priscilla hann

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Priscilla Hann`s pieces are true to life and she specialises in accurate portraiture of domestic and wild animals and birds. She has exhibited in London and the USA.

Priscilla Hann`s Personal statement
In the first meeting I would take photos, sketches etc and return home and start work. I would get to the nearly finished stage then spend another day or so with the animal for the finishing touches. Of course, if the commissions is abroad I would make the piece at home then send the photos of the finished model to the client. The photographic session would probably only take an hour or so. It is generally difficult to work from other peoples photos as they do not understand angles, proportions, positions etc, though I have had some success with the head alone, the animal in question had died.

I make the models in wax, plasticine or clay, dependent upon size and finish.

The piece is then presented to the client for their approval. some adjustments may be made at this stage. After the piece is accepted the client is committed to the final payment. It is then taken to the foundry where it will be cast in bronze or silver.

Sculptures by priscilla hann



Priscilla Hann was born in Shropshire, studied at Wolverhampton College of Arta dn the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia USA, where she won the major sculpture prize. Her work is cast in bronze and silver and is mainly of horses and dogs, but she alos works on a variety of other subjects.

Public Works

In aid of the Bob Champion Cancer Trust - Bob Champion and Aldanti
Life sized New Forest Pony Mare and foal for a New Shopping Centre, Ringwood in Hampshire.

Public Acquisitions
Priscilla Hann`s Important Commissions and Sales Mr and Mrs Brendan O`Briens Chaser "Jo Colomo" Mrs Pamela Sykes Champion Lurcher "Sandy" Sire Humphrey Browne`s Golden Retriever "Capplebank Sir Laino" West Tip Over Beechers Brook, Richard Dunwoody Mr N. Jones Group Winning Filly "Silk Petal" Winner of the Foxhunters Chase at Aintree "City Boy" Half-sized Cross Country Driving Horse "Snaffles" Simon McNeill on "Katabatic" Mister Baileys winner of the 2, 000 gns 1994 Mr John Summers Dublin Flyer 1999 Mrs Carol Goods international Eventer "Time will Tell" "Bringing in the Flock" 4 sheep and a sheep dog, 9ft long for a garden in Rutland.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Bronze Garden sculpture Champions sculptures statues statuettes figurines Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Racehorse Bronze, Stone, Resin, Silver Statues Small indoors and Large Lifesize Outside Stallion Sculpture Statue Statuette Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Dogs Wild, Foxes, Wolves, Sculptures / Statues Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Precious Metal Precious stone Sculpture Statue Ornament Figurine Statuette Small Animal Sculptures Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Dogs Sculpture Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Animals: Adult with Young Foals Fillies ColtsYoung Horses sculpturs Statues Statuettes Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Love / Affection/Adoration/Passion Sculpture Mare and Foal Statues Sculptures Statuary Animal Busts or Heads or Masks or Trophies For Sale or Commission Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Bronze Little or Small sculpture Custom Commission Bespoke Animal Sculpture Dogs Small or Little sculpture statue Domestic Animal Sculpture Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Lifelike Animal Sculpture Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Pigs, Sows, Boars, Hogs, Piglets Sounders Sculptures or Statues Birds of Prey Raptors Hawks Eagles Falcons Owls Sculptures Garden Wildlife Sculptures Perched Birds sculptures statues carvings Wild Bird Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Horse and Rider/Jockey Sculpture/Equestrian Sculptures Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
bronze Horse sculpture Horse sculpture in Bronze Prancing Horse Portrait statues Rearing Bronze Horse Rearing Horse half Life Sized bronzes Rearing Horse Portrait bronzes Rearing Horse sculpture Rearing Horse statue sculpture of horse statue of horse bronze Fox sculptures bronze Running Fox sculpture bronze Running Fox sculptures field sport sculpture Fox Hunting statue Fox Hunting statuettes Little Fleeing Fox sculpture Miniature Fox sculptures small bronze Fox statuettes Tabletop Fox sculptures Bronze Foxhunting sculptures Bronze Hunting sculptures Hound bronzes Hunting bronzes Little Foxhound Bronze Dog sculptures Little Hound sculptures Small Bronze Dog statuettes Small Fox Hound Bronze statuettes Small Hunting sculptures Tiny Dog bronzes bronze Mare & Foal Commission bronze Mare & Foal statuette Bronze Mare & Foal statuettes Commission Horse Portraits Little Bronze Mare & Foal Figurine Little Mare Feeding Foal sculptures small bronze Horse sculptures Small Horse & Foal statuettes Bespoke Dog Portrait sculpture bronze Wire Hair Terrier Portraits Commission Pet Portrait bronze Commissioned Dog Portrait Sculpture Custom Dog Portrait Sculpture Dog bronze Dog Portrait sculptures Dog sculptures in bronze Life Size Terrier Portrait bronzes Priscilla Hann Animal Portrait Sculpture Priscilla Hann Pet pg Portrait Sculpture Terrier Commission bronzes Terrier sculptures Terrier statues Wire haired Terrier statues Bronze Farm Animal statuettes Bronze Pig sculpture Bronze Pot Bellied Pig statuette Bronze Swine sculptures Little Pot Belly Pig statuette Pet Animal Commission Pig sculpture Small Pig statues Small Pot Belly Pig bronzes Small Pot Belly Pig sculpture bronze Barn Owl Resting sculpture bronze Barn Owl statue bronze Owl Perching statuette bronze Perched Owl sculpture Bronze Predator statuette Bronze Wild Bird Outdoor statue Perched Barn Owl sculpture Resting Barn Owl statue Small Bird of Prey statue Bronze Dog Portrait sculpture Bronze Pet Portrait statues Contemporary Pointer statuette English Pointer Dog sculpture English Pointer statuette Gaze Hound sculpture Hunting Dog sculpture Shooting Dog sculpture small Dog sculpture Sporting Dog statue Champion Race Horse bronze Figurine Champion Racehorse statue Grand National Race statuettes Grand National Winner statue Little Racehorse sculptures Race Horse & Jockey in the National statues Richard Dunwoody & Fiasco statue Winning Racehorse bronzes Bronze Horse & Hounds bronze Horse sculptures Bronze Hunt statue Bronze Hunter & Hounds statues Bronze Hunter sculpture Bronze Hunter statuette Bronze Hunter statuettes Bronze Hunting sculpture Contemporary Bronze Hunt statuette Foxhunting sculptures