lauro papale

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Lauro Papale`s artistic training, the learning experience and the experience of youth in creative work environment of his father have stimulated to develop an original style that occurs maily modeled in the work almost always fashioned with clay without the use of machines.

Sculptures by lauro papale



Lauro Papale`s Biography
Nato nel 1945 a Macerata, ha lavorato e vissuto a Roma diplomandosi al Liceo artistico e all`Accademia di Belle Arti di Via Ripetta sotto la guida dei Maestri: Giuseppe Capogrossi, Edgardo Mannucci, Sante Monachesi e Antonio Sanfilippo.
Vincitore di pi? concorsi a cattedre, ha insegnato Moda e Grafica pubblicitaria nell`Istituto Professionale; Arredamento e Progettazione architettonica nell`Istituto d`Arte ove ha concluso la sua carriera di docente.
Gi? attivo nella pittura, dal 2000 si dedica alla ceramica con particolare interesse per la terracotta e per la tecnica Raku, producendo opere, realizzate personalmente a mano, in esemplari unici.
Dal 1998 svolge attivit? di volontariato nella scuola primaria a supporto dell`educazione all`arte.
Attualmente vive e lavora a Giove (Tr).

Public Works

Lauro Papale`s Publoc Works
2011, scultura di terracotta "Italia Unita" presso la sala consiliare del Comune di Giove (Tr).
1980, progettazione del monumento "Ai caduti della Marsica) eretto presso il piazzale della Stazione di Avezzano (Aq).

Teaching Experience
Lauro Papale`s Teaching Gi Docente Statale di ruolo presso l`Istituto d`Arte, Roma.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Colourful Polychrome Sculpture Multi-Coloured Statues statuettes statuary Flamboyant Colourful Exuberant Exotic Gaudy Gorgeous Decorative Vivid Brightly Coloured Spectacular Sculptures Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Repetitive Form/Shape Abstract sculptures/statues Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Beautifully Useful Functional Sculpture Ceramic sculptures Flower sculpture statue Spiral Twisted sculpture/statue/carving Architectural Sculptures Carved and Engraved Lettering Writing Inscriptions Poems Quotations Carving Panels Sculptures Geometric Sculpture Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Objects of desire sculptures Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Bas Reliefs or Low Reliefs Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Abstract Fish sculptures Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Aquatic sculptures Fish/Shells/Sharks/Seals/Corals/Seaweed Crustacia, Lobster, Crab, Crawfish / Crayfish Sculptures Busts and Heads Sculptures Human Figurative Sculptures Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Variety of Emotional feelings depicted in Sculptures Abstract Dance/Dancer sculptures Nudes, Female Sculptures Torsos Chests Females / Women / Girls / Damsels Sculptures Statues statuary Torsos Sculptures or Chests


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Abstract Eccentric Kinetic sculpture Abstract Interior colored sculpture Ceramic Machine statues Colored Indoor sculptures Contemporary Abstract art sculptures Eccentric Machine Part statues Post modern Abstract statue semi-abstract Ceramic sculpture Abstract Indoor sculpture Abstract Indoor Vessel statue Abstract statue Abstract Vase sculpture Ceramic vase sculptures Contemporary Ceramic sculptures Geometric sculpture Geometric statue Indoor ceramic sculpture Indoor statue Inside designer statue Biblical Tour of Babel sculpture Ceramic Alphabet Contemporary sculpture Ceramic Lettering sculptures Contemporary Tour of Babel sculpture Lettering Post modern sculpture modern Babel Lettering statues Pottery Carved Letter sculpture Red Abstract Art Abstract Indoor statue Abstract Mythical statues Abstract Religious sculptures Ceramic small Abstract sculptures Contemporary Abstract Indoor sculptures Mythical sculptures Post modern Indoor sculptures Religious statues Abstract Crab Claw sculptures Abstract Lobster Claw sculpture Abstract Marine statue Big Abstract Claw sculptures Big Crab statues Crab Claw Ceramic sculpture Crab Claw sculpture Giant Claw Abstract sculptures Marine statue semi-abstract Claw statues Contemporary Aztec Head sculpture Male Bust statues Male Head statue Male statue modern Figurative Head sculpture modern Human Head Figurative sculpture Portrait Head sculpture Post modern Male bust sculpture sculpture of Men of Passion statue of Men Contemporary Nude statues Human Figurative Torso sculpture Indoor ceramic Torso sculpture Nude Female sculpture Nude Female statues Nude Female Torso sculpture Nude Girl Torso statue Nude Woman Torso sculptures sculpture of Nude Women statue of Women