Juan Cabeza es un escultor que usa métodos tradicionales para la escultura en granito desde hace 30 años. Su amor y conocimiento del oficio son evidentes en su trabajo, no acostumbra a dar datos de sus clientes, ya que alguno de ellos así se lo exige..

La mayor parte de mi trabajo es por encargo,intento entender lo que el cliente quiere para poder darle plena satisfacción….

Sculptures by juan cabeza quiles


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Architectural Sculptures Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Columnar Pillar Upright Vertical Stele Abstract Contemorary Modern sculpture statue statuary Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue Garden wildlife Sculptures Spherical Globe like Ball shaped Round Abstract Contemporary sculpture statue statuette Animals: Adult with Young Carved or Carving sculpture Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Reptiles Sculptures and Amphibian Sculptures Small Animal Sculptures The Americas: Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Heraldic Crests Logos Trade Marks Carvings or Castings High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Repair, restoration and conservation of sculpture Site Specific Sculptures or Statues Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Wedding Anniversary Gift or Present sculptures statues statuettes Biblical Character or Thing sculpture Statues Statuettes Christian Church Sculptures, Carvings Bas Reliefs Stained Glass and Statues Saint sculptures statues Crucifiction Christian Cross Alter Piece sculpture Statues carvings Statues statuettes sculpture depicting the crucfiction Religious Sculpture Spiritual sculpture Angular Jagged Abstract Modern Contemporary sculpture statuary Assemblages Sculptures, Made from a Variety of Pieces or Bits collected together Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Kinetic or Mobile Sculpture or Statue Suspended Sculptures or Statues or Statuettes Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Archaeology inspired sculpture statues Big Large Birds sculptures statues Fantasy sculpture or Statue Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Plaques, Medals, Medalions, Coins, Tokens, Commemorative Customised Commission or Bespoke Beautifully Useful Functional Sculpture Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Crows Jackdaws Magpies Ravens Jays Corvids sculptures or statues Outsize, Very Big, Extra Large and Massive Sculptures Sea Birds Seagulls Sea Eagles Albatrosses Gannets etc.Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Round Disk, Dish, Flat Circular Ring Shaped Sculptures / Statues statuette statuary


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Animal sculpture Animal statue Carved Stone Lizard Sculpture Carved Stone Lizard Statue Granite carved Lizard Sculpture Granite carved Lizard Statue Lizard sculpture Lizard Statue Reptile sculpture Reptile statue Bespoke Châteaux Carving statues Carved Stone Work Commission Heraldic statues Customised Heraldic sculptures escudos hechos por encargo escudos heráldicos de piedra labras heráldicas Repair & Restoration Stone Work Restoration Heraldic sculpture Carved sculpture Carved statue Carved Stone Granite Sculpture Carved Stone Granite Statue Carved Stone sculptures Carved Stone statue Contemporary Round Carved statues Granite sculpture Granite Statues Indoor Round Stone Statue Indoor Stone Sculpture Biblical Saints statues Carved Stone Saints sculptures catedral de Santiago de compostela Direct copies of Cathedral Sculptures Maestro Mateo Puerta Santa románico compostelano Santiago de Compostello Statues Traditional Religious Saints sculptures Abstract Christian statue Contemporary Crucifiction sculpture Contemporary Crucifiction Statues cruceiro gallego piedra crucifijo románico piedra Modern Abstract Crucifiction sculptures Modern Indoor Crucifiction statue réplica cristo románico piedra Contemporary Abstract statue Contemporary Fun Garden sculpture Custom Commission Garden Yard sculpture Fun Out Door Yard statue Modern Amusing Yard statues móvil-nido de piedra nido para pájaro de jardín sculpture nido de piedra sculpture para jardín Abstract Skull Stone statues Bird Skull Statue Carved Animal Skull sculpture Carved Animal Skull Statue Contemporary Animal Bird Stone sculptures Mystery Skull Yard Garden statues Skull sculpture Stone Birds Sculptures Stone Carved Birds Skull statue Carved Religious Relief Cartouch Carved Restoration Religious statue Carved Stone Religious statue Carved Stone statues Commission Heraldic Carved Stone statues encargo escudo heráldico escudo de piedra LOw Relief Heraldic Plaques trabajo por encargo Carved Bird Box stone sculpture Contemporary Abstract Bird Box statue Fun Bird Box Stone sculpture Fun Carved Stone Bird Box statues Hanging Bird Box sculpture Modern Minimalist Stone Carving nido artificial de piedra sculpture para pájaros de jardín Big Bird`s Head Yard statue Carved Bird Skull statue Carved Stone Bird sculpture cráneo de gaviota gran escala Garden Big Bird statue la calavera de piedra Large Bird`s Head sculpture Outsize Birds Skull sculpture Skeletal Bird Head Garden sculptures arracada castrexa a gran escala de piedra base de granito negro Carved Stone Archaeological statue Carved Stone Circular Yard statue Carved Stone Garden statue la arracada gira sobre la base Modern Copy Ancient statue pendiente prehistórico de piedra