tania ivanova tzanova

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Tania Ivanova usually works in natural materials – stone and wood, collecting the energy of the surrounding world in pieces of sculpture. The live figurative images are characteristic for her creative work, also the deep relation between the harmony and the rhythm in the music and in her sculptures.

I usually work in natural materials – stone and wood, collecting the energy of my mind and the surrounding world in pieces of sculpture. The live figurative images are more interesting for me, also the deep relation between the harmony and the rhythm in the music and in the sculpture.

Sculptures by tania ivanova tzanova



Tania Ivanova was born on 26.04.1956 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
1981 - Graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest in the class of Tamas Vigh professor, specialization Sculpture.
1992 - Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists and International Association of Art (UNESCO).
She works in the field of small plastic forms and monumental sculpture.
Takes part in more international exhibitions and symposia.
Her works are property of art galleries and private collections in Bulgaria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, USA, Brasilia etc.
Since 1993 is Arts teacher in the National Lyceum of Mathematics and Science in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Precolumbian Sculpture, Archaic Greek Sculpture.


Bulgarian Sculpture, Sofia, 1994
Ellertal Aktuel, Bamberg, Aug. 1994
Symposion 1994 Frankishe Strasse der Skulpturen, catalogue, 1994
Ernst Museum "Naturally" Nature and Art in Central Europe, Budapest, 1994
Dante in Bulgaria, Ravenna, 1997
Who is who in Bulgaria, 1998
Encyclopaedia of Visual Arts in Bulgaria, part III, 2006
VII International Stone Sculpture Symposium from Brasilia, 2007
Municipio, Brusque, 30.11.2007.

Public Works

Monumental works:
1988 – Vassil Levski, Kremikovtzi, Bulgaria
1990 - Motherhood, Art gallery, Shoumen, Bulgaria
1994 - Movement, Lohndorf/ Bamberg, Germany
1996 - Monument of Zachary Stoyanov, Sofia, Bulgaria
2005 - Spring, Beli Iskar, Bulgaria
2006 - Monument of Paisiy Hilendarski, Dospey, Bulgaria
2007 - Together, North Venus, Hojer, Denmark
2007 - Dance, International Park of Sculpture, Brusque, Brasilia
2008 - Motherhood, Wood Museum, Oddense, Denmark.
2010 - Dancer, Tonder, Denmark
2010 - Harmony, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina.

Teaching Experience
Arts Teacher in the National Lyceum of Mathematics and Science in Sofia, Bulgaria 1993 - 2014
Public Acquisitions
Collections Art Found of the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia, Bulgaria; Centro Dantesco, Ravenna, Italy; Gerald Deleze, Switzerland; Hugo Voeten, Belgium; International Sculpture Park, Brusque, Brasilia; Ralf Balzersen, Norway; Sculpture Park "Frankish Road of Sculptures", Lohndorf/ Bamberg, Germany; Shoumen City Gallery, Bulgaria; Tallya Art Gallery, Hungary; Wood Museum, Oddense, Denmark.
1979 - IX International Wood Sculpture Symposium; Nagyatad, Hungary 1992 - Symposium "Art Hero"; Ahtopol, Bulgaria 1994 - International Symposium "Frankish Road of Sculptures"; Lohndorf / Bamberg, Germany 2000 - Central European Workshop, Tallya, Hungary 2007 - XV International Wood Sculpture Symposium; Hojer, Denmark 2007 - VII International Stone Sculpture Symposium; Brusque, Brasilia 2008 - International Wood Sculpture Symposium; Oddense, Denmark 2009 - National Exhibition "Centennial of Independence of Bulgaria"; Sofia 2010 - XVIII International Wood Sculpture Symposium; Hojer, Denmark 2010 - II International Sculpture Symposium; San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Carved or Carving sculpture Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Contemporary Abstract / Stylised / Minimalist Bird Sculptures Good Luck sculpture Horse and Rider/Jockey Sculpture/Equestrian Sculptures Horses Heavy / Working Shire, Cart, Plough, Dray, Barge, Horses Sculptures Statues statuettes commissions Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Marble Sculpture Military, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines Airmen and Military Equipment Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Stylized Animals Sculptures Stylized People Sculptures Triumph of Spirit over Adversity sculptures statues statuettes White Sculpture Statues statuettes Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Birds of Prey Raptors Hawks Eagles Falcons Owls Sculptures Children Playing sculptures or statues or statuettes Human Figurative Sculptures Family Groups sculptures Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Mother and Child, the Madonna, mother and children Sculptures Mother and Children Sculptures Parent - Child Sculpture Primitive or Naive style Sculpture or Statuary Angels Profane Fallen Sculptures statues Christian Church Sculptures, Carvings Bas Reliefs Stained Glass and Statues Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Religious Sculpture Carved Wood Sculptures Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Torsos Sculptures or Chests Spiritual sculpture Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Stringed Instruments Composers and Musicians Realistic and Abstract Sculptures Statues statuettes Busts and Heads Sculptures Classical Style Sculptures and statues Dragons sculpture Organic/Abstract Sculpture Portrait sculptures/Commission or Bespoke or Customised sculptures


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Carved Allegorical sculpture Carved Stone sculpture Equine Equestrian sculpture Good and Evil sculpture Indoor Carved Marble sculpture Indoor Figurative statue Man Riding Horse sculpture mythical statue Small Carved White statue Stone Carving statue Bird of Prey & Boy statue Boy & Falcon Marble carving Boy & Falcon statue Boy & Raptor statue Carved marble Boy & Bird sculpture Carved Marble boy sculpture Carved Marble Child statue Carved Marble Falcon sculpture Marble Boy Marble Boy & Bird statue Carved Marble sculptures Carved Mother & Toddler sculptures Carved Stone Mother statues Couples sculptures Marble Baby & Mother statues Marble Mother and Child statue Marble Parent & Child statues Mother Child sculptures Parent & Child sculptures Arch Angel sculptures Arch Angel statues Figurative sculptures Figurative statue Little Angel statue Religious sculptures Religious statues sculpture of Angels small Angel statues small Arch Angel sculpture small Arch Angel statuettes Carved Wood Primitive Style statues Human Torso sculptures Jesus Christ sculpture Our Lord Carved statues Semi-Abstract Jesus Torso sculptures Semi-Abstract Torso sculptures Torso sculpture Wood Carved Jesus sculptures Wood Carving Outdoor statues Carved Family statue Carved Wood Mother & Baby statue Contemporary Mother & Child sculptures Jesus & Mary Wood Carving Mother & Baby Carving Mother & Child statues Mother & Infant sculpture Mother & Infant statues Wood Carved Mother & Child sculpture Carved Girl Violin statues Carved Marble Musician sculptures Carved Stone Violinist statues Female Violinist Garden sculptures Girl & Violin sculptures Girl & Violins sculptures Marble Musical Woman sculptures Music statue sculptures of Musical Women Carved Girl Face statue Carved Stone Bust statues Carved Stone Head sculpture Classical Head sculpture Classical Stone Head statue Contemporary Classical sculpture for Sale Stone Female Head statue Stone Head Garden sculpture Women Portrait statue Abstract Dragon Carving sculptures Abstract Stone Dragon sculpture Carved Stone Dragon sculpture Carved stone Dragon statue Contemporary Dragon statue Contemporary Stone Dragon statues Mythical Carved Stone Dragon sculpture Small Monster sculpture Carved Marble Head statues Carved Portrait of Man Carved Stone Bust Head sculptures commission portrait sculptures Contemporary statues of Men Head of a Man sculptures Marble Portrait of Man sculptures Portrait sculpture of Man