Bobbie Fennick is a stonemason and carver with a background in Fine Art. Her experience ranges from carvings and memorials to large public commissions. Having obtained a Fine Arts Diploma from the school of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Massachusetts in 1983, she relocated first to Berlin and, in 1989, to the UK. She worked on both sculpture and mural projects many of which she managed in the UK, Bahrain and Qatar. 1997 brought a focus on stone, and she completed her NVQ 3 and City and Guilds Diploma in Advanced Stonemasonry in 2001. Since then she has put her hand to carving and masonry projects of every sort including large restoration projects including St. Paul`s Cathedral, the Palaces of Westminster and the Brighton Royal Pavilion to carving, letter cutting and gilding jobs including Kensington Palace, the Putney War Memorial and a commemorative plaque for Sir David Jack. In June of this year she completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Historic Stone Carving at the City and Guilds of London Art School. Bobbie has enjoyed a number of collaborative projects recently. In 2010, she completed work on the Brereton Bear, a major carving collaboration with Nina Bilbey, to assist her in roughing out the bear and carving the heraldic shield for the 2M high sculpture for Brereton Hall in Cheshire. In 2012 she secured a public commission for four large relief carvings on naturally riven Welsh slate monoliths, for the Haggerston West and Kingsland housing redevelopment project in Hackney. The project involved the sourcing, liaising, design and carving of the monoliths and it has been an opportunity to work closely with the residents of the estate to achieve designs from local architectural features that have a particular importance to them. The first two monoliths were installed in July, 2014. In addition to completing the remaining monolith carvings for the Hackney project, Bobbie is presently working on a large college entry carving and the preliminary work for a 7ft clay model for a carving of Cannon Dean Bell by Nina Bilbey for Canterbury Cathedral.

Sculptures by bobbie fennick



Bobbie Fennick is a stonemason and carver with a background in Fine Art. Her experience ranges from carvings and memorials to large public commissions. Having obtained a Fine Arts Diploma from the school of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Massachusetts in 1983, she relocated first to Berlin and, in 1989, to the UK. She worked on both sculpture and mural projects many of which she managed in the UK, Bahrain and Qatar. 1997 brought a focus on stone, and she completed her NVQ 3 and City and Guilds Diploma in Advanced Stonemasonry in 2001. Since then she has put her hand to carving and masonry projects of every sort including large restoration projects including St. Paul`s Cathedral, the Palaces of Westminster and the Brighton Royal Pavilion to carving, letter cutting and gilding jobs including Kensington Palace, the Putney War Memorial and a commemorative plaque for Sir David Jack. In June of this year she completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Historic Stone Carving at the City and Guilds of London Art School. Bobbie has enjoyed a number of collaborative projects recently. In 2010, she completed work on the Brereton Bear, a major carving collaboration with Nina Bilbey, to assist her in roughing out the bear and carving the heraldic shield for the 2M high sculpture for Brereton Hall in Cheshire. In 2012 she secured a public commission for four large relief carvings on naturally riven Welsh slate monoliths, for the Haggerston West and Kingsland housing redevelopment project in Hackney. The project involved the sourcing, liaising, design and carving of the monoliths and it has been an opportunity to work closely with the residents of the estate to achieve designs from local architectural features that have a particular importance to them. The first two monoliths were installed in July, 2014. In addition to completing the remaining monolith carvings for the Hackney project, Bobbie is presently working on a large college entry carving and the preliminary work for a 7ft clay model for a carving of Cannon Dean Bell by Nina Bilbey for Canterbury Cathedral. You can view her complete CV on her website,


AncientGreek relief sculptures The carvers of the temple of the Khazne el-Fara` Tomb, Petra Giotto Rachael Whiteread David Nash Alberto Giacometti Tacita Dean Cornelia Parker Andy Goldsworthy


1993 `Untitled, Spring issue, Review of a solo exhibition by John Stathatos 1986 Die Communale, Heidelberger Zeitung, 16 October, Review of a solo exhibition

Public Works

In 2012 she secured a public commission for four large relief carvings on naturally riven Welsh slate monoliths, for the Haggerston West and Kingsland housing redevelopment project in Hackney. The project involved the sourcing, liaising, design and carving of the monoliths and it has been an opportunity to work closely with the residents of the estate to achieve designs from local architectural features that have a particular importance to them. The first two monoliths were installed in July, 2014.
Palaces of Westminister, restoration of tracery windows.

Teaching Experience
2012 Workshop Tutor for Garden Gargoyles project at Dalston Eastern Curve Garden, Hackney. 2008-2010 Stonemasonry Assessor and Part-time Tutor, the Building Crafts College, London. Visiting Lecturer at: 2001 - The City Literary Institute, Bolt Court, London. 1993 - Architectural Association, 34-36 Bedford Square, London. 1993 - Byam Shaw School of Art at the Rear Window Gallery, London. 1992 - Workers Education Association, Oxford.
Public Acquisitions
2012 Sir David Jack Commemorative Plaque for Glaxo Smith Cline, Ware, UK. 1998 Corporate purchase by Arthur Andersen LLP


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Conservatory sculptures Drapery Sculpture Statue Statuettes Carvings Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Bas Reliefs or Low Reliefs Carved and Engraved Lettering Writing Inscriptions Poems Quotations Carving Panels Sculptures Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Heraldic Crests Logos Trade Marks Carvings or Castings Monumental Sculptures Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Plaques, Medals, Medalions, Coins, Tokens, Commemorative Customised Commission or Bespoke Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Water Birds/ Water Fowl/ Seabirds/ Waders Busts and Heads Sculptures Human Figurative Sculptures Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Portrait sculptures/Commission or Bespoke or Customised sculptures Architectural Sculptures Public Art Sculpture Trompe l'Oeil Low Relief Panel sculptures/statues/panels Etched Stone Slate Glass Panel Slab Tile Sheet sculpture High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Hyperrealistic sculptures Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Food and Drink sculpture or statue Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Buildings, Structures and Parts Statues or Sculptures Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Bowed Draped Figure sculptures Cast Crouching Figure statue Draped Female Indoor Statue Draped Female Seated sculptures Draped Female statue Draped Figure sculptures Draped Person to be Cast sculptures sculpture of Female Figures Small Draped statues commemorative letter carving Sculpture commissioned memorials Sculpture custom hand cut memorials Sculpture Letter Carving sculpture lettering Statue memorial sculpture monumental carving Sculpture stone monumental carving Sculpture Carved Seabird panel Carved Tern Wall sculptures Flying Slate Tern Art statue Flying Tern stone carving Low Relief Tern Carving Slate Tern Flying Statuette Small Seabird Commission sculpture Tern Carving on Welsh slate Tern on the Wing Relief Carving Commission Portraiture Bust Statue Commissioned Bust Portraiture sculptures Commissioned Bust statue Inexpensive Commissioned Head sculpture Male Portrait Bust sculpture Portrait Bust plaster cast Portrait bust sculptures Private Commission sculpture Carved Commission slate statue Carved Relief sculpture Carved Slate Relief carvings Carved Stone Commission statuary Low Relief statues Masonry Architectural carving statue Public Commission Masonry sculptures Welsh Slate riven sculptures abstract carving Architectural carving Bas Relief commission low Relief pop culture public sculpture Relief carving Welsh slate riven slate Alternative Memorial statue Commemorative Plaque sculpture Letter Carving sculptures Lettering sculptures Lettering statues Memorial statue Naturally Riven Slate sculpture Stone Carving Lettering statues Unconventional Memorial Welsh Slate sculptures Carved Drapery Relief Statues Carved Drapery Wall statue Carved High Relief sculpture Carved Indoor Limestone statuary Carved Realistic Drapery Carved Stone Cloth study High Relief Fabric Carvings Stone Drapery Carving Stone High Relief Wall Carving Carved Lettering Outdoor sculpture Carved Plaque statue Carved Stone Recipe Sculpture Chiselled Lettering sculpture Modern Raised lettering statue Raised Letter carving Garden statue Raised Lettering Garden sculpture Stone Lettering carving sculpture garden sculpture lettering Sculpture Limestone sculpture outdoor sculpture playful sculpture raised lettering Sculpture recipe Sculpture slate boulder sculpture Welsh Slate Sculpture woodland sculpture Carved Architectural Feature sculpture Carved Garden statue Carved Slate Window statue Carved Stone Embrasure sculpture Delicately Carved Welsh slate Miniature Window Embrasure sculpture Slate Focal Point Garden sculpture Window Carved in Rough slate Carved Abstract Draped Garden statues Carved Draped Figure statue Draped Female Outdoor statuary Monumental Draped Woman carving Portland limestone Sitting Woman statue Stone Draped Body statue Stone Draped Female carving Stone Woman Garden sculpture