ginger gilmour

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Ginger Gilmour is an artist with a particular vision. This vision has emerged from her life experience and the influence of many great teachers. The seed of this vision grew out of the integration of her eighteen years of marriage with Pink Floyd guitarist, David Gilmour ~ the raising of their four children and the inner longing to express her own creativity. Now what once was a seed flowers within her life, within her paintings and is allowed to be expressed in her exciting sculpture.

I seek to create artwork which is a interactive experience between my work, the viewer and their own creativity. For me, creativity is never solely concerned with creating a form to be observed but is a experience based upon the depths of one`s nature and its relationship to the world around us. I feel very strongly that we are more than what is visible~ that there lies innate within each of us such Beauty our eyes and heart has yet to Behold.

I seek to have my artwork to represent potentially a journey of return to the Joy of Living. With each sculpture or installation I explore the question of how much form is necessary to reflect this process~how much space~how much rhythm. Primarily, my work is all about the sacred within our relationships~the relationship with ourselves, our neighbour and mother nature. This vision is summarised in a quote from Rumi,

“Let the Beauty that we are, Be the Beauty that we do!”.

Sculptures by ginger gilmour



Born and brought up in the USA. Ginger Gilmour moved to England in the early 1970`s. In 1975 she married David Gilmour, lead guitarist of Pink Floyd. During the next ten years she spent her life as a wife and the raising of her four children. While silently her creative artistic talent was developing in doing the stage sets for the children school plays and costumes and birthday parties.

Her first involvement with the creative and therapeutic benefits through the `Art of Creative Living` started with analysis in New York with Dr Werner Engel in the late 80`s. Under his advice, she continued in Jungian Therapy in London with Dr Gerhard Adler, and later, his wife until the early 90`s.

For over ten years she trained in life drawing with Cecil Collins at the City University of London, and in sculpture at the Rudolf Steiner Sculpture Studio in West Sussex. She is also a Mental Colour Therapist, training with Lily Cornford for over fifteen years. She has taught and practiced in England, Switzerland, Italy and in the USA.

Ginger Gilmour is a past Trustee of the Mental Colour Therapy School of Healing. In 2005 she was elected member to the fund-raising Committee of the Red Cross, for their `A Celebration of Humanity` Gala. She has received the `Ambassador of Peace` award in 2006 from the Universal Peace Foundation. In 2006 she was awarded the Certificate of Commendation for outstanding presentation at the CHELSEA RHS Flower Show. Then in 2007 she received a special award for `Services to Humanity` from the Red Cross International Fundraising Committee for her installation for the East Meets West Ball and her fund-raising. Ginger is also an associate member of the Society of Women Artists, London, UK.


Cecil Collins, Rudolf Steiner, Pre-Raphaelites, Arp, Brancusi, Blake, Frank Lloyd-Wright, Art Deco, Gaudi, Rodin, Dali, Redon.


Art House-Q Magazine 2010>
Transformation-Yes we can-Kosmos Journal 2009
Celebration of Cecil Collins-Book of his work and students-2009
Sea of Passion-Kosmos Journal-Winter 2007
Sculpture Exhibition In Arundel Castle Gardens-West Sussex Gazette-Summer 2007
In Beauty-Kosmos Journal-2006
Dolphina-Arundel Festival-West Sussex Gazette-Summer 2006
Plantlife-Summer 2006-`BBC Gardeners` World Live`-RHS Silver Gilt/Sarah Eberle/Hilliers Landscape/Ginger Gilmour-Sylph Reeds
Hidden in the Sussex countryside-Sussex Life-
March 2005
Home is where the Art is-Article in the Independent-September 28, 05
Art as a Spiritual Direction- `Kindred Spirit Magazine` September 05
Where Angels are always pleased to tread-Little Hampton Gazette-Aug 19, 2004
Art with an Incredible Lightness of Being-`Observer`-April 23, 2003.

Public Works

Thirteen panels for Set of Ballet, Labour of Hercules, Multi-media event, 2005; lecture on my Creative process.

Teaching Experience
Ten years of teaching-Mental Colour Therapy-a form of Esoteric Healing-Trustee of Maitreya School of Healing-1990-2000 Workshops and private instruction based upon invoking the depth of our creativity through developing our imagination and the power of visualization.
Public Acquisitions
Acquisitions Crystal sculpture as gift for donor Tony Bloom (principle donor of £90,000,00 for the creation of New Brighton-Hove Stadium, in addition, three smaller ones for the three principle directors. `Lovers` bought by Ben Kingsley `Song of Woman` bought by Mel Smith Many others bought by private commission.
Art of Creativity-Maui, Hawaii, USA-Feb 2012.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Abstract Contemporary Couple Sculpture Statue Abstract Figurative Sculpture Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Aspirational/Inspirational Sculptures or Statues Buddha sculptures statues figurines statuettes Cast Glass Sculptutre Cast Stone/ Concrete Cement Fondu Sclpture Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Contemplative, Restful, Thougtful Sculptures Glass or Acrylic Transparant Sculptures Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Marble Sculpture Meditation sculpture/statues/statuettes/figurines Sitting Squatting Reclining Female Woman Girl sculpture Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine Spiritual sculpture Stylized People Sculptures Triumph of Spirit over Adversity sculptures statues statuettes Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Abstract Plants Fruits Trees Leaves Flowers statues sculptures Floral, Fruit and Plantlife Sculpture Fountains, Water Features and Cascades Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Organic/Abstract Sculpture Abstract Contemporary Modern Civic Urban sculpture statue statuary Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Abstract Contemporary Nude sculpture statues Abstract Woman Female Lady Girl sculpture statue Angels Profane Fallen Sculptures statues Beautifully Useful Functional Sculpture Contemporary Abstract Modern Sculpture Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Lady Sculptures Life Size Nude Girls Women Ladies Females sculpture statues Nudes, Female Sculptures Restful Sleeping Dozing Day Dreaming sculpture statue Women sculpture statue statuette Yard Outdoor Sculptures Couples or Group Sculptures Emotional feelings depicted in Sculptures Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Angels Sacred sculpture Statues Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Colourful Polychrome Sculpture Multi-Coloured Statues statuettes statuary Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Nudes/ Male Sculpture Sculptures of Sport in General Light and Sound sculpture Classical Style Sculptures and statues Human Figurative Sculptures Torsos Sculptures or Chests Religious Sculpture Dance Sculptures and Ballet sculptures Torsos Chests Females / Women / Girls / Damsels Sculptures Statues statuary


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Contemplation sculpture Contemporary modern small Buddha statues Ginger Gilmour Buddha Sculpture Ginger Gilmour Peace and Contemplation Sculpture modern Buddha sculpture modern Seated Buddha statue sculpture of Peace small Ashram Buddha sculpture small Glass Buddha in Lotus Position sculpture small Meditation Buddha statuettes Abstract Garden Reeds sculpture Abstract Water Feature sculpture Bright Red Focal Point statue Bright Red Garden statue Floral Abstract sculpture Garden Red Reed sculpture Semi-Abstract Garden Focal Point statues Semi-Abstract Garden Red sculpture Abstract Nude Fallen Angel Contemporary Life Size Nude Yard Sculpture Modern Nude Angel garden Sculpture Nude Abstract sculpture Nude Nymph Abstract statue Nude Water Nymph Abstract statue Nymph Abstract sculpture Water Nymph outdoor statues to Buy Woman Abstract sculpture Abstract Couple of Lovers sculptures bronze Lovers Garden sculptures bronze Lovers sculptures bronze Young Lovers statues lovers in the Garden sculpture lovers in the Garden statues semi-abstract Lovers Garden statues Young lovers Meeting in bronze Angel Sitting Garden sculptures Bronze Resting Angel statues Bronze Seated Angel statues Garden Bronze Angel statues Life size Angel sculpture Peaceful Angel Figurative sculptures Seated Contemporary Angel sculptures Seated Peaceful Angel sculptures Athletic statues bronze sculpture of Sport bronze sculptures of Athletes bronze Sportsmen sculptures Contemporary Discuss Thrower sculptures Human modern Discuss Thrower statues Metal Athletic sculptures Nude Discus Thrower bronzes statue of Athletes Abstract Indoor sculptures Abstract sculpture of the Soul Abstract Spiritual sculptures Abstract statue bronze Spiritual Abstract sculptures Indoor bronze sculpture Light Bearing sculptures Light statue Marble Resin Light sculpture statue of the Soul bronze Male sculptures bronze Nude Male sculptures bronze Nude Torso statues bronze Torso Garden sculptures Contemporary Figurative statue Male nude Torsos statue Nude Male Torso Contemporary sculptures Nude Male Torso statue sculpture of Male Torsos Beautiful modern Buddha statue Figurative Garden sculpture Lotus Buddha statue Meditation Yoga sculpture modern Lotus Buddha sculpture sculpture for Peace sculpture for the Meditation Room Yoga Buddha sculpture of calm Yoga Peaceful Meditation statue Abstract Contemporary Bronze Angel statue Affordable Bronze Angels sculpture Angel sculpture for the Garden Bronze Angel sculpture Bronze Minimalist Angel sculptures Contemporary Angel statue Metal Abstract Angel sculpture Semi-Abstract Angel statues bronze Abstract earth Mother sculptures bronze Abstract statues bronze Dance Abstract sculpture Bronze Spiritual Abstract statues bronze Woman Abstract statues bronze Woman Garden sculptures Song & Dance Abstract statue Spiritual Abstract sculptures Abstract Figurative statues Angel Abstract Figurative sculptures Angel Abstract sculpture Angel Garden sculpture Figurative Abstract Angel sculptures Kneeling Angel statues Life Sized Angel statue Spiritual Abstract sculpture Spiritual Garden statues