Bétina Broussaud is a French visual artist.
After living in Paris for a long time, she found happiness in Ardèche.
Her Art revolves around what makes her tick, nature and animals.
She likes to explore new techniques, evolving over time and through chance encounters and enriching exchanges.
For Bétina Broussaud, taming matter is a permanent exaltation.
When she creates her works, her desire is to provoke vibrations of well-being, she wants them to be powerful, soothing as nature can be.

Her favorite material is driftwood with its strength resulting from a long journey, sometimes rocked by the waves, sometimes smashed on the rocks to such an extent that it is eroded, its shapes have softened, rounded and its colors have so many contrasts that they become such a beautiful painting which is only a testimony of a LIFE.

Bétina Broussaud est une artiste plasticienne Française.
Après avoir vécue longtemps à Paris, elle a trouvé son bonheur en Ardèche.
Son Art tourne autour de ce qui la fait vibrer, la nature et les animaux.
Elle aime explorer de nouvelles techniques, évoluant avec le temps et le hasard de belles rencontres et d’échanges enrichissants.
Pour Bétina Broussaud dompter la matière est une exaltation permanente.
Lorsqu’elle crée ses œuvres, son désir est de provoquer des vibrations de bien être, elle désire qu’elles soient puissantes, apaisantes comme la nature peut l’être.

Sa matière préféré est le bois flotté avec sa force qui résulte d’un long périple, tantôt bercé par les flots, tantôt fracassé sur les rochers à tels point qu’il en est érodé, ses formes se sont adoucies, arrondies et ses couleurs ont tellement de contrastes qu’elles en deviennent un si beau tableau qui n’est qu’un témoignage d’une VIE.

Sculptures by betina broussaud



Artiste plasticienne, je suis née en 1964.
Je suis entièrement autodidacte, j’ai toujours aimé tester de nouvelles méthodes de travail et je me suis enrichie dans mes connaissances grâce à de belles rencontres.
Mon travail tourne toujours autour de la nature et des animaux, une passion.

Public Acquisitions
Sculture exposée à Marols 42460. H 1m80 x L 1m. Commande pour un circuit pédestre de 9 km présentant cinq oeuvres d`art au détour des chemins du village du Haut Forez.


This artists work is found in the following categories on site:
Animal Abstract Contemporary Modern Stylised Minimalist Sculptures Animal Memento happy Reminder sculpture statue statuette Animals and Humans Sculptures, Statues and Statuettes Awards, Trophies, Presentations and Prizes Sculptures Horse Sculpture/ Equines Race Horses Pack HorseCart Horses Plough Horsess Horses Abstract/Semi Abstract /Stylised/Contemporary/Modern statues sculptures statuettes Horses Small, for Indoors and Inside Display Statues statuettes Sculptures figurines commissions commemoratives Interior Indoors Inside Sculpture Objets Trouve or Found Objects sculptures or statues Abstract Plants Fruits Trees Leaves Flowers statues sculptures Allegorical /Parable Sculpture Angular Jagged Abstract Modern Contemporary sculpture statuary European Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Hares and Rabbits Sculptures Human and Animal sculptures Pet and Animal Portrait Custom or Bespoke or Commission Commemorative or Memorial sculpture statue Tabletop Desktop Small Indoor Statuettes Figurines Sculptures Abstract Fish sculptures Aquatic sculptures Fish/Shells/Sharks/Seals/Corals/Seaweed Carved Abstract Contemporary Modern sculpture statue carving Endangered Animal Species Sculptures Abstract Contemporary Modern Large Monumental Public Art sculpture statues statuary Angels Profane Fallen Sculptures statues Angels Sacred sculpture Statues Partial Animal sculptures Fragment or Part or Incomplete statues statuettes Dogs Wild, Foxes, Wolves, Sculptures / Statues Realistic Representational Lifelike Animal sculpture statue The Americas: Animal / Wildlife Sculptures Big Large Birds sculptures statues Birds in Flight, Birds Flying Sculptures or Statues Contemporary Abstract / Stylised / Minimalist Bird Sculptures Metamorphosis sculpture statue Mythical Legendry Folk Lore Sculptures Wild Bird Sculptures Anatomical Sculptures of parts of the human body Assemblages Sculptures, Made from a Variety of Pieces or Bits collected together Fantasy sculpture or Statue Figurative Abstract Modern or Contemporary Sculptures Statues statuary statuettes figurines Objects of desire sculptures Primitive or Naive style Sculpture or Statuary Game Birds including Pheasant Capercaillie Partridge Black Cock Ptarmigan Grouse Sculpture Stylised Birds sculptures/statues/statuary/ornaments figurines/statuettes Horse Head or Bust or Mask or Portrait sculpture statuettes statue figurines Carved Wood sculptures Horses Heavy / Working Shire, Plough, Dray, Barge, Horses Sculptures Statues statuettes commissions


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