eric kempson

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

The multi-talented Eric Kempson was born in Hampshire, England in 1955, and was brought up and educated in Winchester. His early career encompassed animal keeping, working with big cats and baboons in safari parks in England and Italy, estate management, and large-scale landscape design. In 1999 he moved to Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, with his wife and baby daughter.

He now devotes himself to his painting, and to sculpture in the local olive wood:- over the years he has perfected his own techniques for working this notoriously difficult material. His influences range from Ancient Greek and Old English mythology to twentieth century Surrealism, but for his sculptures he derives his main inspiration from the grain, texture, and shape of the wood he is working with at the time. Today, Lesvos is one of the main centers of olive cultivation in Greece, with the highest density of trees – over eleven million, more than 120 for every inhabitant of the island.

Eric lives and works in an olive grove in a valley within the mystic seven hills of Eftalou, home over the centuries to poets, writers, and seekers after peace and wisdom.

Much of his raw material, all personally selected, comes from within walking distance, from trees at the end of their working lives, often centuries old, which over time have developed the density and beautifully convoluted grain which makes working olive wood so difficult, but which is central to his work, and makes the finished pieces so rewarding.

Eric Kempson`s Statement
“I am not a “trained” artist. I never attended formal art training. My skills have grown and i have learned to express myself the old fashioned way, techniques by trial and error, inspiration from life itself and my surroundings. This is why i think my art is so varied, i have not been channeled into a way of thinking by other people. I love the surreal but also the classics, abstract and realism, spiritual and mythical.

Sculptures by eric kempson



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Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Carved Wood sculptures Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Phallic sculpture Buddha sculptures statues figurines statuettes Contemplative, Restful, Thougtful Sculptures Meditation sculpture/statues/statuettes/figurines Religious Sculpture Spiritual sculpture Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Objects of desire sculptures Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Stylized People Sculptures Corporate Sculptures Emerging Form or Face or Feature sculpture statue statuette for sale Surrealist Sculpture Busts and Heads Sculptures Art Inspired by Great Paintings Human Form: Abstract Sculptures Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Green Man (and Green Woman)Faces, Busts, Heads, Torsos Grotesque sculptures/statues /figurines to order Commission Custom Bespoke sculptures High Relief or Haute Relief Carving Sculpture Wall Panel casting in Bronze / Copper Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Primitive or Naive style Sculpture or Statuary Round Disk, Dish, Flat Circular Ring Shaped Sculptures / Statues statuette statuary Abstract Contemporary Modern Outdoor Outside Garden / Yard Sculptures Statues statuary Mask, Wall Hung Faces and Part Heads Sculptures, carvings panels Statues


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Abstract Carved Face sculpture Abstract Nose Wooden sculpture Carved Contemporary Nose sculpture Carved Wood Face sculpture Carved Wood Nose sculpture Eric Kempson Carved sculpture Humorous Wood sculpture Olive Wood Nose statue Surreal Nose sculpture Buddhist monk sculpture carved monk statue Greek olive wood statue Monk sculpture Monk sculpture for sale olive craft statue Olive wood monk statue olive wood spiritual sculpture Spiritual sculpture Abstract cyclops carvings statue Abstract Greek olive wood statues Cyclops sculpture cyclops wood surreal sculpture olive wood cyclops sculpture surreal sculpture unique Abstract wood sculpture Ascot Races Hat sculptures Carved Wood Female & Hat statues Carved Wood woman & hat sculptures Naive Carved Wood Woman statue Olive Wood Female sculpture original Abstract Woman sculpture Wood Carving sculpture of woman Wooden sculpture of lady & hat Greek Olive Wood Female sculptures Hooded Figure Wood Carving Olive Wood Carved Peace sculpture Olive Wood Peace sculpture for sale Spiritual Olive Wood sculpture for sale Spiritual sculpture in Wood Spiritual Woman Carving Woman Wood Craft statue Abstract Arm statues Abstract Eye emerging sculpture Carved Wood Abstract statue Carved Wood Eye sculpture Contemporary Carved Wood sculpture Contemporary surreal statue Greek olive Wood sculpture Hand Carved Wood statues olive wood surreal sculpture bust woman goddess statue Carved Olive Wood Madonna statue Carved Wood Madonna Bust statue Carved Wood Madonna sculpture Holy Madonna sculpture Maria Olive Wood sculptures Olive Wood Madonna Carving statue Our Lady sculpture Carving Religious sculpture Carved Wood The Scream statue Carved Wood the Scream statues Edvard Munch carvings Olive Wood carved statue olive wood sculpture of the scream Scream Wood Carving The Scream Carving statues The Scream wood sculptures Wood Carving The Scream sculpture Abstract statue Eric Kempson Carving statue meditation olive wood figures olive wood Abstract sculptures spiritual sculpture in olive wood Wood Caving Abstract statue for sale yoga position statue yoga sculptures yoga wood carving statue Carved Green Man Face sculpture Carved Wood Face statue Carved Wood Green Man Mask/statue Greek Olive Wood Face sculpture Hand Carved Wood Green Man Olive Wood sculpture Spiritual Olive Wood sculptures Wood Green Man statue Wooden Green Man sculpture Carved grotesque Face Primitive statues Carved Naive Face carving of green man in wood green man carving in olive wood Green Man sculptures green man statues in wood mask of green man in wood sculpture of green man in wood statue of green man in wood Carved Grotesque Face statue Carved Masks statues Carved Wood Faces sculpture Faces Carved in Olive Wood Olive Wood Face sculpture Primitive Face Carving statue split personality in olive wood statue Surreal Face sculptures Wooden Carved Face statues