nick mackman

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Nick Mackman is an award winning sculptor of ceramic and bronze animal sculptures. She has been widely exhibited and in 2015 won the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) Wildlife Artist of the Year competition. She was Overall Runner-up and Go Wild Category Winner in 2012 and won the Open Category in 2010.

Most of Nick’s animal sculptures are Raku fired, giving a rich but natural looking crackle glaze. She aims to get under the skin of the animal, giving each animal sculpture its own personality. Many of her subjects are highly endangered and, in depicting them, she seeks to enlighten us to their beauty, humour and tenderness. She lives in Devon, in South West England, with her husband, twins and two dogs.

When making an animal, I first consider the character of the animal, such as the pride and grace of a giraffe, and try to express these qualities in my animal sculptures, through stance, movement and expression.

Some of my animal sculpture subjects are relatively unknown or highly endangered. It is with these animals that I try to bridge the gap in current public perception. I aim to enlighten people to the beauty, humour and tenderness of those animals that are largely seen or represented as purely aggressive, dangerous or ugly. Above all, I hope to convey an appreciation of the individuality of each animal and its intrinsic beauty.

The passion which powers my work has evolved from my awareness, awe and wonder of the amazing diversity and beauty of the animal kingdom and its complex survival structures and systems. I hope that my animal sculptures will encourage understanding and compassion, which in turn will result in a deeper level of enjoyment, respect and admiration for the beauty in the beast.

Sculptures by nick mackman



Nick Mackman is an award winning animal sculptor. She aims to give each animal sculpture its own personality. Many of her subjects are highly endangered and she seeks to enlighten us to their beauty, humour and tenderness. She lives in Devon, England, with her husband, twins and two dogs.


Rembrandt Bugatti
Sally Arnup
Dylan Lewis


Praise for Nick Mackman

"Through the admiration of her work one can enjoy an awareness of the beast and its beauty. Such an ability is only afforded by an artist whose skills are as rare as her subjects."

"Nick Mackman captured the relationship between mother and pup so sympathetically that you could not fail to be drawn to this charming piece."
DAVID SHEPHERD, Wildlife Artist

"It’s as if the artist grasped the mud beneath her feet and conjured up the magic of Africa – here is humour, pathos and personality."
HAZEL SOAN, Wildlife Artist of the Year Judge

Teaching Experience
Sculpture Workshops in schools, art groups, art classes and on safari.
Public Acquisitions
Nick`s animal sculptures have found home with, amongst others, John Cleese, Dame Judi Dench, Chris Packham, David Shepherd and Vicountess Serena Linley. She has been commissioned by British Airways and made the specially commissioned trophies for BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition for 16 years.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Asian Animals sculptures or statues Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Statue Sculpture Dog Portrait Sculpture Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Dogs Sculpture Domestic Animal Sculpture Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Dog Sculpture Little Animals Sculpture Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Realistic Representational Sculpture Bronze Garden sculpture Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Lions and Tigers sculptures statues Animals Fighting Bronze Carved or Cast sculpture statues Antelope sculpture Deer Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Badger, Otter, Beaver, Weasel, Stoat, Pine Martin, Wombat Sculptures Garden Wildlife Sculptures Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Elephants (Pachederms) Sculptures, African, Asian Indian, Sumatran Small Animal Sculptures Fountains, Water Features and Cascades Pool, Pond, Lake Stream or River Water Feature Sculpture Poolside Sculptures Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Dogs Wild, Foxes, Wolves, Sculptures / Statues Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Aligators, Crocodiles, Lizards, Ghekos, Chameleons, Cayman, Mugger Gavial, Iguana sculpture Statues Anteater Pangolin Armadillo Aadvark and other Odd Animals sculpture statue Armadillo and Pangiolin Wildlife sculpture


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Azawakh Hound Hunting Dog Sculpture Azawakh Little Bronze Sculpture Azawakh loping Bronze Sculpture Azawakh Small Bronze Sculpture Bronze Gazehound Sculpture Bronze Saharan Hunting Dog Sculpture Bronze Sighthound Sculpture Hunting Dog on the Go Sculpture Nick Mackman Dog Sculpture Nick MackmanAnimal Sculpture Nick MackmanHound Sculpture Small Bronze Hunting Dog Sculpture Bronze Tiger sculptures Endangered Species Tiger sculpture Little Tiger Indoor statuette Little Tiger sculptures Nick Mackman Endangered Tiger Sculpture Nick Mackman Tiger sculpture Small Bronze Tiger sculpture Table Top Tiger statuette Tiger statues big cat relief sculpture Bronze Lion Face sculpture Bronze Lion Fountain sculpture Bronze Lion Head Statue Bronze Lion statues Life Size Lion Head sculpture Lion Head Fountain sculptures Lion Head Fountain statue Lion Head Water statuette Lion statue Bronze Little Wild Dog Statue Bronze Sitting Wild Dog Statue Bronze Wild Dog Statue Bronze Wild Dog Statuette Bronze Wildlife Little Bronze Wild Dog sculpture Painted Dog Statuette Painted Wolf Statuette Pup sculpture Small Bronze Wild Dog Figurine Aardvark sculpture Ceramic Aardvark statue Ceramic Aardvark statuette Ceramic Little Aardvark statues Little Ceramic Aardvark sculpture Little Ceramic Aardvark statuette Small Aardvark sculptures Small Aardvark statue Small Ceramic Aardvark Figurine Bronze Lion Cub statuette Bronze Little Lion Cub statue Bronze Resting Lion Cub statue Bronze Sitting Lion Cub statue Little Bronze Lion Cub statue Sitting Lion Cub statues Small Bronze Lion Cub Figurine Small Bronze Lion Cub statue Young Lion statue Bronze Little Pangolin Statue Bronze Pangolin Statue Bronze Sitting Pangolin Statue Little Bronze Pangolin sculpture Little Bronze Pangolin Statuette Resting Pangolin statue Sitting Pangolin Statue Small Bronze Pangolin Figurine Small Pangolin statue