alex wheeler

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Although born in the US, she has lived most of her life in England where she studied at Morley College of Art, Heatherley School of Arts and Sir John Cass School of Fine Art. Her beautifully evocative figurative work is in demand wherever she exhibits.

Sculptures by alex wheeler



Alexandra was born in the United States but has lived in London most of her life. She studied painting and sculpture of Morley College, Heatherley School of Arts and Sir John Cass School of Fine Art. She is married with 2 children and lives in Kensington.

Teaching Experience
She studied painting and sculpture at Morley College, Heatherley School of Arts and Sir John Cass School of Fine Art. She has studied painting at the Royal College of Art, the Heatherley School of Fine Art and The Prince’s Drawing School.