graham high

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

A remarkable man whose work is better known than he is, having produced the models and animatronics for practically every film. from 101 Dalmatians, Babe, Aliens and The English Patient, to the latest Harry Potter film. His work is in museums in London, Swindon, Riga, Halifax, Ohio, and Taiwan, and private collections in Britain, USA, Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Russia, Australia and Kenya.

Sculptures by graham high



Born in 1948 in West London.

Education : 1969 - 73 Leeds University
1973 - 74 Leeds University

Occupations : 1966 - 69 Executive Officer in Board of Trade - various posts. During this time painting and sculpting in free time up to university.

1974 - 75 Free lance painter. Various small exhibitions up to 1977
1975 - 83 Employed at Madel-making and Taxidermy Department of the Natural History Museum, rising to Chief Model-Maker in 1980

During this period also working of TV and Film projects, sometimes on sabbatical leave. Painting and sculpture continue but no solo exhibitions after 1977 up to 1985. 1983-present. Full time work as director of own company serving the feature film industry as animatronic model-maker. Alongside film work exhibiting regularly in group and one person shows of painting and sculpture. In 1994 elected as member of the Roayl Society of British Sculptors.

Public Works

Leed University, Swindon Urban Council, British Museum of Natural History, Museum of Modern Art, Riga, Latvia, Museum of Childhood, Halifax, Museuam of Ohio USA, Museum of Natural Sciences

Teaching Experience
A wide variety of by-invitation lectures to Colleges on art, exhibition work and film-making.
Public Acquisitions
Private collections in Britain, USA, Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Russia, Australia and Kenya.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Busts and Heads Sculptures Commemoratives and Memorials Sculptures Famous People sculptures statues Human Figurative Sculptures African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Bronze Little or Small sculpture Elephants (Pachederms) Sculptures, African, Asian Indian, Sumatran Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Partial Animal sculptures Fragment or Part or Incomplete statues statuettes Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Horses Heavy / Working Shire, Cart, Plough, Dray, Barge, Horses Sculptures Statues statuettes commissions Human and Animal sculptures Small Animal Sculptures Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Asian Animals sculptures or statues Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks Domestic Animal Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture The Americas: Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Polo Pony and Pony sculpture / statue / statuette / figurine / ornament Portraits Commissions Memorials Racehorse Bronze, Stone, Resin, Silver Statues Small indoors and Large Lifesize Outside Young Animals including Cubs Calves Kittens Foals Lambs Fawns Pupies Pups Joeys Embryos sculpture Statues statuettes Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Australian and New Zealand Wild Life Animals at Play Sculptures Cats Sculpture Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Animals Hunting, Chasing and Pursuing Prey Sculptures Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
American Poets sculpture American Writers sculpture Bronze Poet Portraits statue Bronze Robert Frost statues Celebrity Poet portrait sculptures Famous Poets sculptures Poets in Bronze sculptures Poets portraits statues Robert Frost`s Head statuettes Abstract Bronze Elephant sculpture Abstract Elephant Head statue Abstract Tusker Head statue African wildlife sculpture Bronze Tusker Bust statue Contemporary African Elephant sculpture Contemporary Elephant Head sculpture Modern Elephant Head statue galloping horse sculpture Graham High Horse sculpture Indoor Horse statue Interior Galloping Horse statues Little Bronze Horse sculpture statue Little Running Horse Statue Running Horse sculpture Small Galloping Horse statue Tabletop Horse sculptures Bronze Abstract Elephant sculpture Bronze Elephant Head statue Eco Elephant Head sculpture Endangered African sculpture Little Elephant Head Contemporary statuettes Sculpture of Decay Semi Abstract Elephant statue Bronze Buffalo sculpture Bronze Indian Buffalo sculpture Bronze Water Bullalo sculpture Indian Buffalo sculpture Indian Buffalo statuette Indian Water Buffalo statue Little Bronze Cattle Sculpture Small Water Buffalo statue Standing Water Buffalo statue American Bison sculpture American Buffalo sculpture Bronze American Animal sculpture Bronze American Bison statues Bronze American Buffalo statue Bronze American Wildlife sculpture Bronze Bison statuette Little Buffalo statue Bronze Happy Horse sculpture Bronze Happy Horse statuettes Horse at Pasture statue Indoor Horse sculpture Little Horse maquette sculpture Little Horse statuette Relaxed Pony sculpture Small Bronze Horse statue Small Horse sculpture young Horse bronze Australian Wildlife sculpture Bronze Australian Animals statue Bronze Oz Animals statue Contemporary Small Kangaroo sculpture Kangaroo statues Life Like Kangaroo sculpture Male Kangaroo bronze statue Oz Wildlife statue Small Bronze Kangaroo sculpture Antipodean Wildlife sculpture Australian Animal sculpture Bronze Kangaroo statue Little Bronze Australian Animals Little Bronze Kangaroo sculpture model kangaroo sculpture Oz Animals statue Big Cat statue Bronze Big Cat statuette Bronze Jaguars Statue Little Big Cat Sculpture Little Bronze Jaguar Sculpture Pair Bronze Jaguar Statue Small Bronze Jaguar Sculpture Small Quarrelling Jaguars Sculpture Two Jaguars Sculpture Two Jaguars Statue Bronze Big Cat sculpture Bronze Charging Lion statue Bronze Lion Chasing Statue Indoor Hunting Lion Statue Indoor Lion Running Sculpture Lion Hunting Sculpture Little Bronze Lion sculpture Little Hunting Lion statue Running Lion sculpture Bounding Kangaroo sculpture Bounding Kangaroo statue Indoor Kangaroo sculpture Indoor Kangaroo statuette Jumping Kangaroo statue Little Jumping Kangaroo sculpture