Bill Pricket

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Sculptures by Bill Pricket


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Abstract Fish sculptures African Animal and Wildlife Sculptures Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Carved or Carving sculpture Carved Wood Sculptures Fish Sculpture & Statues Indoor Inside Interior Abstract Contemporary Modern Sculptures Indoors Interior sculptures Inside Sculpture Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Marine Maritime Water Sea sculpture statue statuette Sea Fish sculptures Shoal of Fish Pod of Dolphins Whales Porpoises sculptures statues Wall Mounted or Wall Hanging sculpture Wall Panel Carved Engraved Cast Moulded Sculpture Statue plaque Wild Animals and Wild Life Sculptures American Wildlife Sculpture Animal Kingdom Sculpture & Statues Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Asian Animals sculptures or statues Birds in Flight, Birds Flying Sculptures or Statues Birds of Prey Raptors Hawks Eagles Falcons Owls Sculptures Birds Perched at Rest Sculpture Birds Sculptures & Statues Bronze Bird Sculpture Statue Bronze Little or Small sculpture Bronze Statue Sculpture Cast From Original Carved or Found Wood or Stone sculpture statue Colourful Polychrome Sculpture Multi-Coloured Statues statuettes statuary European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Farewell Goodbye Parting Au Revoir Adieu sculptures statues carvings statuettes figurines Garden Or Yard / Outside and Outdoor Sculptures Garden Wildlife Sculptures Life Size Bird Sculpture Lifelike Bird Sculpture Lifelike Realistic Coloured Painted sculpture Statue Nocturnal Birds and Animals Sculpture statues Owls sculptures Perched Birds sculptures statues carvings Predators Carnivores Hunters Flesh Eaters sculptures Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue Realistic Representational Sculpture sculptures/statues Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Wild Bird Sculptures Deer Sculptures Field Sports, Game Animals Sculptures Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Small Animal Sculptures Animal Busts or Heads or Masks or Trophies For Sale or Commission Animals in Repose Resting Sleeping Lying Animals on the Go Sculpture Antelope sculpture Bronze Animal Sculpture Bronze Garden sculpture Busts and Heads Sculptures Heads Busts Sculpture Life Size Animal Sculpture Lifelike Animal Sculpture Lifelike Deer and Antelope Sculpture Mask, Wall Hung Faces and Part Heads Sculptures, carvings panels Statues Outdoors Garden or Yard sculpture Outside Outdoors Sculptures Statues Painted Coloured Tinted Patinated Enamelled sculptures statues statuettes Statues statuettes The Americas: Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Yard Outdoor Sculptures Animals and Birds in Flight sculpture Awards, Trophies, Presentations and Prizes Sculptures Game Birds including Pheasant Capercaillie Partridge Black Cock Ptarmigan Grouse Sculpture Little Bird Sculpture Statue Small Bird Sculptures Statues Animals at Play Sculptures Badger, Otter, Beaver, Weasel, Stoat, Pine Martin, Wombat Sculptures Best Seller sculpture statues Birds at Rest sculpture statues for sale Aquatic sculptures Fish/Shells/Sharks/Seals/Corals/Seaweed Beavers and Otters Sculptures statues Abstract Bird Sculpture statue statuette Nativity Scene sculptures carvings statuettes statuary Acrobat Tumbler Gymnast or Gymnastic sculpture/statue/statuette/figurine Ballet Dancer Ballerina Classical Dance sculptures statues statuettes Figurines Dance Sculptures and Ballet sculptures Females Women Girls Ladies Sculptures Statues statuettes figurines Cattle, Kine, Cows, Bulls, Buffalos, Bullocks, Heifers, Calves, Oxen, Bison, Aurocks, Yacks Commission and Custom and Bespoke sculpture Statues Domestic Animal Sculpture Farm Yard Sculptures Sport sculpture Octopus, Cuttle Fish, Squid, Pearly Nautilus Amonite Sharks Rays Devil Fish Dogfish sculptures statues


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Carved Fish Sculpture Contemporary Carved Fish sculpture Indoor Carved Fish sculpture Interior Carved fish sculpture Little Carved Fish Sculpture Modern Carved Fish sculpture Shoal of Fish sculpture Small Fish Carving Sculpture Swimming Fish sculpture Swimming Manta Rays sculpture Swimming shoal Sculpture Bill Prickett Barn Owl statues Bill Prickett Bird in Flight Sculptures Bill Prickett Bronze Barn Owl statues Bill Prickett Wild Life Sculptures Bronze Barn Owl statues bronze Birds of Prey sculptures Bronze Birds of Prey statuettes bronze Raptor sculptures Indoor Bronze Barn Owl sculptures Indoors Owl sculptures Lifelike Barn Owl sculpture Little Bronze Barn Owl statuette Metal Raptor statues Realistic Barn Owl sculpture Realistic Barn Owl statues Bronze Deer Bust Sculpture Bronze Roe Buck Bust Bronze Roe Buck sculpture bronze Stag statuary Deer Mask statues Life Size Roe Buck statues Metal Roe Buck Bust Metal Roe Deer Bust Patinated Bronze Stag statue Roe Buck Stag Bust statue Roe Buck statue Bill Prickett Deer Portrait sculpture Bill Prickett Deer Sculptures Bill Prickett Roe Stag Bronze Sculpture Bill PrickettRoe Deer Trophy Sculpture Bronze Roe Buck statue Bronze Roe Deer sculpture Bronze Roe Deer statue Roe Stag Bust Stag statue Bill Prickett Barn Woodcock Sculptures Bill Prickett Jinking Woodcock Sculptures bronze Flying Woodcock statuettes bronze Woodcock statue Flying Woodcock sculpture Indoor Flying Woodcock statuette Little bronze Woodcock statuette Little Game In Flight Bird sculpture Metal Woodcock in Flight sculpture small Wood Cock Flying statue Woodcock bronze statuette Woodcock In Flight sculpture bronze Otter Cavorting sculptures Bronze Otter statuettes bronze Swimming Otter statues Little Otter bronzes Little Swimming Otter statues Metal Otter in water sculptures Metal Otter Swimming figurine Metal sculptures Tabletop Bronze Otter statuettes Bill Prickett statues bronze Barn Owl statue Large Bronze Raptor statues Perched Barn Owl sculpture bronze Fishing Otter statuettes bronze Otter Swimming sculptures Little bronze Otter sculptures Little Otter sculptures Little Playing Otter statuettes otter Figurines small bronze Otter figurine small bronze Otter statue small Otter Playing Figurine Bill Prickett Bird Sculptures Bronze Bird statue bronze Garden Bird sculpture Bronze Life size Robin sculpture bronze Robin Sitting statuette bronze Sitting Robin statuette Little Robin statuette Metal Robin Sitting statues Small Garden Bird sculpture Small Robin Bronze statuette bronze Female Gymnast figurine bronze Girl Gymnast sculptures bronze Girl Gymnast statuettes bronze Girl Gymnastic statues Gymnastic Female sculptures Little bronze Gymnast statue Metal Active Gymnastic sculpture small bronze Woman Gymnast statuettes Bull carving sculpture Bull carving statue Bull statue Carved Animal commission Carving Carved Bull sculpture Carved Wood Commissions sculptures Spanish bull sculpture Spanish Bull statue Wood carving of a Bull sculpture Wood Carving of a Bull statue Carved Wood Marine sculpture Carved Wood Octopus sculpture Carved Wood Sea creature sculpture Carved Wood statue Life Size Octopus carving sculpture Octopus carving in Wood sculpture Octopus statue Prize Winning sculpture Wild Life Carving statue