Sara Grace Wevill

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Sara Grace Wevill was born in 1968, originally from Wales and now living in France.
I graduated from the University of the West of England in 1990 with a BA Hons in Ceramics. My tutors included Walter Keeler and Mo Jupp.
After graduating I taught pottery to adults for seven years but only since I arrived in France in 2001 have I pursued my own work seriously.

Originaire du Pays de Galles, naturalisé Française, vit en France depuis 2001
Diplômée en céramique, University of the West of England, BA, Hons
(Equivalent licence avec Mention)
Diplômé en l’Enseignement pédagogique aux adultes et enfants
Adhérant d’Ateliers d’Art de France et l’Association Touterre

Sara Grace Wevill writes….Bringing clay to life is a magic moment in my world

Sculptures by Sara Grace Wevill



Sara Grace Wevill was born in 1968, originally from Wales and now living in France.

She graduated from the University of the West of England in 1990 with a BA Hons in Ceramics. Her tutors included Walter Keeler and Mo Jupp.

After graduating she taught pottery to adults for seven years but only since arriving in France in 2001 she has had the possibility to pursue her own work. She adores strong colours especially blues and turquoises which have become her trademark. Main influences come from Egyptian and Islamic art and particularly Indo-Saracennic- Architecture

She is a member of Ateliers d’Art de France as well as Touterre

Colour and form are an essential part of her work whether it be her famous blues or more practical domestic ware.

Sara also delves into animal sculpture enjoying the challenge of bringing clay to life with her realistic portrayals of animals from cats and dogs through to dragons and frogs!

Recently Sara has also started exploring the world of naked raku and is fascinated by the aspect of chance involved in creating beautiful and unpredictable results.

Sara participates regularly in potters markets throughout France and further afield as well as salons such as Ob’Art in Paris and exhibits in various galleries such as Empreintes Paris

Teaching Experience
Qualified Teacher/ trainer City and Guilds 7307 Adult education teacher


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