anthony veale

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Anthony Veale is one of the most versatile sculptors we have. There is magnificence and humanity with a touch of humour, which pervades all his work in all its facets – whether it be from life or as an abstract or somewhere in between.He is definitely a sculptor of his time being a master of the contemporary and the modern, embracing abstractism and stylisation where he finds it required.

Anthony Veale`s Personal statement
From my early beginnings as an illustrator, I have progressed through many stages, each one in marked contrast to the former. Unequivocal about this, I believe that for some artists, creativity is not something that is easily channelled to one particular genre: depending, as it does, on absolute freedom of expression and, by definition, a choice of subject matter that is as many and varied as the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that reveal us for who and what we are.

Sculptures by anthony veale



Anthony Veale is a self taught painter and sculptor living in the west of England. In a career spanning 30 years his work progressed from cartoon illustrations for children, highly popularized in the 1960`s, through to wildlife and surreal landscape painting during the 1970s and 80s.

More recently he has produced figurative and abstract sculpture in both bronze and marble along with paintings utilizing the relief forms in crushed paper.





"Creativity and experimentation are at the heart of everything Tony Veale does, whether painting, sculpting, writing, or designing his magnificent garden in Devon. Even if he hadn`t been in when I arrived at the 18th.century former dower house that has been his home for the lst 19 years, there are plenty of clues scattered around to this prolific artist`s temperament.

Framed artworks adorn the walls, encompassing everything from illustrations to mixed media bas-reliefs, while eye-catching sculptures, including a gargantuan barbed wire menhir, lurk in every conceivable corner. Each has its own story, but it is the garden where Tony`s artistic vision is most complete."

Becky Moran - Devon Today Magazine, April 2007

"Tony had his first success as an artist with children`s posters in the late 1960`s which still hang in his house, and then started to exhibit and sell his paintings in London galleries, alongside making a living in business.

He then moved on to surrealist paintings and, after moving to Devon in the late 1980`s, to sculpture. Paintings and sculptures decorate his house and garden. showing how he loves to experiment with ideas."

Sarat Pitt, Western Morning News, Sat 21st April 2007

Public Works

Anthony Veale`s public works
1998 - Sculpture Garden - Permanent Display - Devon
1992 - Mixed Media Show - The Mall Galleries - London
1985 - Paintings - The 20th Century Gallery - London
1979 - The Tryon Gallery - London.

Public Acquisitions
A collection of his sculpture may be seen in the garden of his Devon home.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Earth Mother Gaia sculpture statue statuettes figurines Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Objects of desire sculptures Sensual sculptures or statues Torsos Chests Females / Women / Girls / Damsels Sculptures Statues statuary Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Aspirational/Inspirational Sculptures or Statues Peace sculptures or statues or statuettes Satirical sculptures statues statuettes Social Comment sculpture statue statuette Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Toys Sculpture / statue / statuette / figurine Transport including Road/Rail/Air / Aircraft/Sea/ Maritime Drapery Sculpture Statue Statuettes Carvings Figurative Public Art Sculptures Human Figurative Sculptures Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Surrealist Sculpture Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Stylized People Sculptures Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Chickens Hens Poultry Cocks Cockerels Roosters Chicks Turkeys Farmyard Fowl Domestic Ducks and Geese Domestic Animal Sculpture Farm Yard Sculptures Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Minimalist Understated Abstract Contemporary Sculpture statuary statuettes Busts and Heads Sculptures Spherical Globe like Ball shaped Round Abstract Contemporary sculpture statue statuette Floral, Fruit and Plantlife Sculpture Repetitive Form/Shape Abstract sculptures/statues Wire Mesh Netting Chicken Gauze Sculpture Statues Christian Church Sculptures, Carvings Bas Reliefs Stained Glass and Statues Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Mother and Child, the Madonna, mother and children Sculptures Mother and Children Sculptures Parent - Child Sculpture Religious Sculpture Entertainer Actor Circus Stage Performer sculptures or statues Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Sculptures of Sport in General


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Exotic Bronze Outdoor sculpture Female Form Outdoor sculpture Humorous Bronze Female sculpture Nude Female Fun Torso Bronze Sea Coconut Love Nut statues Semi Figurative Bronze Garden sculpture Sensual Bronze Nude sculptures Surreal Bronze statuette Bronze Nesting Dove sculpture Cartridge Case sculpture Contemporary Bronze Dove statuette Dove sculpture Figurative Bronze sculpture Nesting Dove Peace statue Small Metal Dove statues War & Peace statues War & Peace statuette War and Peace sculpture Abstract Toy Plane sculptures Boys Toy Plane sculptures Bronze Toy Plane sculpture Contemporary Figurative sculptures figurative Abstract bronzes Figurative Bronze Plane sculpture Indoor/Outdoor Toy sculpture Model Plane Bronze Abstract Plane statues Abstract figurative sculptures bronze Enigma Draped figures bronze Seated Man statue Contemporary Abstract Garden sculptures Contemporary bronze figurative sculptures draped Figure Garden sculpture Metal Seated Man sculptures Unique Enigma sculptures Abstract Figurative Amusing statues Abstract Figurative Humorous sculptures Abstract Humorous Garden sculptures Abstract Tycoon sculptures Balloon Celebrity Funny Abstract Figurative sculptures Humorous Garden sculptures Metal Humorous Garden statues Abstract Cock Bird statue Bronze Contemporary Cock statuettes Bronze Modern Cockerel statuette Bronze Modern Little Rooster statues Little Abstract Cockerel sculpture Little Abstract Indoor Cock Bird statuette Semi-Abstract Bronze Cockerel sculpture Abstract Figurative statues bronze Contemporary Garden statues Contemporary bronze sculpture Contemporary Bronze sculptures Figurative Abstract bronzes for sale figurative Abstract sculptures Metal Abstract Yard statues Abstract Bronze Flautist sculptures Abstract Flute Player Torso sculptures Abstract Musician Torso statues Contemporary Bronze Flautist sculptures Metal Abstract Musician Torsos Modern Bronze Flute Playing statuettes Stylized Musical Flautist statue Abstract Amusing Garden bronze sculptures Abstract Satirical bronze Lead Balloon statues Amusing Lead Balloon bronze statues bronze lead balloon Yard sculptures Lead Balloon bronze sculptures Satirical bronze Garden sculptures Satirical Yard statues Abstract Contemporary Tree statues Abstract Metal Trees Abstract Tree statues Abstract Wire Figurative sculptures Barbed Wire Tree sculpture semi-abstract Wire Tree statues Tree in Barbed Wire Unusual Abstract sculptures Wire Abstract Tree sculptures Abstract Madonna & Baby Jesus statue Abstract Madonna & Child Garden Bronze Abstract Madonna & Child statues Contemporary Mary & Jesus statue Madonna & Child Abstract Bronzes Modern Madonna & child sculpture Modern Madonnas Modern Mary & Jesus Statue Abstract Clown Bronze statuettes Abstract Unicyle Bronze sculptures Bronze Clown sculptures Bronze Cycle Performer sculptures Figurative Abstract Clown sculptures Indoor Clown sculptures Indoor Modern Clown statues