eppe de haan

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Eppe de Haan began his artistic career as a painter having studied at the Royal Academy for the visual Arts in the Hague. As a painter he seemed to be searching for what could not be seen. His search led him to the three dimensionality of sculpture which has given him the possibility of revealing hidden depths, fracturing surfaces to discover what lies beyond, using a fragment to suggest the whole, juxtaposing different aspects to reflect the complexity and mystery of his subject.

There is an implicit movement in de Haan`s sculptures, a sense of past and present. The strong composition that defined his painting is always present in his sculpture. The beauty of marble, its inherent sensuality, its demand for discipline is able to express the tension between control and freedom which is so central to de Haan`s sculpture. This is very apparent in the sculptures of his angels; wanting to emerge yet holding back representative of a return to the dramatic narrative of some of his early paintings as well as perhaps a lessening of the control that has distinguished his recent work. (Helaine Blumenfeld 2007)

Sculptures by eppe de haan



Eppe was born in Arnhem in Holland in 1949
1974 - 92 Eppe de Haan worked as a painter and had many exhibitions in Holland since 1995 Working as a sculptor, mostly in Carrara white marble.

Public Acquisitions
COMISSIONED WORK • Beeldengalerij Het Depot, Wageningen, NL • City of Amsterdam, NL


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Bronze Garden Torso Sculpture Bronze Nude Female sculpture Bronze Nude Female statue Eppe de Haan Torso Sculpture Eppe de Haan Torso Statues Nude female garden sculpture Nude Female Torso sculpture Nude Female Torso statue Nude Garden Torso sculpture Contemporary Male Nude sculptures Marble Male Torso statues Marble Nude Male sculpture Marble Torso Marble Torso Garden statue modern Carved Nude Male sculptures Naked Male Torso in Marble Nude Carved Marble Torso sculptures Nude Man Torso sculptures bronze Male Torso sculpture bronze Nude Male Torso statue bronze Nude Torso Yard statue Human Figurative Garden sculptures Life Size Male Torso statues Life Size Torso sculptures Nude Male torso sculptures nude torso Garden statues statue of nude Men Carved Male bust sculptures Carved Marble Garden sculpture Carved Marble Male Head sculpture Carved Marble Portrait Head statue Carved Stone Head statue Male Head & Shoulders statues Marble Head & Shoulders sculpture Marble Human Figurative sculpture bronze Male Torso Nude statues bronze Nude Man Torso sculptures Human Figurative sculptures Life Size Nude Male sculptures Metal Male Torso sculptures Nude Male statues Nude Men torso sculpture statues of Men Torso statue 3 Nude Girls Relief plaque carved marble wall art Contemporary Nude Wall Panel statues Contemporary Wall Nude statues Marble Wall statue Nude Female Panel sculptures Three Graces Nude sculptures three Nudes Panel carving Wall Mounted Relief sculptures Abstract MARBLE NUDE TORSO statue Abstract nude torso sculpture Human nude Abstract sculpture NAKED GIRL TORSO sculpture semi-abstract nude torso sculptures Carved Marble Male Torso statue Carved Stone Torso Nude sculptures Contemporary Carved Torso sculpture Contemporary Nude Man sculpture Garden Marble Torso sculpture Marble Male Nude Torso statue Nude Torso Garden/Yard statues Stone Male Torso sculpture