isabelle biquet

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Isabelle Biquet began carving at the age of 24: first of the clay, as an autodidact. For more than a year, she in released a gallery of characters screaming, sneering, human beings grotesque, tormented, expressive.

On the advice of an artist friend, she enrolled at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels (Belgium), where she quickly discovers the joy of cut stone and marble, activity to which it will devote its energy from 1994 to 2007. It will also pass through the Anderlecht Academy, where she will further elaborate stone carving and work around the living model.

“Isabelle Biquet sculpted human figures strong and powerful and female bodies on which the trace of scissors remains clearly visible” (W.T. 1999)

In 2000, she had the opportunity to make a first experience with the bronze thanks to a command of a life-size character.
In 2007, after have slightly abandoned the stone work, she begins to wax modeling and produces a series of small bronzes original. In parallel, she began training in “drawing and pictorial writing” at the school of the Arts of Braine-l`Alleud (Belgium). She lives and works in Belgium.


Isabelle Biquet a commencé à sculpter vers l`âge de 24 ans : d`abord de la terre glaise, en autodidacte ; pendant plus d`une année, elle en a sorti une galerie de personnages hurlant, ricanant, des êtres grotesques, tourmentés, expressifs.

Sur les conseils d`une amie artiste, elle s`inscrit à l`Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (Belgique), où elle découvre très vite le bonheur de tailler la pierre et le marbre, activité à laquelle elle consacrera son énergie de 1994 à 2007. Elle passera aussi par l` academie d`Anderlecht, où elle approfondira la sculpture sur pierre et le travail autour du modèle vivant.

“Isabelle Biquet sculpte des figures humaines puissantes et solides et des corps féminins sur lesquels la trace des ciseaux reste clairement visibles” (W.T. 1999)

En 2000, elle a l`occasion de faire une première expérience avec le bronze grâce – une commande d`un personnage grandeur nature.
En 2007, après avoir un peu délaissé le travail de la pierre, elle se met au modelage de la cire et réalise une série de petits bronzes originaux. En parallèle, elle suit une formation en Dessin et Ecriture Picturale à l`Ecole des Arts de Braine-L`Alleud (Belgique). Elle vit et travaille en Belgique.

Sculptures by isabelle biquet



Isabelle Biquet was born in Belgium.
She started modeling clay in the early 90s, and enrolled at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. Then she discovered the stone and marble carving and devotes herself exclusively to it for about fifteen years. She then found the modeling by making her first bronze sculptures,
and gradually abandoned the stone sculpture. From 2007 to 2013, she took the "pictorial drawing / writing"
course at the Braine-l`Alleud Arts School: pencils, pastels, charcoal, acrylic paint, ink, ballpoint pen:
Isabelle likes to vary the pleasures, but always keeps, since its beginnings, the human in the center of
its creations.She also practices engraving since 2014, especially the "etching on Tetrapak".
She participates in several exhibitions, collective and individual, mainly in Belgium.


Giacometti, Moore, Dodeigne, Matisse, Picasso, Richier, Outsider art, art brut, tribal art, arts premiers

Public Acquisitions
Private collectors in Belgium, France, Germany, Lebanon, United Kingdom, U.S.A, Taïwan (Republic of China), Netherland.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Abstract Animal sculptures Abstract Contemporary Nude sculpture statues Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Cats Sculpture Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Domestic Animal Sculpture Fantasy sculpture or Statue Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Figurative Bronze Sculptures Statues Human and Animal sculptures Metamorphosis sculpture statue Nude sculpture statue statuette Figurine Ornament Nudes/ Male Sculpture Stylized Animals Sculptures Stylized People Sculptures Unselfconscious Relaxed Nude sculpture Abstract Figurative Sculpture Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Amusing Humerous Fun Sculpture Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Male Man Sculpture Bronze People Figurative Sculpture Bronze Statue Sculpture Caricature Sculptures Statues statuettes Corporate Sculptures Fun Amusing People Sculptures Happiness/Joy/Exuberance/Wild Pleasure sculpture Human Figurative Sculptures Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Man Sculpture Little Small Abstract Contemporary Sculpture Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Men and Women at Work and going to work .Comuting Sculptures Statues Presentations & Prizes sculptures Realistic Representational Sculpture Satirical sculptures statues statuettes Shelf Size Sculpture Small Little Abstract Modern Contemporary Sculpture Small Little Abstract Sculptures Small Little Male Sculpture Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine Surrealist Sculpture Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Abstract Minimalist Undersrtated Sculpture Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Art Enhanced Found or Recycled Object sculpture Statues or statuettes Busts and Heads Sculptures Contented Happy Relaxed Sculpture or Statue Faces Heads sculptures statues statuettes Fun Amusing Comic Animals sculptures Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Lifelike Man Boy Male Sculpture Lifelike People Figurative Sculpture Little Small Figurative Portrait Sculpture Stylised Heads/Busts Sculptures Affordable Inexpensive Bargain Sculpture Statues Best Seller sculpture statues Primitive or Naive style Sculpture or Statuary Conversation Piece, People sitting or Standing Chatting sculpture statue Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Silhouette, Flat, or Thin or Two Dimensional Bas and Low Reliefs Sculptures or Statues Small /Little Abstract Contemporary sculptures/statues Statues statuettes Stick Like Sculpture or statues or statuettes or Figurines Couples or Group Sculptures Nude or Naked Couples or Lovers sculptures Abstract Contemporary Couple Sculpture Statue Abstract Woman Female Lady Girl sculpture statue Calm Love and Affection Sculptures or Statues Friendship Friends chummyness Amicability Camaraderie Cordility Kindred Spirit Sculpture Girl's sculpture statue statuette Love Token Gift Keepsake sculpture Lovers sculptures Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Stylised Nude statue sculpture statuette ornament Wisdom of Women sculptures statues statuettes Social Comment sculpture statue statuette