bozena krol legowska

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Bozena Krol Legowska is an artist sculptress, painter who lives and works in Tuscany for many years. The preferred material for her sculptural works is the statuary marble of Carrara, she often chooses also the white travertino or alabaster, all these materials exalt the elegance, purity and nobility of the forms that the artist frees carving with own hands.

Sculptures by bozena krol legowska



Bozena Krol Legowska
Been born to Zakopane - Poland, a town situated to the slopes of the Tatra Mountains.
Daughter of art, her father known sculptor of the wood, of the beaten iron and also poet state for her first teacher, attends subsequently the school of art where she achieves the diploma with the specialization in planning and realization of artistic fabrics, in the years to follow she also achieves a specialization in advertising techniques and marketing.
From the end of the years `90 are devoted to the painting on glass, a primitive typical technique of the region from which it originates; the artist has undertaken her to be able then to propose her in a contemporary style.
In her mind the idea and the desire it often applied to challenge the stone trying to rouse inside this hard subject hidden sinuous and spontaneous forms and freed by the hands of a woman, in 2001 during one of her trips to Italy this idea is transformed in reality and it is initiated so its incessant comparison with the sculpture. From 2003 Bozena Krol Legowska alive and works in Tuscany.


Giorgio Sebastiano Brizio - L` inquietante occhio semiaperto di Bozena Krol Legowska.

Scolpire la pietra vuol dire “togliere” con metodo, lisciatura dopo lisciatura, dalla materia grezza grumi di eccedenza, eccedenze che, nello scomparire mano a mano, lasciano quella levigatezza ai volti, alle forme curvilinee. Quel malessere tanto caro a Rimbaud, a Poe, a quelle penne intrise di inquieto trepidare per paure inconsce, ed ora vicine al fare surreale di Bozena.

Prima sono stati i dipinti su vetro nella tradizione polacca, finissimi à plat, privi di prospettiva figurata, che nell’ ergersi dell’ umano, femmina o maschio, esibivano nella solita evidenza dell’ occhio una sorta di stupito, incredulo sgomento. Sgomento trasmettente una sorta di grande punto di domanda. Un interrogativo sul continuo domandarsi “chi siamo? “, sparute cellule di un infinito astronomico (altro tema caro a Bozena nel periodo polacco di squillante informel). Poi mercé la Bottega molisana, l’innamoramento per la materia pietrosa: il suo farsi scultore a tutto tondo. La pietra, nelle eccezioni dell’ alabastro prima, sotto il magistero di Pasquale Napoli, poi il marmo di Carrara e il travertino con la venuta in Maremma.

Sentirla parlare delle venature dei marmi, delle striature colorate del travertino, vederla nelle cave a scegliere quel grezzo ed intuirne l’esito finale, è già capire la scultrice che è in lei. Che è nel suo essere di abile manipolatrice della materia inanimata per conferirle quel guizzo vitalistico, pieno di rimandi ad una narrativa di sensibilità rapprese, legate forse alla morte, forse al dolore. Sicuramente a quel limite tra le due evenienze, alla marginalità dell’ inquieto percepire un vago terrore intimo, un denso profumo mefistofelico che, nella staticità metafisica del rappresentato, dell’ esito che le sue abili mani hanno saputo prima intravedere, poi far scaturire dall’imperturbabilità del biancore marmoreo. Una sacralità ieratica hanno i suoi volti; una sensualità rappresa i suoi torsi. Enigmatici sono i suoi violini (“Paganini” s’intitola l’occhio che prelude ad una chiave di violino) ; misterico quel lasciare grezzo certe escrescenze della materia, quasi un contrapporre male e bene nel più palesemente visibile dualismo tra esistenze in natura e manufatto, tra caos e perfezione, in un richiamo biblico di geotiana memoria. E se Mitoraj, altro grande polacco operante nella vicina Versilia, crea surrealtà aprendo cassetti dai torsi dei mitici Apolli, Bozena riverbera l’inquietudine, il mistero metafisico della soglia tra dolore e morte, attraverso quel spalancare o socchiudere l’ occhio, vigilante e mai sopita finestra umana sul perpetrarsi del maleficio nel mondo. O ancora, in quel “leggiadro” e personalissimo ghirigoreggiare dei capelli, delle mani, sul perfetto, levigatissimo tondo dei volti, elevare l’intimo sublime all’imponderabilità, alla insostenibile “leggerezza dell’ essere”.

Giorgio Sebastiano Brizio - critico d`arte

Visita nello studio dell`artista 22 Settebre 2009

Public Works

"Jesus" oil on canvas, Episcopalian curia of Pitigliano (GR).

"The Pity" sculpture in gilded stone, collection "Homage to S. Francesco", Road in Casentino (AR).

"You don`t Cry" oil on glass, church of S. Maria Maddalena, Saturnia (GR).

"Zakopane" oil on glass, commissioned by Costa Crociere for the library room of the cruise ship Costa Concordia.

Other works belong to collections deprived in Italy and to the foreign countries.


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Abstract violin marble Abstract violin sculpture Abstract violin statue Carved Marble sculpture Musicial Violin sculpture semi-abstract violin sculpture semi-abstract violin statue violin in marble violin sculpture violin semi-abstract violin statue bust and Head sculpture Carved Stone sculptures Female sculpture Female statue Human form Abstract sculpture Human form Abstract statue Human form sculpture Indoor sculpture Outdoor sculptures Religious sculpture sculpture of Women Abstract sculpture Abstract sculpture for sale Abstract statue bust sculpture Carved Stone sculpture Face sculpture Figurative sculpture Figurative statue Head sculpture Head statue Human form statue Small statue Abstract sculptures Carved sculpture Figurative Abstract sculpture outdoor sculpture Relaxing Girl sculpture Abstract musical instrument sculpture Abstract violin statues In door sculpture marble violin marble violin sculpture Musical sculpture Abstract Garden sculpture Abstract sculptures for sale Carved Travertin sculpture Garden sculptures garden statue Indoor Abstract sculpture Indoor Abstract statue Modern sculpture For Sale Organic sculpture Organic statue bust statue outdoor statue Travertin and Crystals Swarovski sculpture Abstract Marble Girl sculpture Little Abstract Face sculpture Little modern Face statue little Peaceful sculpture sculpture of Abstract Girl small Abstract head sculpture small modern Face statue small semi-abstract Female sculpture Garden Abstract sculpture Garden Abstract statue garden sculpture Indoors Sculpture Marble Garden sculptures Marble Garden statue Outdoors sculptures Abstract sculpture of Women Carved Heads Carved Marble Head sculptures Contemporary Female statuettes Little Marble Head statue Marble Little Girls Head statues modern Marble Female sculptures Modern statuettes of Women small Abstract Face sculptures Abstract Nude Brest statue Abstract Nude Torso sculptures Contemporary Brest statue Contemporary Nude sculptures Figurative Abstract nude sculptures Modern Nude Torso sculpture Naked Brest statues Nude Woman Torsos statues Head sculpture for sale Head statue for sale Indoor statue Marble sculpture