Marko Humphrey-Lahti

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Marko originally studied Business Law and pursued a successful career in Marketing and Public Relations with some of Europe`s leading businesses. Whilst Head of PR and Marketing Communications at Orange plc, he personally developed many artistic initiatives including the Orange Prize for Fiction.

Predominantly self-taught, Marko learnt his traditional stone carving techniques on the Mediterranean island of Gozo. Captivated by the islands` rich Neolithic history he was spurred on to study sculpting techniques at the University of Hertfordshire.

Working in a broad range of natural stones, Marko uses the solidity of his materials to map out and explore the realm of emotional experiences and responses. The result is sculpture which moves comfortably between figurative and abstract, bridging the gap between the physical and emotional, in an aesthetically enticing style. He also produces limited edition sculptures from the originals in Foundry Bronze, Aluminium, and composite metal and stone resins.

He is an elected member of the Royal Society of Sculptors.

My inspiration to carve is fuelled by an internal drive to experiment with both shape and form. I am enthused by natural forms, landscapes and facets of human emotions.

Sculptures by Marko Humphrey-Lahti



Marko originally studied Business Law and pursued a successful career in Marketing with some of Europe`s leading businesses. Whilst Head of PR and Marketing Communications of Orange Plc, he personally developed many artistic initiatives including the Orange Prize for Fiction.


Brancusi, Gaudier-Brezeska, Arp, Barbara Hepworth

Public Works

Marko mainly works on Private Commissions. Examples of his Public works can be found at Papworth Hospital (Cambs) and in Gadebridge Park, Hemel Hempstead, Herts

Public Acquisitions
Marko`s sculptures can be found in public and private collections in the UK, Europe, Australia, China Malaysia, UAE and the U.S.A.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Abstract Contemporary Modern Civic Urban sculpture statue statuary Calm Love and Affection Sculptures or Statues Contemplative, Restful, Thougtful Sculptures Couples or Group Sculptures Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Public Art Sculpture Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Spiritual sculpture Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Sensual sculptures or statues Cast From Original Carved or Found Wood or Stone sculpture statue Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Maquette For Larger Monumental Massive Big or Large statue or sculpture Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Organic/Abstract Sculpture Contented Happy Relaxed Sculpture or Statue Farewell Goodbye Parting Au Revoir Adieu sculptures statues carvings statuettes figurines Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Welcome Happy Return Sanctuary Safe Haven Recption Welcome Home sculpture statue Earth Mother Gaia sculpture statue statuettes figurines Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Painted Coloured Tinted Patinated Enamelled sculptures statues statuettes Spherical Globe like Ball shaped Round Abstract Contemporary sculpture statue statuette Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Aspirational/Inspirational Sculptures or Statues Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Human Figurative Sculptures Nudes, Female Sculptures Objects of desire sculptures Fruit Sculpture Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Plant Life sculpture and Statues Seeds, Nuts, Pods, Grains, Mast, Fruit Stones, Pips, Pits, Cereal ears Sculptures African Art Sculpture Statuary Primitive or Naive style Sculpture or Statuary Stylised Heads/Busts Sculptures


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Abstract Gaia Sculpture amazing orange bronze bronze abstract Gaia statue Bronze Bright Orange sculpture limited edition sculpture Little Round Contemporary statue Modern Abstract Indoor statuettes orange bronze sculpture statement piece sculpture abstract hugging sculpture Abstract Indoor statue bronze couple statue hugging couple statue loving couple sculpture Marko Humphrey-Lahti sculpture sensuous couple statue abstract bronze resin sculpture Contemplative Sensual statue Contemporary Loving Couple sculpture Embracing Couple sculpture Hugging Couple sculpture Lovers Abstract Indoors statue Small Modern Abstract Lovers statue Abstract Lime Green Sculpture Colourful Green Contemporary Sculpture Gaia Bronze Sculpture Limited Edition Abstract statue Little Contemporary Lime Green Statue Modern Earth Mother Little statue Small Contemporary Gaia statues Carved Tuscan Alabaster Tooth sculptures Contemporary Alabaster Tooth sculptures Contemporary Big Tooth sculptures Contemporary Curvaceous Alabaster sculpture Large Contemporary Tooth statuettes Modern Giant Tooth statue Outsize Tooth Abstract statue Abstract Contemporary Female sculpture Abstract Reclining Lady sculpture Abstract Relaxing Female sculpture Contemporary Little Woman sculpture Indoor Abstract Woman statue Interior Contemporary Lying Girl statues Small Abstract reclining Girl statue Abstract Relaxing Nude statue contemporary Reclining Female statue Contemporary Reclining Nude sculpture Contemporary Reclining Nude statuette Interior Contemporary statuary Modern Abstract Female nude sculptures Abstract Little Seed sculpture Bronze Resin Tree Seed Statue Contemporary Indoor Seed Sculpture Indoor Organic Statue Inside Sycamore Seed Statue Little Organic sculpture Little Sycamore Seed sculpture Small Sycamore Seed statues Sycamore Seed Statue African Stone Carved Sculpture Contemporary African Head sculpture Contemporary African Statue Limestone Bust sculpture modern Carved Stone sculpture Modern Carved Stone statue Primitive sculpture Stone statue Stone Statuette Unique Stone Head statue