paul fay

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Paul is a highly versatile portrait sculptor and model maker and has gained a vast amount of experience over the last 25 years, with the ability to work with a wide range of materials to create hand crafted bespoke pieces as well as subject specific portraits and figures to a high standard. Paul`s work is has been shown world wide as well as private collections and exhibitions throughout the UK.

I am always open to new and exciting sculpting challenges and relish the opportunity to create.

Sculptures by paul fay



Born in 1971, Paul developed an interest in sculpting from the age of 15 in High School, he produced sculptures for manufacturing companies and private commission from an early age.
Paul works as a freelance sculptor for a number of commercial publishing companies, as well as sculpting and manufacturing collectable action figures and figurines for Marvel collectable Figurines, The BBC and corporate work as a freelance artist for Liverpool and Halton Council and a permanent Automata exhibit in Warrington Museum. He studied Design at Manchester Metropolitan University where I obtained a First Class Honours Degree.
Paul gained the position of Art and 3D Design Lecturer at croton 6th Form College in Cheshire, his passion lies with Portrait and figurative sculpture and capturing the essence within. He works from his home studio to create work using stoneware and earthenware fired clay as well as Bronze Resin, Fibreglass, Polyurethane Resin, Wax and Plaster. His work is also available in cast Bronze on request. He can work to extreme detail and accuracy in a variety of scale from 3 inch figures to lifesize and beyond.


I draw my inspiration from life, classical Greek and Roman portrait sculpture Leonardo Divinci, Michelangelo, as well as Contemporary Hyper Realistic sculptors like Ron Mueck, Stop Motion Artist Ray Harryhausen and Special Effects Makeup Artists Rick Baker and Dick Smith.

Public Works

Warrington Museum- Coin Operated half scale Automata Mummy

Teaching Experience
Halton Satellite Theatre Company 1992-1993 (Props and special effects, scenery) Halton High School 1998- 2005 Norton Priory Museum (Workshops 1998 - 2011) Halton Borough Council (Workshops 1996- 2000) Halton College, Riverside College, Cronton Sixth Form (Course Leader Art and Design Year 1) Great Sankey High School, Warrington (Design Teacher) Bridgewater High School, Warrington (Design Teacher)


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Big Skull Wall sculptures Decorative Tin Can Skull sculptures Large Metal Skull Mask statues Large Tin Skull sculptures Metal Fabricated skull statues Metal Skull sculptures Metal Skull Wall Mount Metal Welded Skull sculpture Tin Can Skull Wall Mask Celebrity Commission Portrait sculpture Commission Bust sculpture Commission Bust statue commission statue Walter White Bust sculpture Walter White bust statue Walter White bust statuette Walter White Head sculpture Walter White Head statue Big Raven sculpture Bird Commission Portrait sculpture Commission Bird sculptures Contemporary Tin Can Crow sculpture Crow sculptures Metal Portrait Commission sculptures Post modern Metal Bird sculpture Raven Head sculpture Tin Bird sculpture Face jug sculpture Face Jug statue Jug sculpture Jug statue Martin Brothers Jug sculpture Martin Brothers sculpture Martin Brothers statue Del Boy & Rodney sculptures Del Boy & Rodney statue Del Boy & Rodney statues Del Boy & Rodney statuettes Only Fools & Horses sculptures Only Fools & Horses statues Only Fools & Horses statuettes sculpture of the Trotters small Del Boy & Rodney statue Affordable Beatles sculptures Affordable Lennon sculptures Affordable sculptures of John Lennon bronze Resin John Lennon busts bust of John Lennon statue Contemporary statue of John Lennon limited Edition Beatles sculptures statue of John Lennon head Affordable Ceramic bust sculpture Affordable Head statue Affordable sculpture of Men Bespoke Portrait sculptures Ceramic Portrait bust statues Custom Head sculptures Male Portrait sculpture Portrait Commission sculpture Portrait sculpture Commissions Figurative sculpture Figurative statue Portrait sculpture Portrait statue realistic sculpture Realistic statue step toe and son sculpture Step toe and Son statue