blacksmith kristan

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

BLACKSMITH KRISTAN welcomes you into the world of hand-forged wrought iron.

Sculptures by blacksmith kristan


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Prehistoric Monsters Sculptures and Mthical Monsters like Dragons and Hypogriphs Public Art Sculpture Reptiles Sculptures and Amphibian Sculptures Abstract Animal sculptures Abstract Interior Indoor Sculpture Statue Abstract Minimalist Undersrtated Sculpture Abstract Modern Contemporary statues sculpture statuary Affordable Inexpensive Bargain Sculpture Statues Aligators, Crocodiles, Lizards, Ghekos, Chameleons, Cayman, Mugger Gavial, Iguana sculpture Statues Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animals at Play Sculptures Animals on the Go Sculpture Art Enhanced Found or Recycled Object sculpture Statues or statuettes Beaten and Hammered Iron Sculpture Black sculpture or statues Dragons sculpture Extinct Animals Sculptures Focal Point Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue Fun Amusing People Sculptures Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Little Reptile Sculpture Mild Steel sculptures statues statuesses Shelf Size Sculpture Small Little Shelf Sculpture Stick Like Sculpture or statues or statuettes or Figurines Stylised Animals Sculpture Stylized Animals Sculptures Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures Fabricated or Forged Metal Abstract sculpture Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Modern Abstract Contemporary Avant Garde Sculptures or Statues or statuettes or statuary Outdoors Garden or Yard sculpture Outside Outdoors Sculptures Statues Recycled Materials / Objets trouvees or Upcycle sculpture Statues statuettes Statue Statues statuettes Steel Rod and Metal Bar Sculptures or Statues Yard Outdoor Sculptures