plamen dimitrov

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Plamen Dimitrov is a sculptor with over 15 years experience. His works are mainly handmade woodcarvings in wood or cast in bronze sculptures. He is a master of stylized abstract figurative bronze sculpture and his remarkably low price will not be with us long as his popularity with collectors world wide continues together pace.

Sculptures by plamen dimitrov



Born on 7 december, 1974, married, wife Nika and son Remi.


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Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Abstract Figurative Sculpture Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statuee Abstract Loop or Ring Indoor & Outside sculptures/statues/ statuettes Abstract Minimalist Undersrtated Sculpture Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Amusing Humerous Fun Sculpture Children Playing sculptures or statues or statuettes Circular Round Sculpture Contemporary Abstract Modern Sculpture Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Joyful Happy Fun Loving Sculptures Little Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculpture Little Small Abstract Contemporary Sculpture Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Small /Little Abstract Contemporary sculptures/statues Small Little Abstract Modern Contemporary Sculpture ry Statues statuettes Stylized People Sculptures Abstract Contemporary Couple Sculpture Statue Abstract Woman Female Lady Girl sculpture statue Acrobat Tumbler Gymnast or Gymnastic sculpture/statue/statuette/figurine Bronze Abstrasct MinimalstUnderstated Sculpture Bronze Garden sculpture Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Male Man Sculpture Columnar Pillar Upright Vertical Stele Abstract Contemorary Modern sculpture statue statuary Entertainer Actor Circus Stage Performer sculptures or statues Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Happiness/Joy/Exuberance/Wild Pleasure sculpture Human Figurative Sculptures Sculptures of Sport in General sculptures/statues Understated Minimalist Sculpture Yard Outdoor Sculptures Uncatagorized Fashion sculptures Catwalk Models fashion Garments fashionable women or people Abstract Dance/Dancer sculptures Caricature Sculptures Statues statuettes Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Triumph of Spirit over Adversity sculptures statues statuettes Wild Modern Contemporary Dance or Dancing sculpture Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Little Female Girl Lady Woman sculpture statues Mother and Child Baby Infant sculpture Welcome Happy Return Sanctuary Safe Haven Recption Welcome Home sculpture statue Round Disk, Dish, Flat Circular Ring Shaped Sculptures / Statues statuette statuary Children Child Babies Infants Toddlers Kids sculptures statues statuettes figurines Couples or Group Sculptures Family Groups sculptures Mother and Child, the Madonna, mother and children Sculptures Parent - Child Sculpture Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Birds in Flight, Birds Flying Sculptures or Statues Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Boats Ships Canoes Dinghies sculptures Yachts statues Sailing Sailors Seamen Sailing Boatssculpture statue Sails Spinnakers Jibs Maritime Nautical staues sculptures