christine fox

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Christine Fox created abstract sculpture in stainless steel and other materials. She trained at Winchester School of Art and got her first commission when she was in the first year of the degree course there. Since then, her work has been in great demand for commissions. She was also invited to exhibit widely and her sculptures have been bought for collections all over the UK. Her last work was exploring aspects of time, and change over time. The flowing forms of the steel reflect the ebb and flow of nature as well as life, and although there is much energy in the swirling forms, there is also a sense of peace and stillness. We shall miss her and her art. This is one of the last pieces she made.

These works are part of my series exploring aspects of time, inspired by the Time`s Arrow/Time`s Cycle debate. Is time monodirectional and history a series of unique events, or is it cyclical? This is not just in the Buddhist sense of reincarnation, but of cyclical events in the world around us – for example the forming and reforming of natural features on earth, the ebb and flow of the tides and the movement of planets as they follow paths which are often elliptical, swinging away and then returning.The dart like and oval shapes which were my starting point, reflect this dichotomy.

My work also references the human experience – life is a process of development and change. We start out as a blank sheet,a tabula rasa and our life experience changes us into something more complex but much more interesting. We may start out at one point and end up somewhere entirely different and yet it is possible to trace the path we took and why.

Sculptures by christine fox



Before I took up art professionally, I had a career in education, as a linguist, lecturer and education manager. Art was always a major interest and I studied many aspects of art. I had always been especially drawn to 3D art and several years ago, I studied for a year with a local sculptor and then gained a place at Winchester school of Art on the sculpture degree course. I got my first commission when I was in first year and since then have successfully completed many more commissions. My work is exhibited widely and is in private collections all over the UK.

Public Acquisitions
Two works bought by Millstream Sculpture Garden, Wiltshire, for the permanent collection.