anthony veale

Mediums Used

Anthony Veale is one of the most versatile sculptors we have. There is magnificence and humanity with a touch of humour, which pervades all his work in all its facets – whether it be from life or as an abstract or somewhere in between.He is definitely a sculptor of his time being a master of the contemporary and the modern, embracing abstractism and stylisation where he finds it required.
Anthony Veale`s Personal statement
From my early beginnings as an illustrator, I have progressed through many stages, each one in marked contrast to the former. Unequivocal about this, I believe that for some artists, creativity is not something that is easily channelled to one particular genre: depending, as it does, on absolute freedom of expression and, by definition, a choice of subject matter that is as many and varied as the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that reveal us for who and what we are.
Sculptures by anthony veale
Sevenoaks School 1955 - 1958.,Sevenoaks School 1955 - 1958.
Anthony Veale`s Publications
`The Orchard` - A black comedy on the art world. Published in paperback by Imprint Academic/Arts 2006 ISBN 1845400585Contact:,Anthony Veale`s Publications
`The Orchard` - A black comedy on the art world. Published in paperback by Imprint Academic/Arts 2006 ISBN 1845400585Contact:
Anthony Veale is a self taught painter and sculptor living in the west of England. In a career spanning 30 years his work progressed from cartoon illustrations for children, highly popularized in the 1960`s, through to wildlife and surreal landscape painting during the 1970s and 80s.
More recently he has produced figurative and abstract sculpture in both bronze and marble along with paintings utilizing the relief forms in crushed paper.
"Creativity and experimentation are at the heart of everything Tony Veale does, whether painting, sculpting, writing, or designing his magnificent garden in Devon. Even if he hadn`t been in when I arrived at the 18th.century former dower house that has been his home for the lst 19 years, there are plenty of clues scattered around to this prolific artist`s temperament.
Framed artworks adorn the walls, encompassing everything from illustrations to mixed media bas-reliefs, while eye-catching sculptures, including a gargantuan barbed wire menhir, lurk in every conceivable corner. Each has its own story, but it is the garden where Tony`s artistic vision is most complete."
Becky Moran - Devon Today Magazine, April 2007
"Tony had his first success as an artist with children`s posters in the late 1960`s which still hang in his house, and then started to exhibit and sell his paintings in London galleries, alongside making a living in business.
He then moved on to surrealist paintings and, after moving to Devon in the late 1980`s, to sculpture. Paintings and sculptures decorate his house and garden. showing how he loves to experiment with ideas."
Sarat Pitt, Western Morning News, Sat 21st April 2007
Anthony Veale`s public works
1998 - Sculpture Garden - Permanent Display - Devon
1992 - Mixed Media Show - The Mall Galleries - London
1985 - Paintings - The 20th Century Gallery - London
1979 - The Tryon Gallery - London.