Vitaliy Semenchenko
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A Ukrainian Artist of Considerable Talent, Vitaliy Semenchenko has now been discovered internationally and his ability to switch form the delicate handling of beautiful nude nymphs to the gritty power he incorporates into his wild beasts is remarkable. And it Shows.
Sculptures by Vitaliy Semenchenko

This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
After the Antique Sculptures carvings Statues Celtic Knot Work and Traditional Sculptures Figurative Public Art Sculptures Historical Character statues/sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Military, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines Airmen and Military Equipment Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures sculptures/statues Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine Stylized People Sculptures Warfare Sculpture Statues Yard Outdoor Sculptures Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Statue Sculpture Fantasy sculpture or Statue Figurative Bronze Sculptures Statues Pop Art Sculpture Abstract Animal sculptures Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Affordable Inexpensive Bargain Sculpture Statues Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Blue Sculpture Caricature Sculptures Statues statuettes Contemporary Abstract / Stylised / Minimalist Bird Sculptures Fun Amusing Comic Animals sculptures Fun Amusing People Sculptures Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines American Wildlife Sculpture Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals at Play Sculptures Animals In Flight on the Run Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Asian Animals sculptures or statues European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Hares and Rabbits Sculptures Little Animals Sculpture Small Animal Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Colourful Polychrome Sculpture Multi-Coloured Statues statuettes statuary Dragons sculpture Lucky Sculptures Statues statuettes Steampunk Anachronism Victorian Spaceage sculpture Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Toys Sculpture / statue / statuette / figurine Young Animals including Cubs Calves Kittens Foals Lambs Fawns Pupies Pups Joeys Embryos sculpture Statues statuettes Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Animals Eatimg Feeding Drinking sculpture statues Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Arte Deco style Abstract Stylised Contemporary Modern Sculpture Dogs Sculpture Dogs Small or Little sculpture statue Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Animals Fighting Bronze Carved or Cast sculpture statues Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Arctic & Antarctic Animals / Wildlife sculpture Dogs Wild, Foxes, Wolves, Sculptures / Statues Boats Ships Canoes Dinghies sculptures Yachts statues Marine Maritime Water Sea sculpture statue statuette Phallic sculpture Dog Portrait Sculpture Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Domestic Animal Sculpture Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Horizontal Long Lateral Wide sculpture or statues Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Statues statuettes African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Endangered Animal Species Sculptures