senol podayva

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Senol Podayva was born in Podayva, a village of Razgrat in Bulgaria in 1974.

In 1999 he graduated from the Department of Sculpture of the Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts in Istanbul, Turkey.

The artist had his first personal exhibition in 1987 in Podayva village school.

Presently he keeps working on his art in his studio “kuzgunSANAT” located in the suburbs of Istanbul where he also uses it as a “mini art gallery” to exhibit his artworks.

I would like to make sculptures of any material but metal is much special for me. Every material has its own language. Making sculptures with them is in fact speaking with the matarial itself thus with the nature. What I realised after years of art is a new definition of art for me. I learned that real art, as a more general definition, is ?a reflection of a personal effort of escaping the space-time?; a reflection that will always carry a trace of the space-time. More you are involved to a deeper art more this trace is being minimized. When you get rid of this trace then you are FREE. All of my art strivings are results of that definition in above and are the efforts to free myself.

Sculptures by senol podayva


He was born in Podayva, a village of Razgrat in Bulgaria in 1974.

In 1999 he graduated from the Department of Sculpture of the Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts in Istanbul, Turkey. He had a degree of graduation from Prof. Nilay Buyukisleyen?s studio. He had participated in the studio of the sculptor Ziyatin Nuriyev, the stone expert. He had been in assistance to the sculptor Nemci Murat for about three years. He had been in assistance to Prof. Sadik Altinok?s and Nemci Murat?s joint ceramic, panel and mosaic works. He had also joined to the metal work courses of Prof. Tulay Baytug.

The artist had his first personal exhibition in 1987 in Podayva village school.

In 2006 he attended to Yusuf Taktak?s art studio ?karagoz? for a year. He had joined locally to some personel and local exhibitions.

Presently he keeps working on his art in his studio ?kuzgunSANAT? located in the suburbs of Istanbul where he also uses it as a ?mini art gallery? to exhibit his artworks.


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Abstract sculpture Abstract statue Animal Abstract sculpture Animal Abstract statue Bird Head sculpture Bird Head statue Bird sculpture Bird statue Abstract Garden sculpture Abstract Garden statue Abstract sculpture for sale Abstract statue for sale garden sculpture garden statue Animal form Abstract sculpture Animal Form sculpture Animal Form statue Focal Point Wire Sculpture Metal Wire Sculptures Wall Mounted Bird Sculpture Wall Mounted sculpture Abstract Bird Like sculpture Abstract Bird like statue Abstract Indoor sculpture Indoor sculpture Figurative Abstract sculpture Figurative sculpture Figurative statue Human form Abstract sculpture Human form sculpture The Dancing Two sculpture for sale The Dancing Two statue for sale Male sculpture Male statue Resting Man sculpture Resting Man statue sculpture of Men statue of Men Abstract Indoor Metal statue Abstract Metal Garden sculpture Big or Massive Abstract statue Contemporary statues Large or Small Organic sculpture Modern Contemporary Garden sculpture Abstract Bee Garden sculpture Abstract Bee statues Abstract Insect Indoor sculpture Abstract Insect statues Contemporary Insect Indoor/Outside sculpture Indoor Abstract Bee sculpture Insect sculpture Modern Standing Bee sculpture Standing Bee statues Abstract Fabricated sculpture Contemporary Fabricated statue Fabricated Abstract statue Indoor Abstract Steel statue Little Abstract Statue Metal Indoor Abstract sculpture Modern Fabricated Metal statues small Abstract sculpture Steel Abstract statue Abstract Aquatic Indoor statue Abstract Aquatic statues Abstract Fish statues Abstract sculpture Fish statuette Animal sculptures Big Modern Fish sculptures Indoor Abstract Fish sculpture Semi-Abstract Fish statues Semi-Abstract Fish statues for Sale