nadine senft

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Much of her work is concerned with the abstraction of form from basic structural principles and organic origins. Many themes make reference to the human bodgy and wildlife while others represnet abstract concepts rooted in religion, history and the human psyche. Commissioned work, on whatever scale, is of particular interest as she is stimulated by the need to meet the clients wishes within a budget, while retaining her own artistic integrity.

Much of my work is concerned with the abstraction of form from basic structural principles and organic origins. Many themes make refernce to the humna body and wildlife while others represent abstract concepts rooted in religion, history and the human psyche. Commissioned work, on whatever scale, is of particular interest as I am stimulated by the need to meet the clients wishes and keep within a budget, while retaining my own artistic integrity.

Sculptures by nadine senft




Worked in industry and as free-lance designer for number of years. Currently living and working in Warwickshire.

Public Acquisitions
WORKS IN PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: Great Britain and Eire, U.S.A, Canada, Ghana, Nigeria, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Australia, Venezuela. MAJOR WORKS COMMISSIONED: The Fasson Trophy (UK) Ltd. 6 Aluminium Sculptures presented annually for Graphic Design in Industry. Bronze Sculpture (12ft H x 15ft L) providing seating in Main Entrance Hall of DHSS Building, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth. Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Trophy. Sculpture of Logo in Perspex for annual presentation. St. George and The Dragon. Relief Sculpture (12ft W x 27ft H) in Stainless Steel and Perspex for the Rotunda, St. George`s Shopping Mall, Preston, Lancs. The Brailes Icon. Painted Wood Sculpture of Madonna and Child, St.George`s Church, Brailes, South Warwickshire. In Memoriam, Bronze crucifixion. St. Gregory`s Church, Tredington, Warwickshire. Stainless steel sculpture, 145 x 150 cm. commissioned to form part of a new landscaped water feature in private garden, Alveston, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks. Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award Trophy (2003), Stainless Steel. The Natural History Museum, London. Steel sculpture "Spaceframe", 500cm x 500cm. Broomhill Sculpture Gardens, Barnstaple, Devon.