camilla le may

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Camilla Le May had a passion for clay modelling from her early teens but it was only after encouragement from the late Sir Eduardo Paolozzi, on a Masterclass at Edinburgh College of Art, that she decided to pursue sculpting seriously.

Her work has been exhibited by established galleries since 2000 and bought by private collectors worldwide, having been acquired for a Royal collection. Elected as an Associate member of the Society of Equestrian Artists, she has won awards from the British Sporting Art Trust, the Society of Wildlife Artists and been shortlisted for the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year.

Her work ranges from silver jewellery to her monumental, life size bronze of Sefton, commissioned for the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) and unveilled by HRH The Princess Royal. Camilla was the inaugural Artist in Residence for the RVC where she gave workshops, attended dissections, had expert critique on anatomy by vets and had access to the RVC structure and motion lab:

“…this has given me a more thorough understanding of anatomy and gait in different species and encouraged a deeper level of observation, which has been invaluable to the development of my sculpture practice.”
Camilla Le May`s work is modelled in clay or wax and then cast into bronze. Having worked at a bronze foundry she is very particular about the finish, doing all the waxwork, final chasing and many of the patinas herself.

Her love of animals / wildlife and wilderness areas was initially fostered by growing up on her parents’ small farm and by spending her youth competing on home produced horses. She has spent much time based in Africa and presently splits her time between the UK and Kenya, wherever possible sculpting directly from life, ideally in the animal`s natural surroundings:

“…this way I am able to better capture my subjects anatomy and behaviour and I am increasingly moving towards sculpting individuals rather than a generic species type.”

To this end she has converted her land rover into a mobile studio so that she can sculpt from life in Kenya.

Camilla is dedicated to raise as much funds as possible, mainly for wildlife conservation, through charity auctions of her work as well as donating back a % from private sales. Over $71,000 has been raised to date, supporting various charities with two thirds being for wildlife and rhinos in particular. Charities supported include: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Tusk Trust., Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Wild Aid, Big Life Foundation, Tsavo Trust, Save the Rhino, The Perfect World Foundation, The Household Cavalry Foundation, and Retraining of Racehorses

Sefton, life size for the Royal Veterinary College
Portrait bust of an ANC activist, the late Gert Sibande for Secunda Municipal Chamber.
Polo pony bust: Trophy for the best thoroughbred polo pony of the year presented at the Cartier International Polo Tournament and for Michaelhouse v Hilton old boys tournament, S.Africa.

Numerous dog and horse portraits including Golden Horn best turf racehorse of 2015.

Anatomy is as important as getting to know and capturing something typical of the animal`s behaviour and character. For this life study is key and ideally from the animal`s natural environment. I do at times refer to animals in captivity but this is in addition to study in the wild.

I am particularly fascinated by animal behaviour and am continually delighted and surprised by wonderful and unexpected interactions between species and by the strong bonds seen between related and non related wild animals. I am keen to record this in my work and through this to build awareness and appreciation that animals are feeling, sentient and complex beings with an intelligence and understanding that tends to be much underrated.

Sculptures by camilla le may



2016 Travel Africa
2016 Your Wadhurst
2016 The Sussex Courier
2016 The Kent Messenger
2014 West Sussex County Times
2014 The Field
2014 BBC News
2014 Belfast Telegraph
2013 Business Daily Africa
2013 The Lady
2013 Country Life
2013 The Courier
2013 Horse and Hound
2013 BBB News
2013 BBB News
2013 Free News Posts
2013 The British Army
2013 This is Devon
2013 London Times 24
2013 WH Times
2013 Yorkshire Post
2013 BBC News South East
2013 Horse Talk New Zealand Online
2013 Newmarket Journal
2013 Elite Equestrian
2013 The Leicester Mercury
2013 The BBC
2013 The Mail Online
2012 BBC
2012 Belfast Telegraph
2012 The Northern Echo
2012 Brighton Argus
2012 Sussex Radio and Meridian TV news
2012 Metro Scotland
2012 The Metro
2012 The Irish Newsletter
2012 The Scottish Herald
2012 Yorkshire Post
2012 The Belfast Telegraph
2012 The Royal Veterinary College Website page on Sefton
2012 Sunday Telegraph Arts Feature on the Sefton project
2012 International Thoroughbred, Art Feature.
2012 The British Sporting Art Trust Newsletter.
2009 Country Life.
2009 The British Sporting Arts Trust Newsletter.
2008 Country Life.
2007 The British Sporting Art Trust Newsletter.
2007 Weekly News, UK.
2007 BBC News online.
2004 Africa Geographic.
2004 Articles in various local papers in Jo`burg.
2004 Radio 702 SA FM with Boo Prince, Jo`burg.
2004 BBC Radio 4 "Bush Lessons".
2003 South African Country Life.
2003 South African Country Life.
2003 Designer&Artists Copyright Society Newsletter.
2003 South African Country Life.
2002 SA Millionaire.
2002 South African Country Life.
2001 Animal Planet (TV), featured in series with Chris Packam and Michaela Strachan.
2000 Business and Arts South Africa News.

Teaching Experience
2010/11 Extra Curricular Sculpture Workshops for Royal Veterinary College students. 2009 Workshop for Bow Arts Trust, London. 2004 Private sculpture lessons for adults at Gillian Bickell Ceramics, Johannesburg. 2004 Sculpture workshops for Imbali Community Art Centre, Kaghiso, S.Africa. Taught ages 16-18 and advised on improvements at the studio to encourage learning and motivation. 2001-03Weekly private art, sculpture/ pottery lessons, children aged 5-14, Waterberg S. Africa 2001-03: Nedcor art in the community project for the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO), S.Africa, voluntary teacher/project coordinator, solely responsible for the project.
Public Acquisitions
Camilla Le May`s Work is in various private art collections in: Argentina, France, Italy, Kenya, Monaco, Singapore, South Africa, U.K. and U.S.A. and has been bought by the following art collectors: Sir Tim Chessells, Hon. J. Donovan, Markus Jooste (South Africa), Harvey Keitel (USA), Anthony Oppenheimer, John N Rose (Monaco), Mary Slack (South Africa), Tommy Sopwith, Sir Jeremy and Lady Sullivan, Mr and Mrs Charles Whitbread, Mark Willcox (South Africa), Sir Charles Williams, Barbados. Commissions: 2014 Portrait of Tam a thoroughbred mare. 2012 Sefton, Life size for the Royal Veterinary College. 2009 Portraits of two Golden Retrievers for Caroline and John Wild. 2008 Tibet, Anglo Arab cross Warmblood mare for Jane Halhead. 2007 Flossie, King Charles Spaniel for Teresa Birtles. 2005 Twyford Florin (Champion Welsh pony) ridden Side Saddle for Edwina Le May. 2004 Portrait bust of the late Gert Sibande for Secunda Municipal Chamber, South Africa. 2004 Cindy & Gizmo, Two Dachshunds, for Mike Halhead. 2004 Speedy, thoroughbred polo pony for trophy for Michaelhouse versus Hilton old boys polo tournament, Inanda Club Johannesburg. Later editions sold for trophy for the best thoroughbred polo pony of the year presented at the Cartier International Polo Tournament. 2001 Jasper, Golden Retriever for Sylvie Kahn Freund. 2001 Woodsorrel, Welsh pony for Camrosa Equestrian Ltd. 1999 Jody, Hungarian Vizla for the late Edwin Parish MBE and Nicholas Parish. 1999 Hare for People`s trust for Endangered Species.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Champions sculptures statues statuettes figurines Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Racehorse Bronze, Stone, Resin, Silver Statues Small indoors and Large Lifesize Outside Stallion Sculpture Statue Statuette African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Animals at Play Sculptures Birds Displaying sculpture statue statuette Flightless Bird sculptures Ostriches, Emus, Casawaries, Dodos and other large flightless birds sculpture Statues Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Antelope sculpture Bronze Little or Small sculpture Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks Frogs Toads, Newts, Salamanders and Amphibians Humorous Witty Amusing Lighthearted Fun Jolly Whimsical Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Reptiles Sculptures and Amphibian Sculptures Small Animal Sculptures Conservatory sculptures Elephants (Pachederms) Sculptures, African, Asian Indian, Sumatran Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Arab and Warm Blood Horse sculpture Statues stauettes Busts and Heads Horse and Rider/Jockey Sculpture/Equestrian Sculptures Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Extinct Animals Sculptures Rhino and Rhinoceros Hippo and Hippopotamus sculpture statue statuette Jewellery Inspired by Sculpture Sculptural Jewellery Precious Metals Animal sculptures statues statuettes ornaments Insects and Bugs Sculptures Scarabs and Beetles Bugs Sculptures Statues statuette Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Cats Wild and Big Cats Sculpture Lions and Tigers sculptures statues


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Bronze Equine sculpture Bronze Racehorse sculpture Bronze Racehorse statue Custom Commission sculpture Equine sculpture Equine statue Horse Commission Statue Horse sculpture Little Bronze Racehorse statue Racehorse Commission Sculpture African Wildlife statue Bronze Rhino statue Bronze White Rhino statues Camilla Le May Sudan statues Endangered Species sculpture Northern White Rhino sculpture Northern White Rhino statue Rhino sculpture Sudan White Rhino statue White Rhino sculpture Elephant Necklace sculpture Elephant Necklace statue Largest Tusk Elephant sculpture Little Elephant Jeweller Necklace sculpture Satao Elephant Sculpture Satao Elephant statue Silver Elephant Sculpture Silver Elephant Statue Silver Necklace sculpture Camilla Le May Sculpture Elephant Brooch sculptures Elephant Silver brooch Sculptures Elephant Silver Brooch Statue Elephant statues Silver Brooch Statue Wild Animal sculptures African Insect Sculpture Bronze Dung Beetle Sculpture Bronze Dung Beetle Statue Camilla Le May Dung Beetle Statue Camilla Le May Statue Dung Beetle Sculpture Insect statue Life Size Beetle Sculpture Small Bronze Beetle Statue bronze Rhino statuettes Bronze Rhinoceros Sculpture Camilla Le May Rhino sculpture Endangered Rhino statue Sudan Last Male Rhino statues Sudan the last Male Rhino Sculpture White Rhino statue Bronze Lions Couple sculpture Bronze Lions statuettes Bronze Lions Walking statuette Bronze Little Lion & Lioness statuette Bronze Little Lion statuette Little Lion & Lioness Bronze statue Metal Lions Walking sculptures Small Lion & Lioness sculpture