nicholas webster

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Nicholas attended Reigate school of art in 1978 and gained his higher Surrey diploma in art and design in 1983 after completing a 2 year foundation course and a further 3 years specialising in sculpture and 3d work. Working with stone is a particular passion of his although he works with all materials including wood, clay, plaster and concrete.

Sculptures by nicholas webster



. From a very early age nick enjoyed playing with clay from his garden and soon realised he could make things with it. That was the start. During his school years Nick was encouraged by his art teacher Mr Douglas George to continue into further education with his art.. Nick attended Reigate school of art and design for five years where He did a 2 year foundation course and 3 years specializing in sculpture and 3d work. He obtained His higher surrey diploma in 1983. Nick and family lived in cornwall for three years where with their growing family he took on some farm work to help make ends meet. The family moved back to surrey in 1989 where he took on a job as school caretaker in their childrens school.. During that time he took clay modelling classes with all the year groups on the given subject at the time. Very rewarding. Over the years Nick has continued to create all types of art work using all sorts of materials for family and friends, but only decided to make sculpting a full time career in 2015. Nick has an interest in history specifically medieval history and folklore and a love of old churches and buildings which is often reflected in his work. One of Nicks absolute passions is the west country particularly South West Cornwall where he has a little piece of land which he likes to spend as much time as possible working on his Cornish beach slate carvings.


I am inspired by a lot of things. the outdoors, social history, folklore, nature, the sea, the moors, the sun, the rain,Gothic architecture anything that captures my imagination

Teaching Experience
Taking clay modelling classes with 7 to 11 year olds


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Uncatagorized Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Carved or Carving sculpture Carved Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Soap Stone Granite Lime stone Sculpture Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Sport sculpture Fairies Imps Trolls Gnomes Pixies Elves Goblins Hobgoblins Leprechauns Gremlins Elfs statuettess figurines Sculptures Statues Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Small/Little Figurative sculpture/statuette/ statuary/ornament/figurine Emerging Form or Face or Feature sculpture statue statuette for sale Gods or Goddess, or Deity Sculptures Green Man (and Green Woman)Faces, Busts, Heads, Torsos Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Buildings, Structures and Parts Statues or Sculptures Gargoyle Carvings sculptures statues Wall Panel Carved Engraved Cast Moulded Sculpture Statue plaque After the Antique Sculptures carvings Statues Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Historical Character statues/sculptures Baby Infant Young Child statue sculpture statuette Children Child Babies Infants Toddlers Kids sculptures statues statuettes figurines Children Playing sculptures or statues or statuettes Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Happiness/Joy/Exuberance/Wild Pleasure sculpture Aspirational/Inspirational Sculptures or Statues Calm Love and Affection Sculptures or Statues Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Religious Sculpture Spiritual sculpture Bas Reliefs or Low Reliefs Fantasy sculpture or Statue Mermaid Water Babies Water and Sea Nymphs sculpture statue statuary for Outdoors in the Garden Nudes, Female Sculptures Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Classical Style Sculptures and statues Flower sculpture statue Heraldic Crests Logos Trade Marks Carvings or Castings Christian Sculpture & Statues Mounted Heads, Masks, Wall Mounted Busts of Animals


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Addressing the Ball Sculpture Carved stone Golfer Sculpture Carved Stone Golfer statue Little Golfer Sculpture Little Golfer statue Man Golfing sculpture Man Golfing Statue Semi Abstract Golfer carving Sports Carving statue Carved Stone Man Statue Little Carved Stone Man statue Little Man Candle Holder statue Little Torch Bearer sculpture Medieval Man Carving statue Medieval Style Man sculpture Small Stone Man statue Stone Medieval Man carving Stone Peasant Carving statue Carved Face Garden sculpture Carved Green man Sculptures Carved Green Man slate sculpture Carved stone Face sculpture Green Man Face Sculptures Green Man slate statues Hand Carved Face Stone Statue Indoor stone Face sculptures Little Green Man Statue building inset sculpture Carved Devil Gargoyle statue Carved Nicholas Webster sculptor Carved Stone Devil carving Carved stone Devil statues Devil Limestone carving statue Old Nick Stone sculptures Stone Demon Gargoyle sculpture Stone Devil Gargoyles Carved Merlin sculpture Carved stone Merlin sculpture Carved Stone Merlin statuette Cornish slate Merlin carving Low relief Merlin statue Merlin & Hawk slate sculpture Merlin & Hawk statues Merlin Indoor Carving sculpture Stone Bird of Prey sculpture Boy Sitting Garden statue Carved Cheeky Boy statue Carved Sitting Boy statue little Boy carving sculpture Little Boy Sitting statue Portland stone cheeky child sculptures Seated Boy Garden sculpture Small Boy garden sculpture Squatting Boy statuettes Carved Stone Woman Praying sculpture Carved Woman Limestone sculpture Garden Female statue Medieval Praying Woman sculpture Portland stone sculpture Praying Lady statue Praying Pilgrim sculpture Stone Praying Female statues Young Lady Praying sculpture Beach Slate Mermaid Carving Little Mermaid Panel Little Mermaid Wall Panel Little Nude Carving Mermaid Bas relief statue Mermaid Beach slate carving mythical Mermaid slate carving Small Mermaid statue Small stone Mermaid sculpture Stone Mermaid statue After the Antique Knight sculpture After the Antique Knight statue Carved Knight statue Carved Stone Knight sculpture Medieval Knight Stone sculpture Medieval Knights Face statue Portland Stone Knights Templar sculpture Big Tudor Rose carving Big Tudor Rose statue carved Tudor Rose Carving English Tudor Rose statue Outsize Tudor Rose statue Portland Stone Tudor rose carving Traditional Tudor Rose Art Traditional Tudor Rose sculpture Wall Mounted Tudor Rose sculpture Devil Sculpture grotesque mask Sculpture Head of the Devil Sculpture mythical wall hanging Sculpture terracotta mask Sculpture Terracotta mask Statue Wall mounted Head Sculpture