alison murray wells

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Early years of painting in oils soon gave way to sculpture, which had become the artist`s greater love and she later established herself in the world of portrait bronzes. A rigorous attention to accuracy in the detail of the commissions combines with a sensitivity and empathy with the subject to capture the essence of character as well as likeness.

The aim is always that third parties who are intimately acquainted with the subject, as family or friends, should instantly delight in recognition of the demeanour and inner person portrayed – but the artist insists on another imperative:that each of her works must also be timeless and beautiful (or arresting) as an impersonal and free-standing work of art.

Sculptures by alison murray wells



Alison Murray Wells is married with two children and lives in Gloucestershire where her studio, a spacious converted granary, is ideal for sculpture clinics as well as allowing room for her own works in progress.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Animal Busts or Heads or Masks or Trophies For Sale or Commission Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Dogs Sculpture Domestic Animal Sculpture Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Small Animal Sculptures Bronze Little or Small sculpture Busts and Heads Sculptures Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Portrait sculptures/Commission or Bespoke or Customised sculptures African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Cats Sculpture Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Plaques, Medals, Medalions, Coins, Tokens, Commemorative Customised Commission or Bespoke Sheep, Goats Ewes, Rams, Tups, Lambs, Wether, Sculptures or Statues Wall Panel Carved Engraved Cast Moulded Sculpture Statue plaque Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Realistic Representational Sculpture Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Horses Heavy / Working Shire, Cart, Plough, Dray, Barge, Horses Sculptures Statues statuettes commissions Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Farm Yard Sculptures Little Small Nude or Naked Girls Women Ladies Females Sculpture Statue statuettes Figurines Nudes, Female Sculptures Sensuous Sexy Erotic (Nude Naked Girls Females Women Ladies) Stylised Nude statue sculpture statuette ornament Pigs, Sows, Boars, Hogs, Piglets Sounders Sculptures or Statues Wart Hogs Wild Boars sculptures and statues Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Animal sculpture Dog sculpture Dog statue Domestic Animal sculpture Lucus Terrier Bust Sculpture Lucus Terrier Head Statue Pet Portrait Bust Sculpture Pet Portrait Statues Terrier Dog Head Statue terrier dog sculpture Terrier Sculpture Terrier Statue Domestic Animal statue Little Lucas Terrier Sculpture Little Pet Portrait Sculpture Lucus Terrier Dog Sculpture Lucus Terrier Sculpture Lucus Terrier Statue Pet Portrait statue small Dog sculptures Terrier Dog statues Dog`s Head Sculpture Norfolk Terrier Dog Sculpture Norfolk Terrier Dog Statue Norfolk Terrier Sculpture Norfolk Terrier Statue pet Portrait sculpture Terrier BUST Sculpture Terrier Portrait Bust Statue bronze bust sculpture bronze bust statue Bronze Head sculpture Bronze Head statue bronze sculpture bust statue Commemorative Portrait Bust statue Commission Man`s Portrait Statue Head sculpture Head statue Male Portrait sculpture Metal Bust Sculpture Bronze Big Cat sculpture Bronze Pouncing Cheetah Statue Cat statues Indoor Big Cat Statues Landing Bronze Cheetah Sculpture Little Bronze Cheetah Sculpture Little Bronze Cheetah Statue Small Pouncing Cheetah Sculpture Small Tabletop Cheetah Sculpture High Relief Ram Sculpture High Relief Sheep Sculpture Male Sheep Relief Statue Male Sheep Wall Sculptures Ram`s Face Panel Statue Ram`s Head Relief Panel Sculpture Rams Head Wall Sculpture Round Ram`s Head Relief Round Panel Sheep`s Head Panel Statue Full Size Resting Dog Statue Life Size Dog sculpture Life Size Lurcher Sculpture Life Size Lurcher Statue Life Size Resting Lurcher Statue Out Door Lurcher statues Pet Hound Portrait Sculpture Pet Lurcher Dog Portrait Statue Resting Lurcher Sculpture Bronze Heavy Horse sculpture Bronze Heavy Horse statue Bronze Shire Horse sculpture Bronze Shire Horse Statue Bronze Work Horse Statue Equine sculpture Horse sculpture Indoor Shire Horse Sculptures Little Bronze Shire Horse Statues Shire Horse statue Bronze Bull Sculpture Bronze Highland Bull Sculpture Bronze Highland Bull Statue Bronze Highland Cattle Sculpture Bronze Highland Cattle statue Highland Cattle Sculptures Little Bronze Bull Sculpture Small Cattle sculptures Small Highland Bull Statue Bronze Nude Bronze Nude Sleeping sculpture Female Nude statues Laying down Nude Sculpture Little Naked Female sculpture Lying Nude Girl Statue Nude Woman Resting sculpture Nude Woman statuettes Sleeping Nude Girl Sculpture Small Bronze Nude sculpture Bronze Running Wild Boar Sculpture Bronze Wild Boar Statues Indoor Running Wild Boar Statues Lifelike Wild Boar Art Little Indoor Wild Boar statue Little Wild Boar Sculpture Running Wild Boar Sculpture Small Wild Boar Sculpture Small Wild Boar Statue Bronze Running Horse Sculpture Horse in Flight sculpture Horse in Flight Statue Indoor Bronze Horse Sculpture Little Bronze Horse sculpture Little Galloping Horse sculpture Little Running Horse Statue Small Bronze Equine sculpture Small Equine Statue