robin bell

Mediums Used

Robin Bell went to Italy in 1973 on Sabbatical and never left. Resides in Pietrasanta, the world`s greatest sculptural center.
He perfected his craft in Pietrasanta and developed important, close working relations with local artisans to ensure the highest quality of his creations.
Has been producing commissioned bronzes since 1980 for leading international real estate corporations – worldwide, Creates custom works that pay a great deal of attention to history, setting and the subject matter`s each and every detail.
Sculptures which stand the test of history, time and culture.
Sculptures by robin bell
BA, Trinity College, University of Toronto,BA, Trinity College, University of Toronto
1979 Greenshields Foundation Schoolarship
1977 Ontario Arts Council Aid to Artists
1978 Canada Council Short Term Grant,
Ontario Arts Council Aid to Artists
1979 Excellence in 3D Work, Algoma Arts
Fesstival Assoc.
In 1974 he went to Italy on sabbatical and never left.
Resides in Pietrasanta, the world`s greatest sculptural center.
Perfected his craft in Pietrasanta and developed important, close working with local artisan to ensure the highest possible quality for his Creations.
Since 1980 he has been producing commissioned bronzes for leading international real estate Corporations worldwide.
Custom works that pay a great deal of attention to history, setting, and the subject matter`s each and every detail.
These sculptures stand the test of History.
Robin is a master in bronze, marble and mosaic.