Nicola Godden

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Nicola Godden exhibited at The Olympic Village 2012 with `Icarus I`, a life sized bronze figure. Her work is nearly always based on the human figure which is her main interest. She was commissioned to make a bird of prey some years ago, for The Berkeley Group plc, and loved making the wings. The combination of the human figure with wings became a passion. Nicola learnt how to fly in recent years and since then Icarus has become her preoccupation: there are thirteen Icarus figures in the series so far.

I have had over 30 years experience as a sculptor working in plaster and clay for bronze casting.

Over the years I have worked on many site specific public works with property companies and other organisations. My first large commission was the Hammersmith Man figure in 1988 and my most recent was the Icarus sculpture for the Olympic Village in London last year. The bulk of my work has been my private work of various sizes exhibited in galleries in the U.K and Ireland.
My work is nearly always based on the human figure whether in an abstract from or in a realistic way. I have always wanted to work from the human form because of the feelings and emotions it conveys; there is usually a story behind every piece.

My work has changed enormously over time and gone through many phases depending on what has been happening in my life and where the inspiration has come from. For example, during a marriage break up, my work changed from the calm, smooth and serene “Mother and Child” and “Couple” works I had been doing to pieces full of energy and angst which reflected my feelings at that time. There have been many other changes since.

Ideas come from anywhere. They can come from a piece of flint or bone found while out walking or from a dream, mythology or something briefly half seen while travelling somewhere. The “Eve” and “Torse” series of figures began when I picked up a beautiful piece of flint that looked rather like a female torso. I began by making a very small figure hardly bigger than the original stone and then did the series of figures which got larger and larger. I made the original work in plaster as it is possible to create the smoothest of finishes. I enjoy people wanting to touch the finished work.
I work in clay or plaster because it is fast and I like to get the ideas out quickly. I start with a metal supporting armature and use aluminium wire to produce the rough shape I am after and go from there usually adding clay or plaster as fast as I can. I rarely draw before working as I like to keep the spontaneity and get ideas as I work.

Most of my finished work is cast in bronze. Light reflects well off the surface and it can be irresistible to touch. Casting bronze is complex and time consuming and I try to be involved at each stage of the process; this metal is timeless and has its own fascinating history and, of course, should outlive us all.

Over the last few years I have been excited by the mythological figure of Icarus and have produced a series of “Icarus” pieces. These ideas began when I was learning how to fly (in an Ikarus C42) and the combination of man and wings is so compelling that I can`t see an end to this period.

Sculptures by Nicola Godden



Since I was at art college I have been striving to express the human without it shallow, shell like persona and show the essence of what is really underneath it all.


Main influences: Clifford Cundy, sculptor/painter. Michael Ayrton, sculptor/painter. Giacometti and Henry Moore.

Public Works

Public Sculptures
The Peter Scott Memorial sculpture at the WWT wetlands site in Barnes, London.

`Icarus I` at The Olympic Village, London 2012.

`The Guardians` for Nene university, Northampton.

Public Acquisitions
Collections Eric and Jean Cass collection. The Vincent Fergusson collection- 3 bronzes recently auctioned from this collection at Christies. Sotheby`s auction October 2012, Icarus I from The Olympic Village.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Abstract Contemporary Nude sculpture statues Abstract Figurative Sculpture Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Abstract Minimalist Undersrtated Sculpture Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Abstract Woman Female Lady Girl sculpture statue Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Bronze People Figurative Sculpture Carefree Exuberant Soaring Joyful Hopeful Sculpture Statues Columnar Pillar Upright Vertical Stele Abstract Contemorary Modern sculpture statue statuary Contemplative, Restful, Thougtful Sculptures Contemporary Abstract Modern Sculpture Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Little Female Girl Lady Woman sculpture statues Little Small Abstract Contemporary Sculpture Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Small /Little Abstract Contemporary sculptures/statues Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine Stylised Nude statue sculpture statuette ornament Stylized People Sculptures Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Tall Thin Vertical Sculpture Wisdom of Women sculptures statues statuettes Women sculpture statue statuette Abstract Bird Sculpture statue statuette Abstract Contemporary Modern Civic Urban sculpture statue statuary Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Abstract Contemporary Modern Musical Instrument sculpture statue Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Big Outdoor Sculpture statue Bronze Statue Sculpture Figurative Bronze Sculptures Statues Figurative Public Art Sculptures Human Figurative Sculptures Icarus sculptures statues statuettes Legendery Mythical Sculpture Statues Life Size Nude Man Sculpture Lifesize Human Figurative People Sculpture Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Monumental Sculptures Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Nudes/ Male Sculpture Outdoors Garden or Yard sculpture Outside Outdoors Sculptures Statues Outsize, Very Big, Extra Large and Massive Sculptures Realistic Representational Sculpture Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Nude Garden Yard Outdoor Outside sculptures statues Nude sculpture statue statuette Figurine Ornament Poolside Sculptures Abstract Dance/Dancer sculptures Famous People sculptures statues Gods or Goddess, or Deity Sculptures Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Lifelike Nude Girl Female Lady Sculpture Nudes, Female Sculptures Semi Nude / Naked Girls Females Women sculptures Spirit of Dance Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture Yard Outdoor Sculptures Bronze Garden sculpture Heads Busts Sculpture Lady Sculptures Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Stylised Heads/Busts Sculptures Blue Sculpture Colourful Polychrome Sculpture Multi-Coloured Statues statuettes statuary Dryads Nymphs Sprites sculptures or statues Little Small Nude or Naked Girls Women Ladies Females Sculpture Statue statuettes Figurines Maquette For Larger Monumental Massive Big or Large statue or sculpture Painted Coloured Tinted Patinated Enamelled sculptures statues statuettes Sensuous Sexy Erotic (Nude Naked Girls Females Women Ladies) Serene Contemplative Calm Female Woman sculpture Shiny Gleaming Polished Sculptures Statues Statuettes Torsos Chests Females / Women / Girls / Damsels Sculptures Statues statuary Torsos Sculptures or Chests Turquoise Blue Green sculpture After the Antique Sculptures carvings Statues Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Angels Profane Fallen Sculptures statues Aspirational/Inspirational Sculptures or Statues Public Art Sculpture sculptures/statues Life Size Nude Girls Women Ladies Females sculpture statues Pool, Pond, Lake Stream or River Water Feature Sculpture Organic/Abstract Sculpture Earth Mother Gaia sculpture statue statuettes figurines


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Contemporary Minimalist Lady Sculpture Little Abstract Minimalist Female Sculpture Little Contemporary Minimalist Woman Sculpture e Nicola Godden Abstract Female Sculpture Nicola Godden Bronze Contemporary Female Sculpture Nicola Godden Bronze Minimalist girl Sculpture Small Abstract Bronze Female Sculpture Big Bronze Icarus Outdoor Sculpture Large Bronze Icarus Garden Sculpture Nicola Godden Abstract Icarus Sculpture Nicola Godden Bronze Big Icarus Sculpture Nicola Godden Bronze Icarus Sculpture Outsize bronze Icarus Yard Sculpture Sizeable Bronze Icarus Sculpture Bronze Icarus Fallindg Sculpture Bronze Icarus Outdoor Sculpture Bronze Icarus Yard Sculpture Bronzr Life Size Icarus Sculpture Icarus Bronze Garden Sculpture Lifelike Icarus Bronze Sculpture Nicola Godden Icarus Garden Sculpture Nicola GoddenIcarus Garden Sculpture Big bronze Thea Yard sculppture Big Contemporary Goddess Garden Sculpture Sculpture Big Flying Abstract Gddess Sculpture Big Gddess Thea Brone Sculpture Bronze Goddess Thea Sculpture Goddess Thea Abstract Sculpture Large flying Abstract Goddes Sculptures Nicola Godden Abstract Goddess Sculpture Nicola Godden Big Abstract Female Sculpture Nicola Godden Contemporary Goddess Sculpture Nicola Godden Large Abstract Woman Sculpture Nicola Godden Modern Bronze Sculpture Nicola Godden Modern Bronzr Female Sculpture Bronze Abstract Minimalist Head Sculpture Bronze Contemporary Abstract Bust Sculptures bronze Contemporary Abstract Garden sculptures Bronze Contemporary Abstract Yard statues Bronze Contemporary Garden Bust Sculpture Bronze Minimalist Abstract Yard sculpture Bronze Modern Minimalist Head Sculpture Nicola Godden AbstractHead Sculpture Nicola Godden Contemporary Head Sculpture Nicola GoddenModern Minmalist Head Sculpture bust bust sculpture human Human Figurative sculpture Human Figurative statue Nude Female sculpture sculpture of Women torso Bone like Indoor sculpture Contemporary Female sculpture Contemporary Minimalist Sculpture Female Abstract Sculpture Indoor Abstract statue Little Minimalist statue Modern Bronze Indoor statue sculpture from Nature small Abstract bronze sculptures Bronze Icarus Flying statues bronze Icarus sculpture Icarus Flying Sculpture Icarus Garden Sculpture Icarus Soaring Sculptures Icarus Soaring statue Icarus Taking Off sculpture Life size Icarus Statue Life Size Icarus statues Modern Icarus Sculptures Bronze abstract female torso Bronze Minimalist Nude statue Bronze Modern Woman statue Contemporary Minimalist Female bronze Contemporary Modern Lady statuette Little Abstract Girl statue Small Bronze Female sculpture table top bronze Female sculpture