anthony moman

This artist accepts commissions

Mediums Used

Anthony Moman is a British contemporary artist. He is inspired as much by the material as the world around him, whether it be harsh urban landscapes, or classical baroque architecture. He seeks out materials that evoke an emotion because of their connotations whether positive or negative and transforms them into objects of desire and want.

Sculptures by anthony moman



Graduated St.Alban`s Art and Design 1983. Worked in advertising, real estate, finance.

Public Works

2014 Civic Art Museum,Follonica acquired artwork for permanent collection.

Public Acquisitions
Acquisitions Sculpture " Toilet Man in wire and toilet paper acquired by multinational headquarters. Artwork acquired by UK hotel corporate collection. Art acquired by US advertising co. Art acquired by international financier Barbed wire sculptures and syringe sculptures acquired by Tattoo Tequila.


This artists work is found in the following tags on site:
Anthony Moman steel Skull statues Contemporary Skull sculptures Contemporary Skull Wall sculptures Figurative Contemporary Head sculptures Medical Syringes Skull sculpture syringe art Skull statues syringe artist Anthony Moman Unique Skull sculptures contemporary Love Upcycle sculpture Contemporary love Wall sculpture Love Heart Wall sculpture Medical Love Token statues Minimalist Contemporary Heart statue Minimalist Love Message statue Modern Traditional Love sculpture Pink Heart Recycle statues Abstract Figurative Head sculptures Abstract Wire Head statues Barbed Wire Face sculptures Barbed Wire Iron Mask statues Big Barbed Head Wire statues Big Steel Head statues Outsize Wire Head sculptures semi-abstract Head statues Steel Head sculptures Abstract modern Wire Face sculptures Abstract Mythical Medusa sculptures Barbed Wire bust sculptures Barbed Wire Face statues Medusa Wire sculpture Mythical sculptures in Wire Wire Bust sculptures Wire Medusa Monster sculpture Woven Wire Face statues Barbed Wire Art statues Figurative Upcycle Wire sculpture Hanging Male Torso statues Life Size Man`s Torso sculptures Male Torso sculptures semi-abstract Torso statues Suspended Wire Torso statues Wire Human Hanging Torso statue Wire Man Torso statues Contemporary Girl Torso statues Iron Maiden sculpture Iron Maiden statues Nude Torso Wire sculpture Nude Wire statues Nude Wire Torso statue Nude Woman Torso Suspended Wire Torso sculpture Wire Torso sculpture Woman Torso sculpture Woman Torso statue