pippa unwin

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

She is a stone carver/sculptor living in the west country with over twenty years experience. She mainly carves animals and birds in local limestone or marble and alabaster.

My career has been quite varied – I have been 1st mate on a 50’ yacht, written and illustrated children’s books and painted scenery for Salisbury Playhouse, but have always been fascinated with stone and carving. At school in Wells, I spent hours in the Cathedral, absorbed by the energy and humanity of the masons’ work. Later, married to a geologist I learnt about the formation and structure of stone.
I learnt the traditional skills from stonemasons, who treat the stone with respect and honesty; my work is practical and nonsentimental.
I am inspired by art of different cultures, geometry and nature, but mostly carve the natural form – I enjoy trying to capture the animal’s individual character and spirit – discovering more about the stone itself, its limitations and possibilities.

When man first began to use tools he worked with stone. We carry this on today, still using traditional skills on stone formed millions of years ago to create pieces that will last hundreds of years hence.

Sculptures by pippa unwin



I originally trained and worked as a children’s book illustrator at Cambridge Art School and had several books published. However, I was keen to work in 3D, so I studied for NVQs 2 and 3 in Architectural Stonemasonry and Carving at Bath College. I began as an apprentice in Salisbury, but now work freelance, based at a workshop near Kingsbridge, in Devon.

Public Works

My work varies widely – restoration and stone repair; working with architects on newbuilds, providing everything from finials to fireplaces; and letter cutting and relief carving. My real love is sculpture; especially the animal form.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Carved or Carving sculpture Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Dogs Hounds Bitches Puppies Sporting and Racing Dogs Sculpture Domestic Animal Sculpture Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Labrador Dog sculpture Lifelike Realistic Coloured Painted sculpture Statue Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Realistic Representational Sculpture Restful Sleeping Dozing Day Dreaming sculpture statue Statues statuettes Stone Garden Yard sculpture or statue Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary American Wildlife Sculpture Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Animals at Play Sculptures Animals: Adult with Young Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Contented Happy Relaxed Sculpture or Statue European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Marine Maritime Water Sea sculpture statue statuette Stylized Animals Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Elephants (Pachederms) Sculptures, African, Asian Indian, Sumatran Interactive Sculpture statues Maquette For Larger Monumental Massive Big or Large statue or sculpture White Sculpture Statues statuettes Young Animals including Cubs Calves Kittens Foals Lambs Fawns Pupies Pups Joeys Embryos sculpture Statues statuettes Garden Wildlife Sculptures Small Bird Sculptures Statues Wild Bird Sculptures Farm Yard Sculptures Sheep, Goats Ewes, Rams, Tups, Lambs, Wether, Sculptures or Statues Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Predators Carnivores Hunters Flesh Eaters sculptures Sea Birds Seagulls Sea Eagles Albatrosses Gannets etc.Sculptures Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Water Birds/ Water Fowl/ Seabirds/ Waders African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Reptiles Sculptures and Amphibian Sculptures Ornamental Birds sculpture or statues Arctic & Antarctic Animals / Wildlife sculpture Bears Sculptures Bas Reliefs or Low Reliefs Flower sculpture statue Tree Plant Shrub Bonsai sculpture statue statuette Trompe l'Oeil Low Relief Panel sculptures/statues/panels Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Little Small Nude or Naked Girls Women Ladies Females Sculpture Statue statuettes Figurines Nudes, Female Sculptures Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Carved Golden Retriever Sculpture Carved Retriever Garden Sculpture Carved Stone Dog Sculpture Golden retriever Garden Sculpture Golden Retriever Outdoor Sculpture Lifelike Lying dog Sculpture Pippa Unwin Carved Garden Sculpture Pippa Unwin Carved Stone statue Pippa Unwin statue Sleeping retriever Sculpture Carved Little Seals Sculpture Little Interior Seals Sculpture Little Stone Seals Sculpture Modern Minimalist Seal sculpture Mother and Puop Seals sculpture Small Minimalist Seals Statues Bird statue Carved Stone Bird sculpture Carved Stone Bird statue Carved Stone Robin sculpture Carved Stone sculpture Carved Wild Robin statue Little Wild Bird sculpture robin statue small wild bird sculpture wild bird statue Carved Stone Ewe & Lamb sculpture Carved Stone Ewe & Lamb statues Carved Stone Sheep sculpture Farm Yard sculptures Sheep & Lamb sculptures Stone Ewe & Lamb statue Swaledale Sheep & Lamb statue Swaledale Sheep sculptures Animal sculpture Animal statue Big Cat sculpture Big Cat statue Carved Stone Tiger sculpture Carved Stone Tiger statue Tiger sculpture Tiger statue Wild Animal sculpture Wild Animal statue Bird sculptures Cormorant sculpture Cormorant statue Diving Bird sculpture Diving Bird statue Little Carved Stone Cormorant statues Stone carved Bird sculptures Wild Animal sculptures Wild Bird sculptures Carved Stone Crocodile Garden statues Carved Stone Crocodile sculpture Carved Stone Crocodile statues Carved Stone Reptile statue Crocodile Family Stone statue Stone Crocodile Family sculpture Stone Reptile Yard sculpture Wild Animal Garden sculpture Bird sculpture Carved Stone Birds sculpture Carved Stone Dove statue Carved Stone Doves sculpture Carved Stone White Dove sculpture Dove statue Stone Bird statue Wild Bird sculpture Carved Bear statue Carved Bear statues Carved Stone Bear Garden sculpture Carved Stone Bear sculpture Carved Stone Polar Bear sculpture Polar Bear & Cubs sculpture Polar Bear & Cubs statue polar bear sculpture polar bear statue Abstract sculpture Abstract statue Bas Relief sculpture Bas Relief statue Carved Slate sculpture Carved Slate statue Slate sculpture Slate statue Wall Mounted sculpture Wall mounted statue Figurative sculpture Figurative statue Lady in Bath sculpture Lady in Bath statue Nude Female sculpture Nude Female statue sculpture of Women statue of Women Stone Carved sculpture Stone carved statue