david gross

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

David Gross works with wind-felled trees, wood from managed forests, and salvaged timbers with holes and markings that hint at its history. When he`s working wood, he is simultaneously looking for new ways of using it, while researching how it was used historically. Marks and holes from previous use and natural flaws and splits are exploited for expressive purposes.

He enjoys using wood to make sculptures from observation and study.
In recent years he has made several sculptural studies of natural subjects such as insects, leaves, seeds and faces.

To give his subjects the impact and attention to detail that they deserve, David enlarges them as much as possible, and, in order to free himself from the limits of the size and structure of a tree, he will often have to use some heavy duty joinery and construction.

There is a point in the production of each sculpture when the object starts to attain its own identity. This is when his focus shifts from observation to a more open ended experimentation in new directions arising from the juxtaposition of rudimentary wood technology and complex anatomy.

This interaction itself becomes meaningful as, for instance, when a carving of a face becomes a fragile membrane, bearing scars and weather beaten, a cracked and pinned-together skin, struggling to protect that which lies behind. Though all the sculptures are actually extremely strong and durable, vulnerability and fragility are implied in every case

David Gross works with wind-felled trees, wood from managed forests, and salvaged timbers with holes and markings that hint at its history. When he`s working wood, he is simultaneously looking for new ways of using it, while researching how it was used historically. Marks and holes from previous use and natural flaws and splits are exploited for expressive purposes.

He enjoys using wood to make sculptures from observation and study.
In recent years he has made several sculptural studies of natural subjects such as insects, leaves, seeds and faces.

To give his subjects the impact and attention to detail that they deserve, David enlarges them as much as possible, and, in order to free himself from the limits of the size and structure of a tree, he will often have to use some heavy duty joinery and construction.

There is a point in the production of each sculpture when the object starts to attain its own identity. This is when his focus shifts from observation to a more open ended experimentation in new directions arising from the juxtaposition of rudimentary wood technology and complex anatomy.

This interaction itself becomes meaningful as, for instance, when a carving of a face becomes a fragile membrane, bearing scars and weather beaten, a cracked and pinned-together skin, struggling to protect that which lies behind. Though all the sculptures are actually extremely strong and durable, vulnerability and fragility are implied in every case

Sculptures by david gross



Born: Bolton, 1960 of English and Lithuanian parents.

David Gross works with wind-felled trees, wood from managed forests, and salvaged timbers with holes and markings that hint at its history. When he`s working wood, he is simultaneously looking for new ways of using it, while researching how it was used historically. Marks and holes from previous use and natural flaws and splits are exploited for expressive purposes.

He enjoys using wood to make sculptures from observation and study.
In recent years he has made several sculptural studies of natural subjects such as insects, leaves, seeds and faces.

To give his subjects the impact and attention to detail that they deserve, David enlarges them as much as possible, and, in order to free himself from the limits of the size and structure of a tree, he will often have to use some heavy duty joinery and construction.

There is a point in the production of each sculpture when the object starts to attain its own identity. This is when his focus shifts from observation to a more open ended experimentation in new directions arising from the juxtaposition of rudimentary wood technology and complex anatomy.

This interaction itself becomes meaningful as, for instance, when a carving of a face becomes a fragile membrane, bearing scars and weather beaten, a cracked and pinned-together skin, struggling to protect that which lies behind. Though all the sculptures are actually extremely strong and durable, vulnerability and fragility are implied in every case.

Davids commissioners have included Durham Cathedral, Bowes Museum, The Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Hartlepool Museum, Beamish Museum, Hampshire Sculpture Trust, and The Forestry Commission, as well as many local authorities, schools and community groups


Medieval Sculpture, Aztec Sculpture, Egyptain Sculpture, African Sculpture, and especially North West Coast Americam Indian Sculpture

Public Works

Recent Residencies and Commissions
2015-6 Series of commissioned carvings and outreach work for Durham Cathedral.
2014 A giant sculpture based on a Horse Chestnut seed along with a seat and carved posts for Oxhey Park, Watford.
2013 A series of large scale sculptures based on the Cook voyages for Stewarts Park, Middlesbrough. Large curved backed seat with carvings for a community garden in Ecclefechan, Southern Scotland. Sculpture projects with Acre Rigg Infant and Junior schools in Peterlee, County Durham.
2012 A series of Large scale sculptures and seats for Shadforth park, County Durham.
Entrance gateway carvings for a new children`s park at Bowes Museum.
Carved seating project for Durham Cathedral Riverbank.
2011 Two large scale outdoor classroom structures including seating and carvings for Mortimer Primary School, South Shields.
Carved arched entrance feature for Chopwell Village, Gateshead.
Arched gateway carvings for the Ribbon Primary, Murton, County Durham.
2010 A series of large scale sculptures and seats for View Lane Park, Stanley, Co Durham.
Large Scale circular seat for North Cemetery, Hartlepool.
"Iron Man" an electronics and timber sculpture for Cotsford Junior School, Horden, County Durham.
Coundon and Leeholme Allotment project - Carved seating and shelter.
Maori Story-telling seats "Working with the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum for the Cultural Olympiad"
2009 "Mana Wacca" a twenty foot long Maori War Canoe made during a collaboration with George Nuku, a Maori artist.
A series of large scale carved seeds and leaves for Wingate Welfare Park, County Durham - phase 2.
Carving for signage to the new exhibition space at Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead.
2008 Healthworks, Easington - seating and large scale carvings focusing on health and water.
Wingate Welfare Park, woodland sculptures and seating - Phase 1.
Bowes Museum - "Story tree"
2007 Durham Cathedral - "St Cuthbert`s Chair"

Teaching Experience
David Gross has been involved in teaching since graduation in 85. The Euro Fellowship involved teaching at degree level in both Exeter and Rotterdam. In 87 he taught art at Fullbrook private school in Hampshire and has been contimually involved in projects with schools groups and colleges ever since
Public Acquisitions
David Gross commissioners have included Durham Cathedral, Bowes Museum, The Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Hartlepool Museum, Beamish Museum, Hampshire Sculpture Trust, and The Forestry Commission, as well as many local authorities, schools and community groups
INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES Most winters I travel to the french alps to take part in the Volliore Snow Carving Competition. 2006 Snow Carving Symposium, Valloire, France. 1999-2000 2000 Reasons to love the Earth, Exhibition touring major cities on six continents. 1996 Travelled to Lithuania to visit my Fathers birth place and to meet artists to discuss future exchanges. Guest artist at the Lithuanian Artsists Union Exhibition, in Kleipeda. Wood carving symposium in Tallin, Estonia. Snow Carving Symposium, Lavigno, Italy. 1995 Ice Carving in Volliore, including exhibition in 12 French Cities. Snow Carving Symposium in Volliore, France. 1994 Snow Carving Symposiums in San Candido and San Vigilio, Italy. 1992 Travelled to Moscow and Kiev to meet artists and discuss future exchanges. Sculpture Symposium in Sauve, Southern France. 1990 - 91 Exhibited with other British artists in Barcelona. 2nd Symposium in Oronsko, Poland, including exhibition in Warsaw. Symposium in Albi, France. Symposium in Oronsko


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Carved Wood Sculptures Dragons sculpture Fantasy sculpture or Statue Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Gods or Goddess, or Deity Sculptures Mermaid Water Babies Water and Sea Nymphs sculpture statue statuary for Outdoors in the Garden Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Beautifully Useful Functional Sculpture Carved and Engraved Lettering Writing Inscriptions Poems Quotations Carving Panels Sculptures Conceptual Art Sculptures statues often Large or Monumental Abstract Art Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Male Men Youths Masculine statues sculptures statuettes figurines Public Art Sculpture Conservatory sculptures Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Objects of desire sculptures Octopus, Cuttle Fish, Squid, Pearly Nautilus Amonite Shells Sculptures including Land and Sea and Freshwater Shells Fossil Shells Monumental Sculptures Site Specific Sculptures or Statues Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Floral, Fruit and Plantlife Sculpture Outsize, Very Big, Extra Large and Massive Sculptures Fruit Sculpture Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Chainsaw Sculpture Figurative Public Art Sculptures Birds of Prey Raptors Hawks Eagles Falcons Owls Sculptures Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Garden Wildlife Sculptures Owls sculptures Wild Bird Sculptures Celtic Knot Work and Traditional Sculptures Good Luck sculpture Green Man (and Green Woman)Faces, Busts, Heads, Torsos Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Bas Reliefs or Low Reliefs


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Carved Female statue Carved Wood sculpture carved wooden creature sculpture free standing sculpture Greek myth sculpture life sized female figure mythological creature sculpture wooden garden sculpture Bench statue carved seat Sculpture Carved Seat Statue Easter Island inspired Sculpture ethnographic sculpture outdoor sculpture outdoor seats Sculpture picture grams Sculpture Primitive sculpture Primitive Statue sculptures for parks Carved statue Carved wooden figure Carved wooden sculpture Easter island head Easter Island inspired Ethnographic art Park Sculpture Big Garden shell sculpture Big Sea shell statue Big Seashell Wood Carving sculpture carved whelks statues carved wooden shell Garden Carved Wood Shell statues Giant Whelk Garden sculptures Maple wood Carved shells Outsize Shell Carving statue Big sculpture for parks Captain Cook`s Travels Carving Carved Animals Totem Pole Carved Focal Point Statue Carved Totem Pole Commission Carved Tribal art Monumental Totem Pole Carving North west coast American Indian carving Wood Totem Tribal carving Big Chestnut Leaf Seat Carved Leaf Garden sculpture Carved Leaf Seat sculpture Carved Oak Bench Carved Wooden Seat Commission Chestnut Leaf Bench Functional Garden sculpture Ornamental Carved oak Seat Ornamental Garden Seat Unusual Carved Wooden seat Carved Nut Indoor sculpture Carved seed sculpture Carved Wood Nut statue Conker wood carving giant Nut Art Monumental Conker carving Outsize Sweet Chestnut sculpture Plant sculpture Sweet Chestnut wood Carving Wood Carved sculpture for forests Big Carved Wooden Hand sculpture Big Wood Arts Carved Hand Gestures statue Carved Wooden Hand sculptures Chainsaw Carving Hand sculptures Elm wood Carving Hand sculpture Giant Hand carving Massive Wooden Hand & Spider statues sculpture for the Garden Big Bird of Prey sculpture bird statues Carved Animal Totem sculpture Carved Out sized Kite sculpture Carved Wood Bird sculpture Eagle sculpture Wood Carved Bird Statue Wood Carved Kite sculpture Wood Carving sculpture Wood Totem Carving sculpture Big Wood Carving Owl sculpture Bird of Prey sculpture Bird of Prey statue Carved Wood Owl sculpture Giant Carved Wooden Owl statue Large Carved Wood Owl statue Massive Carved Owl sculptures Outsize Eagle Owl sculpture Outsize Owl Carving sculpture Carved Man`s Face Gates Carved Relief statues Carved Wooden Face Gates Green Man Carved Wood sculptures Green Man Gate Wood Carvings Green Man Gates Green Man sculptures Green Man Wooden Cupboard Doors Oak Wood Green Man Carvings Wood Spirit Carvings Carved Green Man Gates Carved Green Man screens Green Man Carved Doors Green Man Carved Doors sculptures Green Man Cupboard Doors Green Man Wood Carvings Inside Wood Carved statues Wood Green Man Carving Wooden Green Man Indoor Relief