adam binder

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Adam Binder is one of Britain`s leading wildlife sculptors, and has a signature fluid style of simple lines and flowing forms depicting both movement and emotion that beautifully captures the essence of his subjects. Working primarily in Bronze with earthy rich patinas, Adam`s work is recognized and collected all over the world.

Nature is a wonder and a joy to observe” writes Adam Binder”, and it is through my sculpture that I endeavour to connect further with wildlife and capture the character of my subject. While I`m sculpting I feel like I`m engaging with the spirit of the animal, an insight only afforded to those who seek the essence of its soul, subtle movement and suggestion in body language.

For me nature and sculpture are the perfect marriage. I see repetition in form, line, mass and detail throughout the natural world, sculpted over time but in perfect harmony. Conscious of these patterns the concept for a sculpture becomes active in my mind`s eye and only when the composition, balance and emotion is clear do I begin to sculpt. I want to portray the simplicity of form, smooth flowing lines, natural rhythm and, in doing so, free the eye to engage in the detail.

Nature is my passion and my constant distraction.

Sculptures by adam binder



Adam Binder was born on the 30th August 1970 and grew up on a farm in the picturesque surroundings of the Cotswolds, where he continues to live today. It is a place he holds dear, as it was growing up in this idyllic environment that awakened his senses to the beauty and wonder of the natural world, which has been the inspiration for his art for the last 20 years.

After gaining top grades in both his Art and Design A-Levels, Adam undertook a foundation course at Cheltenham Art College.

Adam`s first venture followed his initial interest of ceramics, spending four years running a successful business producing ceramic kitchen and giftware. Adam then took up a position as an independent commercial sculptor working primarily for the giftware trade.

In 2001 Adam started working on his own creations for Adam Binder Editions and developed his own series inspired by his personal loves and observations.

Five years down the line, Adam Binder Editions was established as one of the leading international collectibles companies and Adam was finally in a position to embark on his dream of sculpting more exclusive, wildlife Bronzes.

Since this time, Adam Binder`s Bronze Sculptures have been accepted into numerous exhibitions around the country. Adam was made an Associate Member of the Society of Wildlife Artists in 2009 and won the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year in 2010 with his sculpture of a Polar Bear; "Sinking Feeling"


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
American Wildlife Sculpture Amusing Humerous Fun Sculpture Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals at Play Sculptures Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Aquatic sculptures Fish/Shells/Sharks/Seals/Corals/Seaweed Arctic & Antarctic Animals / Wildlife sculpture Bronze Animal Sculpture Bronze Garden sculpture Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Statue Sculpture Carefree Exuberant Soaring Joyful Hopeful Sculpture Statues Dolphins, Whales, Porpoises, Seals, Sea Mamals Sculptures European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Gleaming Shiny Highly Polished Stainless Steel and Precious Metals sculpture Happiness/Joy/Exuberance/Wild Pleasure sculpture Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Coloured Painted sculpture Statue Marine Maritime Water Sea sculpture statue statuette Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Sea Shore Foreshore Wildlife sculpture statues Sealions, Seals, Walrusses sculpture statues Seaside Sculptures Statues The Americas: Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Yard Outdoor Sculptures African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Asian Animals sculptures or statues Bronze Dog Sculpture Dog Portrait Sculpture Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Dogs Sculpture Dogs Wild, Foxes, Wolves, Sculptures / Statues Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Foxes Sculptures Statues Statuettes Indoors Interior sculptures Life Size Animal Sculpture LIfe Size Dog Sculpture Statues Lifelike Animal Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Dog Sculpture Little Dog or Hound Sculpture Outdoors Garden or Yard sculpture Outside Outdoors Sculptures Statues Predators Carnivores Hunters Flesh Eaters sculptures Realistic Representational Sculpture Statues statuettes Bears Sculptures Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Small Animal Sculptures Bronze Horse Sculpture Donkeys Zebras Mules Asses and Unicorns sculpture / statue Horse Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Horses sculptures statues statuettes Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Lifelike Horse Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Animal Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Horse Sculpture Little Animals Sculpture Small Little Shelf Sculpture Young Animals including Cubs Calves Kittens Foals Lambs Fawns Pupies Pups Joeys Embryos sculpture Statues statuettes Zebra Sculpture statue Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Bronze Reptile Sculpture Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Little Reptile Sculpture Reptiles Sculptures and Amphibian Sculptures Shells Sculptures including Land and Sea and Freshwater Shells Fossil Shells Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Tortoises Terrapins and Turtles Sculptures Statues and statuettes for sale Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Garden Wildlife Sculptures Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Lifelike Realistic Reptile Sculpoture Lifelike Realistic Snake Serpenj Sculpture sculptures/statues SculptureSculpture Small Little Abstract Sculptures Snakes Serpents Pythons Boa Constrictor sculpture statues Badger, Otter, Beaver, Weasel, Stoat, Pine Martin, Wombat Sculptures Animals Eatimg Feeding Drinking sculpture statues Insects and Bugs Sculptures Lifelike Insect Sculpture Outsize, Very Big, Extra Large and Massive Sculptures Shelf Size Sculpture


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Adam Binder Playing Seals sculptures Adam Binder Swimming Seals statues Animal & Garden statues Bronze Aquatic statues Bronze Cavorting Seals sculptures Bronze Pair Seals statues Bronze Seals Swimming sculptures Seal statuettes Seals Garden statuettes Adam Binder Animal statue Adam Binder Bronze Fox Sculpture Adam Binder Fox statue Adam Binder Hunting Fox sculptures Adam Binder Wilod Life statue Bronze Fox on the Prowl Sculpture Bronze Hunting Animals sculptures Bronze Poised Fox sculpture Bronze Wild Animal statues Bronze Wild Life statues Fox Hunting Sculpture Life Size Bronze Fox Hunting Sculpture Lifelike Life size Fox Scuipture Metal Wild Animal sculptures Prowling Fox statue Realistic Recognisable Fox Sculpture Adam Adam Binder Basking Polar Bear bronze statues Bear bronze Binder Polar Bear sculptures Bronze Polar Bear Dozing statuette Little Polar Bear Metal Endangered Species sculptures Polar Bear Dozing Bronze statues Polar Bear Lying bronze sculptures AAdam Binder Bronze Zebra Sculpture Adam Binder Little Wild Life Sculpture Adam Binder Wild Animal sculpture Adam Binder Zebra statues Bronze Zebra Foal sculptures Bronze Zebra Foal statuettes Little Zebra Foal sculptures small Zebra Foal Bronze sculptures Small Zebra Foal statuettes Young Zebra Bronze sculptures Zebra Foal statues Adam Binder Bronze Tortoise sculpture Adam Binder Reptile statue Bronze Tortoise Shell sculpture Life Size Tortoise statue Reptile sculpture Small Bronze tortoise statue Tortois Shell sculpture Tortoise Shell sculpture Tortoise Shell statue Tortoise statue Wild Tortoise statue Adam Binder Leopard sculpture Adam Binder Leopard sculptures African Big Cat Feeding bBonze sculptures Big Cat Bronze statues Big Cat Feeding Bronze statues Bronze Feeding Leopard statue Leopard Feeding Bronze statues Small Metal Wild Cat statuettes Bronze Life Size Tortoise sculptures Bronze Sleeping Tortoise Little Tortoise bronze Metal Dozing Tortoise statues Metal Sleeping Tortoise statues Metal Tortoise Dozing statues Tortoise Dozing statuettes Tortoise Garden sculptures Tortoise statuettes Adam Binder Bronze Python Sculpture Adam BinderLittle Coiled Serpent Sculpture statues bronze Coiled Python statues bronze Snake sculptures Coiled bronze Python sculptures Little Bronze Snake Sculpture Little Metal Snake statues Little Python bronze Ornament little Python statuettes sculpture of Python Small Coiled Snake Sculpture small Metal Python statues statue of Python statuette of Python Adam Binder sculptures of Otter Bronze Cavorting Otter sculptures Bronze statues of Otters Hunting Bronze Swimming Otter sculpture Bronze Swimming Otter statue for Garden Little Bronze Otter Metal little Otters sculptures small Bronze Wildlife statue Adam Binder Bronze Ants sculptures Adam Binder Insect sculptures Adam Binder Insect statue Bronze Leaf Cutter Ant sculptures Bronze Leaf Cutter Ant statuettes Indoor Insect Bronze statues Indoor Insect sculptures Inside Insect Art sculptures Metal Leaf Cutter Ants statuettes Adam Binder Seal sculpture Basking Seal Bronze sculpture Beached Seal statuette in bronze Bronze Basking Seals statues bronze Dozing Seals sculpture Bronze Dozing Seals statuettes Bronze Seal statues Prostrate Metal Seal Metal Sleeping Seal sculpture bronze Contemporary Animal sculpture bronze Wild Dog sculptures Little Painted Dog sculptures Little Wild Dog African sculptures Metal Wild Life sculptures small African Wild Dog statuettes small bronze Animal sculptures Wild Animal bronze sculptures