besada yakoub

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Besada Yakoub is an Egyptian (Coptic) sculptor, stone carver. He was trained in Egypt but currently lives in NJ, USA. He participated in many public projects at Johnson Atelier, New Jersey. He loves to carve such stones as granite, limestone, basalt and marble. His sculptures are related to traditional art, he carves interior small pieces as well as outside large-scale projects. Besada Yakoub has 5 carved Ancient Egyptian Reliefs permanently displayed at El Gouna Museum, Egypt. In 2003 he received a prestigious grant from The George and Helen Segal Foundation.

Sculptures by besada yakoub



Bessada Yakoub`s Biography
Born and trained in Egypt, Besada Yakoub did early carved reliefs in native limestone, eventually carving statues in the around. He came to appreciate and love carving harder stones, like granite and basalt. He has been a master carver with the Johnson Atelier stone division and in 2003 received a grant from the George and Helen Segal Foundation.

Public Works

Bessada Yakoub`s Public Works
Foundation Stone for the Coptic Orthodox Church - Archangel Michacl Howell

Sculpting five ancient Egyptian Relief`s, Three Lime Stone carvings, two Schist carvings, and five reliefs. Can be seen at EL Gouna Museum in Hurghada, Egypt.