rafael zabala

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

He is an active member of the Surrey Sculpture Society, and has exhibited at Borde Hill and Osterly already this year, and draws much of his inspiration from life and myth.

Sculptures by rafael zabala



My name is Rafael, and I am originally from Spain. Since I can remember, I have always been attracted and devoted to express human and animal form in any artistic way available to me. in my younger times mainly drawing and painting and later sculpture strongly called my attention. From my beginnings as an apprentice for several professional sculptors until my I became a professional myself,….I worked as a traditional sculptor in resin, bronze and marble, from public to privet commissions, to exhibiting in galleries and others like stenography for theatre, TV or movies.

Later on I became aware of the great opportunity that the 3D industry could offer me as an artist, and how much I had to offer and learn in return from this new media. In 2010 I started my career in London at The Mill, as a 3D modeller, where I spent 2 years working on TV main brand commercials, and some cinematic for video games too. After a good start, and having gained some good experience as a 3D professional I had a great opportunity to move to New Zealand and work for Weta Digital, where I have been modelling mainly characters in titles like The Hobbit, some of them relevant like Azog, and also worked in other titles like Man of Still, ironMan 3 or Dawn of the Planet of The Apes or The Desolation of Smaug “The Hobbit”.

having succeed as a 3D modeller, working in one of the best possible places in this industry, added to my previous 15 years as a traditional sculptor have also allowed me to became a teacher to others who are now new artists on the making process.

Please!… I invite you to have a look at my work which I will try to keep updated as much as possible, and hope you enjoy it too. Any comments are always welcome and helpful to me

Public Acquisitions
He has lived and worked in different countries producing artwork for both private and public commisssions using bronze, stone and resin as well as coordingating and creating scenography for film