Sculptures by vezpally valeron
Итоги работы Международной Ассоциации VATIKAM за декабрь 2015 года лучшие работы http://vatikam.com/ru/news/76
Валерий Безпалый VALERON Молодой начинающий скульптор, специального образования нет, но есть желание творить и усовершенствоваться. Долгое время работал ювелиром, но со временем понял, что создавать скульптуры это есть мое призвание. Лепкой занимаюсь с детства, работаю с бронзой.

This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Birds Displaying sculpture statue statuette Bronze Little or Small sculpture Chickens Hens Poultry Cocks Cockerels Roosters Chicks Turkeys Farmyard Fowl Domestic Ducks and Geese Domestic Animal Sculpture Farm Yard Sculptures Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Animals at Play Sculptures Stylized Animals Sculptures Sheep, Goats Ewes, Rams, Tups, Lambs, Wether, Sculptures or Statues Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Young Animals including Cubs Calves Kittens Foals Lambs Fawns Pupies Pups Joeys Embryos sculpture Statues statuettes Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animals Fighting Bronze Carved or Cast sculpture statues Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Antelope sculpture Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Chasing & Pursuing Prey sculptures Small Animal Sculptures Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Sign of the Zodiac Animals: Adult with Young African Art Sculpture Statuary