boriss ivanov
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Boriss Ivanov was born in Estonia, is considered one of the most successful sculptors in Estonia with a solid clients in Europe, North and South America. His natural ability meant that he had not had to be trained and therefore unable to creat work that is completely original, without restricting the influence of modernism and history.
Sculptures by boriss ivanov
Sculptor without art education.,Sculptor without art education.
Boris Ivanov (Reisberg) sculptor without art education. First gain skills in sculpture began in 1992, she is independent. In the works of such materials as wood, granite, marble, stone color, amber.
Public Works
2010, a judge of the contest among children "the sculptor Donatello".
Public Acquisitions
Boriss Ivanov collections of previous works are already in private collections in Greece, Germany, France, Russia, Belgium, Sweden, USA GB. His works are in the collection of Narva Museum.

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