Inword Outword", collective exhibition, Headquarters of the Medical Association, Lisboa;
2010 - "Passiflora", collective exhibition, Pirescoxe Castle, Loures, Portugal; Malaposta Cultural Center, Lisboa, Portugal; Turismo gallery, Sintra, Portugal; "10 ans de Lapidiales", collective exhibition, Port D'Envaux, France
2009 - "Passiflora", collective exhibition, Atlantic Room, Santa Marta Garden, Ericeira, Portugal
2008 - "Exposição Colectiva de Artes Plásticas", Cerco Garden, Mafra, Portugal
2006 - "FBAUL Finalist Exhibition", collective exhibition, Palácio do Marquês, Oeiras, Portugal; "Ausência / Absence", collective exhibition, Espaço J, Barreiro, Portugal;
2005 - "Ausência / Absence", collective exhibition, Abrantes, Portugal;
2004 - "16 Olhares / 16 Views", collective exhibition, FBAUL Cisterna gallery, Lisboa, Portugal; Oleiros Town hall, Portugal; Tavares Proença Júnior Museum, Castelo Branco, Portugal;
2000 - "Mar de Areia / Sand Sea", individual exhibition, Chá no Deserto gallery, Sintra, PortugalAwards
2021 - 2nd prize for Installation, 4th Salerno Bianual Contemporary Art, collective exhibition, Pallacio Frusccione, Salerno, Italy;
Sandra Borges is born in 1979 in Lisbon. She finishes the course of Sculpture in the College of Beaux Arts of Lisbon University in 2006 and her professional period of training in February 2009 with the International Center of Sculpture - Odrinhas, Sintra. Besides her own creations, she works since 2013 as an assistant to other sculptors and from 2018 she is part of the artists group Convergências, promoting national and international artists in Portugal.
"Conversa na Aldeia" - Molianos limestone, Serro Ventoso, Porto de Mós, Portugal
"Human Nature" - ephemeral installation, Grou, Tomar, Portugal, 2017
"Deaf talk" - portuguese marble, Volta do Duche, Sintra, 2016
"Bring a friend along" - Molianos stone, Quinta da Fonte gardens, Loures, 2013
"The Hand" - sculpture made in a quarry wall, inserted on the context of the Les Lapidiales project, Port D`Envaux, France, 2010/2011.