kathleen friedenberg

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Kathleen Friedenberg has a veterinary degree from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London. She is a Fellow of the National Sculpture Society, the premier sculpture association in the United States. She is also a member of the Society of Animal Artists, the definitive organisation for art of the animal, in the USA, drawing its members from artist world wide. The American Academy of Equine Art has been the leading American association of equestrian artists. Membership of any of these groups is by rigorous selection by their leaders, prominent artists in their own right.

Sculptures by kathleen friedenberg



Kathleen Friedenberg began her professional career as a veterinary surgeon in England, and came to the United States, on a Thouron scholarship, studying human and equine orthopaedics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Following marriage, and study at a commercial art school, she spent several years doing medical and veterinary illustration, including illustrating three books.

Sculpting began at night school, but soon became a full-time occupation. Further study with Zenos and Evangelos Frudakis resulted in a more structured and classical approach, and her veterinary background gives her unexcelled understanding of animal anatomy and movement.

Horses are the favourites, in a wide range of human and animal subjects. She is actively involved with the American Academy of Equine Art, being a Vice-President and Director of Education, and conducting an annual workshop of equestrian sculpture, under their auspices, at The Kentucky Horse Park, since their teaching programs began in 1992. In 2003 she taught the first of the Academy`s workshops at the University of Pennsylvania`s School of Veterinary Medicine at New Bolton Center.

Winning the Academy`s "Award of Excellence" for three consecutive years, AND MORE, as judged by fellow equestrian artists, was a special achievement.

Teaching Experience
Kathleen Friedenberg taught sculpture of the horse, for twenty years, under the auspice of the American Academy of Equine Art.
Public Acquisitions
Apart from many private collections, throughout the US and abroad, Kathleen Friedenberg has work at Mercersburg Academy, Pennsylvania, Drexel University, Philadelphia, and Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, Tampa Bay, Florida


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Arab and Warm Blood Horse sculpture Statues stauettes Busts and Heads Horse and Rider/Jockey Sculpture/Equestrian Sculptures Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Racehorse Bronze, Stone, Resin, Silver Statues Small indoors and Large Lifesize Outside Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks Farm Yard Sculptures Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Classical Oriental Sculptures Dragons sculpture Fountains, Water Features and Cascades Good Luck sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Alpacas Camels Dromerderries Guanacos Lamas Vicunas sculptures Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Domestic Animal Sculpture Human and Animal sculptures Foals Fillies ColtsYoung Horses sculpturs Statues Statuettes Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Horses Galloping Racing Running Flat Out sculpture statues. Horses Outdoors, Outside, Life Size, Big, Large, Huge Sculptures Statues memorials commissions custom made Horses sculptures statues statuettes Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Dogs Sculpture Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Realistic Representational Sculpture Military, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines Airmen and Military Equipment Wild West, Red Indian, Buffalo, Native American, Cowboys sculpture Statues Horses Heavy / Working Shire, Cart, Plough, Dray, Barge, Horses Sculptures Statues statuettes commissions African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Antelope sculpture Small Animal Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Animals at Play Sculptures Bronze Little or Small sculpture Custom Commission Bespoke Animal Sculpture Dogs Small or Little sculpture statue Fun Amusing Comic Animals sculptures Lifelike Realistic Dog Sculpture Statues statuettes Animal and Human Love sculpture or Statues Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Saint sculptures statues


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Bronze Racehorse & Jockey sculpture Little Bronze Horse Racing statuettes Little Bronze Racehorse statue Realistic Bronze Racehorse sculptures Small Racehorse & Jockey statuettes Thoroughbred Horse Racing sculpture Warmblood & Jockey Racing sculpture Bronze Fun Hopeful Cow statue Fun Ambitious Cow sculpture Fun Hungry Cow statue Greedy Cow Bronze sculpture Little Cattle Bronze sculpture Little Fun Cow sculpture Realistic Humorous Cow sculpture Small Amusing Cow sculpture Small Kneeling Cow statue Bronze Dragon Fountain sculpture Little Bronze Dragon sculptures Little Chinese Water Dragon statues Lucky Dragon Fountain sculpture Oriental style Dragon Rampant Dragon statuettes Traditional Chinese Dragon sculptures Writhing Lucky Dragon sculpture Anatomically Correct Camel bronze sculptures Little Mounted Arabian Camel sculpture Little Mounted Camel statuette Mounted Bronze Arabian Camel statue Realistic Mounted Camel sculptures Small Desert Mounted Camel sculpture Traditional Camel sculpture Bronze Water Jumping Horses statue Frolicking Horses Garden sculpture Jumping Horses statue Lifelike horse sculpture Little Horses Water Feature statue realistic bronze horses sculpture Small Horses Bronze Garden statue Water Jumping Horses sculpture Bronze Sheltie Portrait statue Little Shetland Sheepdog sculpture Realistic Dog Bronze statue Sheepdog statues Small Bronze Shetland Sheepdog statuette Small Sheepdog statue Small Sheltie Commission sculpture Traditional Bronze Dog Portrait sculpture Bronze Detailed Confederate Cavalryman statue Cavalryman & Horse sculpture Civil War Cavalry statue Confederate Soldier & Horse statue Highly Detailed Equestrian sculpture Horse statue Realistic Soldier & Horse sculpture Wounded Soldier & Mount statue Horse Guards Drumhorse sculpture Household Cavalry Drumhorse statue Little Drumhorse statuettes Little Horse Guards Drumhorse statuette Little Realistic Drumhorse sculpture Small Bronze Military Horse sculpture Traditional Cavalry Drumhorse sculpture African Antelope Fighting statues Bronze Gemsbok statuettes Little Gemsbok Fighting sculptures Realistic African Antelope statuette Realistic Bronze Antelope sculptures Small Gemsbok Antelope Fighting statuette Two African Antelope Fighting sculpture Dogs & Rope statue Dogs Playing statue Dynamic Dog sculpture Kathleen Friedenberg Dog sculpture Little Dogs Playing sculpture Little Dogs Scrapping statuettes Little Lifelike Dogs Sculpture Realistic Bronze Dog sculpture Realistic Dogs Playing statue Small Dogs Scrapping sculpture Small Lifelike Dogs Sculpture Table Top Bronze Dogs Sculpture Bronze Huntsman & Foxhounds statuettes Bronze Huntsman & Hounds sculpture Bronze Meet statuettes Horse & Hounds sculptures Huntsman & Pack statue Little Horse & Hounds statues Mounted Huntsman & Foxhounds sculptures Traditional Bronze Hunt sculptures Anatomically Correct St George sculpture Bronze St George & Dragon sculptures Bronze St George Dragon statuette Indoor St George & Dragon statuettes Little St George & Dragon statuettes Realistic St George & Dragon sculpture St George & Dragon statue