paul wilson

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Paul has a natural aptitude with stone using natural forms as a basis for his pleasing and tactile work. His central natural theme pervades his diverse subjects and materials, a collectors sculptor. Although trained he has that something that cannot be acquired through learning.

Sculptures by paul wilson



Paul was born in Walton-on-Thames in 1965 and grew up mainly in Dublin and the Cotswolds. He successfully completed a BA Honours Degree in Fine Arts at Bristol Polytechnic in 1989.

Paul started carving stone in 1987 and has worked exclusively in stone ever since. The main inspiration for his work comes from organic forms found in nature as well as more geometric shapes more common in architecture and machinery.

Paul feels that the process of carving stone is a fundamental and integral part of his work. None of his works are titled, as he believes this allows the person to view the sculpture for what it actually is rather than whit it might represent, or relate to, and forcing you to look harder at the forms and textures of the sculpture.

Paul works in different ways, sometimes working from a maquette also made in stone, sometimes working with a certain idea or image in his mind. Sometimes he works spontaneously carving the stone with no specific image in mand, working directly into the block of stone responding to the forms and thir juxtaposition as the evolve. Works may well involve two or more of these ways of working.

Paul has worked on many commissions in the UK and Ireland as well as mainland Europe. Among his recent works was a commission for Salisbury District Council and Wiltshire County Council in the High Street in Salisbury. He also showed a sculpture in "the shape of the century" exhibition - 100 years of British sculpture at Canary Wharf, London.

Public Works


Five stone plaques commissioned by Salisbury District Council and Wiltshire County Council for the High Street in Salisbury
Site - specific commission for the Hale Millennium Committee
Commission for Netley Abbey Junior School
Sculpture for Dave Hart.

Public Acquisitions
Private Collections: Europe United States of America United Kingdom Republic of Ireland.