patricia riveras
Mediums Used
Patrícia Riveras`s own Words…To abandon oneself to the dance of my own hands, to the energetic geture direct and nervous of my fingers on the clay, I do modelling as do living. My sculpture is my character, all passion and life, All melts together, I melt all, Angels and Demons everything.
I run away from perfection, from the statue, from canas and criteria. I rather get impresed by the unfinished where the effort of the figure for getting out through the materia can be perceived, embryonic materia announcing the new being. A throbbing emotion appears like in the very instanct of birth. There is a well the uncertainty and the mystery, the love to the unknown.
Sculptures by patricia riveras
.seleccionada en el concurso de esculturas celebrado por el Ayuntamiento de Torrelavit.
. seleccionada en el concurso de la Fundaci?n de las Artes y los Artistas
. seleccionada en el Concurso de arte figurativo celebrado en Badajoz.2010: seleccionada en el Concurso de la Fundaci?n de las Artes y los Artistas.
I come from an environment of journalism specialised in Fine Arts, the artistic creation activities began sone 15 years ago making puppets. Constructing puppets awaken in me a passion for pure sculpture, a vocation I follwo with all my enthusiasm.